CBSE Questions for Class 11 Commerce Applied Mathematics Relations Quiz 8 -

If $$\displaystyle n\left ( P\times Q \right )=0$$  then n(P) can possibly be
  • 0
  • 10
  • 20
  • Any value
Let R be a relation from N to N defined by $$R=\{(a, b) :a, b\in N$$ and $$a=b^2\}$$. Is the following statement true for $$(a, b)\in R\Rightarrow (b, a)\in R ?$$.
  • True
  • False
If a R b, b R c and a R c, and a,b,c,$$\displaystyle \epsilon $$ A, then the relation R on the set A is said to be a/an_____ relation
  • reflexive
  • symmetric
  • transitive
  • equivalence
Let $$R$$ be the relation in the set $$\left\{1, 2, 3, 4\right\}$$ given by $$R=\left\{(1, 2), (2, 2), (1, 1), (4, 4), (1, 3), (3, 3), (3, 2)\right\}$$. Choose the correct answer.
  • $$R$$ is reflexive and symmetric but not transitive.
  • $$R$$ is reflexive and transitive but not symmetric.
  • $$R$$ is symmetric and transitive but not reflexive.
  • $$R$$ is an equivalence relation.
If $$A=\left \{1, 2,3\right \}$$ and $$B=\left \{3,8\right \}$$, then $$(A\cup B)\times (A\cap B)$$ is equal to
  • $$\left \{(8,3), (8,2), (8,1), (8,8)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(1,2), (2,2), (3,3), (8,8)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(3,1), (3,2), (3,3), (3,8)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(1,3), (2,3), (3,3), (8,3)\right \}$$
If $$R$$ is a relation from a set $$A$$ to the set $$B$$ and $$S$$ is a relation from $$B$$ to $$C,$$ then the relation $$SoR$$
  • is from $$C$$ to $$A$$
  • does not exist
  • is from $$A$$ to $$C$$
  • None of these
$$A = \left \{1, 2, 3, 4\right \}$$ and $$B = \left \{a, b, c\right \}$$. The relations from $$A$$ to $$B$$ is
  • $$\left \{(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4), (3, 1)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(a, b), (a, c), (b, a), (b, c), (c, a)\right \}$$
  • $$\{(1,a),(1,b)(1,c),(2,a),(2,b),(2,c),(3,a),(3,b),(3,c),(4,a),(4,b),(4,c)\}$$
  • $$\left \{(a, 1), (1, 3), (b, 2), (c, 3), (b, 3), (b, 4)\right \}$$
$$A =\left \{a, b, c\right \}$$ and $$B = \left \{5, 7, 9\right \}$$. The relation from $$B$$ to $$A$$ is
  • $$\left \{(a, 5), (a, 7), (b, 7), (c, 9)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(5, 7), (9, 9), (7, 5)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(5, a), (5, b), (5, c)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(5, b), (7, c), (7, a), (9, b)\right \}$$
What is the first component of an ordered pair $$(1, -1)$$?
  • $$1$$
  • $$-1$$
  • $$2$$
  • $$0$$
$$R$$ is a relation defined in $$R\times T$$ by $$(a,b) R (c,d)$$ iff $$a-c$$ is an integer and $$b=d$$. The relation $$R$$ is
  • an identity relation
  • an universal relation
  • an equivalence relation
  • None of these
Let a relation $$R$$ be defined by $$R=\left \{(4,5), (1,4), (4,6), (7,6), (3,7)\right \}$$. The relation $$R^{-1}\circ R$$ is given by
  • $$\left \{(1,1), (4,4), (7,4), (4,7), (7,7)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(1,1), (4,4), (4,7), (7,4), (7,7),(3,3)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(1,5), (1,6), (3,6)\right \}$$
  • None of these
Given $$(a - 2, b + 3) = (6, 8)$$, are equal ordered pair. Find the value of $$a$$ and $$b$$.
  • $$a = 8$$ and $$b = 5$$
  • $$a = 8$$ and $$b = 3$$
  • $$a = 5$$ and $$b = 5$$
  • $$a = 8$$ and $$b = 6$$
What is the second component of an ordered pair $$(3, -0.2)$$?
  • $$3$$
  • $$0.2$$
  • $$1$$
  • $$-0.2$$
What is the Cartesian product of $$A = \left \{1, 2\right \}$$ and $$B = \left \{a, b\right \}$$?
  • $$\left \{(1, a), (1, b), (2, a), (b, b)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(1, 1), (2, 2), (a, a), (b, b)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(1, a), (2, a), (1, b), (2, b)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(1, 1), (a, a), (2, a), (1, b)\right \}$$
The minimum number of elements that must be added to the relation $$R =\{(1,2)(2,3)\}$$ on the set of natural numbers so that it is an equivalence is
  • $$4$$
  • $$7$$
  • $$6$$
  • $$5$$
The relation $$R$$ defined on the set $$A=\left \{1,2,3,4,5\right \}$$ by $$R=\left \{(x,y):|x^2-y^2| < 16\right \}$$ is given by
  • $$\left \{(1,1), (2,1), (3,1), (4,1), (2,3)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(2,2), (3,2), (4,2), (2,4)\right \}$$
  • $$\left \{(3,3), (4,3), (5,4), (3,4)\right \}$$
  • None of these
 $$(x, y)$$ and $$(p, q)$$ are two ordered pairs. Find the values of $$p$$ and $$y$$, if $$(4y + 5, 3p - 1) = (25, p + 1)$$
  • $$p = 0, y = 5$$
  • $$p = 1, y = 5$$
  • $$p = 0, y = 1$$
  • $$p = 1, y = 1$$
$$(x, y)$$ and $$(p, q)$$ are two ordered pairs. Find the values of $$x$$ and $$p$$, if $$(3x - 1, 9) = (11, p + 2)$$
  • $$x = 4, p = 9$$
  • $$x = 6, p = 7$$
  • $$x = 4, p = 5$$
  • $$x = 4, p = 7$$
If $$A \times B = \{(3, a), (3, -1), (3, 0), (5, a), (5, -1), (5, 0)\}$$, find $$A$$.
  • $$\{a, 5\}$$
  • $$\{a, -1\}$$
  • $$\{0, 5\}$$
  • $$\{3, 5\}$$
What is the relation for the following diagram?

