Your interview is scheduled at 1:45 PM. What time should you arrive?
  • 1:50 PM
  • 1:45 PM
  • 1:30 PM
  • 1:00 PM
You are welcomed into the office for an interview. What should you not do?
  • Plop down in a chair, & pull your phone out
  • Wait quietly until they are seated first
  • Shake hands with the interviewees then take a seat
  • Say thank you, and then ask if you can take a seat
What should you do before you interview with a company?
  • Add the interviewers to all your social media
  • Do some background research on the job
  • Ask them if they serve food during the interview
  • Tell them you have another interview 15 minutes after theirs
Why should you bring extra copies of your CV and cover letter?
  • You should not bring extra copies
  • Because you want to show off to the interviewers
  • In case you never sent it to them in the first place
  • In case there are more people interviewing you, you can offer it to them
If you had issues with a previous boss or co-worker, and they ask you why you didn't get along, what would be an appropriate answer? 
  • "They wanted me to do too much."
  • "Our leadership styles just did not match up."
  • "I disagreed with what they wanted most of the time."
  • "They didn't know what they were doing, so I tried to correct them."
If they ask you "Do you have any questions for us?" what would be a good question to ask? 
  • "If hired, how many days would I be allowed to call in sick?"
  • "If hired, what would expect of me in the first few months?"
  • "How much do you pay?"
  • Just say no questions. 
"Do you have any questions for us?" How do you respond? 
  • No, thank you! 
  • Yes, who else are you interviewing?
  • Yes, can you talk about the culture of the company?
  • Yes, would I have to deal with the public?
When should you sit down in an interview?
  • As soon as you walk into the room
  • When you are asked to be seated
  • Never
  • When you feel like it
What's a good answer: "What are your strengths?"
  • Well, what strengths are you looking for?
  • I would say my best strengths would be my positive attitude and my organizational skills....
  • Three Words: Hard-working. Alpha-Male. Jackhammer. Merciless.
  • I would say my best strengths would be my attention span. 
What's a good answer: "Can you tell me a time when you had a conflict and how you reacted?"
  • No; I typically don't ever have any problems or issues with people.
  • I could not figure out how to solve a math problem, so I simply gave up.
  • A classmate and I disagreed on a project, so we rationally discussed on our own time to compromise.
  • A classmate and I disagreed on a project, so I let her just do whatever she wanted.
What's a good answer: "What are your hobbies?"
  • A few of my hobbies include painting and sketching. I enjoy creating and improving my skills. 
  • I have a lot! Fishing, hiking, cooking, basketball, drawing, singing, tanning, quilting...
  • I don't really have any hobbies.
  • I like playing on my phone and laying in my bed. 
What's a good answer: "Tell me about yourself" ?
  • I am 5'9" and 140 pounds with straight teeth. I have 2 cats and 3 dogs and love Netflix and cheese sticks.
  • Well, I am a student. My favorite subject is English and IT. I am active in many clubs, and actually won an award for community service last year.
  • Well, what do you want to know?
  • I am a student. My grades aren't great, and I don't do much in college, but I am the oldest in my family, and I want to get out of living at home.


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