  • $$R =\{(2, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7)\}$$
  • $$R = \{(1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7)\}$$
  • $$R =\{(1, 5), (2, 6), (1, 7)\}$$
  • $$R = \{(1, 5), (2, 6), (2, 7)\}$$
Which of the following do(es) not belong to $$A \times B$$ for the sets $$A = \{1, 2\}$$ and $$B =\{0, 2\}$$?
  • $$R = \{(1, 0), (2, 2)\}$$
  • $$R = \{(1, 1), (2, 1)\}$$
  • $$R = \{(1, 0), (1, 2)\}$$
  • $$R = \{(1, 2), (2, 2)\}$$
If $$A = \{2, 3\}$$ and $$B = \{1, 2\}$$, find $$A \times B$$.
  • $$\{(2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (3, 2)\}$$
  • $$\{(2, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (3, 2)\}$$
  • $$\{(2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 1), (3, 2)\}$$
  • $$\{2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (2, 2)\}$$
If $$A \times B =$$ $${(2, 4), (2, a), (2, 5), (1, 4), (1, a), (1, 5)}$$, find $$B$$.
  • $$\{4, 2, 5\}$$
  • $$\{4, a, 5\}$$
  • $$\{4, 1, 5\}$$
  • $$\{2, a, 5\}$$
What is the relation for the set $$ A =\{-1, 0, 3\}$$ and $$B =\{1, 2, 3\}$$ ?
  • $$R =\{(-1, 1), (1, 2), (3, 3)\}$$
  • $$R = \{(-1, 1), (0, 2), (3, 3)\}$$
  • $$R = \{(-1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)\}$$
  • $$R = \{(-1, 1), (0, 2), (-1, 3)\}$$
Ordered pairs $$(x, y)$$ and $$(3, 6)$$ are equal if $$x = 3$$ and $$y = ?$$
  • $$3$$
  • $$6$$
  • $$-6$$
  • $$-3$$
Determine whether each of the following relations are reflexive, symmetric and transitive.

Relation R in the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} as R = {(x, y): y is divisible by x}
  • R is reflexive
  • R is symmetric
  • R is transitive
  • None of these
Let $$S=\{(a, b, c) \in N \times N\times N:a+b+c=21, a \le b \le c\}$$ and $$T=\{(a, b, c)\in N\times N\times N: a, b, c\, are\, in\,AP\}$$, where $$N$$ is the set of all natural numbers. Then, the number of elements in the set $$S\cap T$$ is
  • $$6$$
  • $$7$$
  • $$13$$
  • $$14$$
$$x^2=xy$$ is a relation which is:
  • Symmetric
  • Reflexive
  • Transitive
  • All of these
Let $$A = \left \{1, 2, 3\right \}$$. Then number of relations containing $$(1, 2)$$ and $$(1, 3)$$ which are reflexive and symmetric but not transitive is

  • $$1$$
  • $$2$$
  • $$3$$
  • $$4$$
The relation $$R=\{(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)\}$$ on the set $$\{1, 2, 3\}$$ is
  • Symmetric only
  • Reflexive only
  • An equivalence relation
  • transitive only

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Practice Class 11 Commerce Applied Mathematics Quiz Questions and Answers