CBSE Questions for Class 11 Commerce Applied Mathematics Set Theory Quiz 13 -

An investigator interviewed $$100$$ students to determine their preferences for the three drinks: milk (M), coffee(C) and tea (T). He reported the following: $$10$$ students had all the three drinks M, C, T; $$20$$ had M and C only; $$30$$ had C and T; $$25$$ had M and T; $$12$$ had M only; $$5$$ had C only; $$8$$ had T only. Then how many did not take any of the three drinks is?
  • $$20$$
  • $$30$$
  • $$36$$
  • $$42$$
Suppose $${ A }_{ 1 },{ A }_{ 2 },....{ A }_{ 30 },$$ are thirty sets each with five elements and $${ B }_{ 1 },{ B }_{ 2 },....B_{ A },$$ are n sets each  with three elements such $$\overset { 30 }{ \underset { i-1 }{ U }  } \quad { A }_{ 1 }=\overset { n }{ \underset { j-1 }{ U }  } \quad =s$$ If each element of belongs to exactly ten of the $${ A }_{ 1 }$$ exactly 9 of the $${ A }_{ 1 }$$,then value of n is:
  • 15
  • 135
  • 45
  • 90
The value of $$\left( {A \cup B \cup C} \right) \cap \left( {A \cap {B^c} \cap {C^c}} \right) \cap {C^c}$$ is 
  • $$B \cap {C^c}$$
  • $${B^c} \cap {C^c}$$
  • $$B \cap {C}$$
  • $$A \cap {B^c} \cap {C^c}$$
If A and B are any two sets, then $$A\bigcup (A\bigcap B)$$ is equal to 
  • $$A$$
  • $$B$$
  • $$A'$$
  • $$B'$$
Given $$n(U) =20, n(A) =12, n(B) =9, n(A \cap B) =4$$, where U is the universal set, A and B are subset of U, then $$n((A \cup B)^C)=$$
  • $$17$$
  • $$9$$
  • $$11$$
  • $$3$$
Let x= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} The number of different ordered pairs (y, z) that can be formed such ordered pairs (y , z) that can be formed such that $$y\sqsubseteq x,z\sqsubseteq x$$ and $$y\cap z$$ is empty is 
  • $${ 2 }^{ 5 }$$
  • $$5^{ 3 }$$
  • $$5^{ 2 }$$
  • $$3^{ 5 }$$
If n(A)=115, n(B)=326, n(A-B)=47, then $$n(A\cup B)$$ is equal to
  • 373
  • 165
  • 370
  • none of these
Let S = {x $$\epsilon$$ $$R$$ : x 0 and 2$$\left | \sqrt{x} 3 \right |$$ + $$\sqrt{x}$$($$\sqrt{x}$$ 6) + 6 = 0} .
Then S :
  • Contains exactly four elements
  • Is an empty set
  • Contains exactly one elements
  • Contains exactly two elements
Let N= {1, 2, 3, ........., 10}, then sum of the product of number taken two at a time from the set N is 
  • $$55\times 24$$
  • $$45\times 24$$
  • $$512\times 45$$
  • $$55\times 12$$
Let $$A$$ be a set containing $$32$$ elements. Let $$x_k$$ denotes the number of '$$k$$' element sub-sets of $$A$$. Then $$\displaystyle \sum^{8}_{i = 0} (x_{4i}) =$$
  • $$2^{30} + 2^8$$
  • $$2^{29} + 2^8$$
  • $$2^{15}(2^{15} + 1)$$
  • $$2^{14}(2^{16} + 1)$$
The set $$(A\cap B')'\cup (B\cap C)$$ is equal to?
  • $$A'\cup B\cup C$$
  • $$A'\cup B$$
  • $$A'\cup C'$$
  • $$A'\cap B$$
Tell whether set A is a subset of set B. 
  • set A : whole numbers less than 8
    set B : whole numbers less than 10
  • set A : prime numbers
    set B : odd numbers
  • set A : numbers divisible by 6
    set B : numbers divisible by 3
  • set A : set of letters in the word 'FLAT'
    set B : set of letters in the word 'PLATE'
if S is a set of p(x) is polynomial of degree <2 such that p(0)=, P(1)=1, p(x)>0 $$\forall \quad x\quad \varepsilon $$ (0, 1) then 
  • S=0
  • $$S=ax+91-1){ x }^{ 2 }\forall a\varepsilon (0,\infty )$$
  • $$S=ax+(1-a){ x }^{ 2 }\forall a\varepsilon R$$
  • $$S=ax+(1-a){ x }^{ 2 }\forall a\varepsilon R(0,\quad 2)$$
The solution set of $$x^{2}+5x+6=0 $$ is ........
  • {2,3}
  • {-2,-3}
  • {2,-3}
  • {-2,3}
Let $$A,B,C$$ finite sets. Suppose then $$n(A)=10, n(B)=15, n(C)=20, n(A\cap B)=8$$ and $$n(B\cap C)=9$$. Then the possible value of $$n(A\cup B\cup C)$$ is
  • $$26$$
  • $$27$$
  • $$28$$
  • Any of the three values $$26, 27, 28$$ is possible
If $$P = \{ x:x < 3,x \in N\} $$ and $$Q = \{ x:x \le 2,x \in W\} $$, where W is the set of whole numbers then the set of whole numbers then the set $$(P \cup Q) \times (P \cap Q)$$ is
  • $${(0,0),(0,1),(0,2),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,0),(2,1),(2,2)}$$
  • $$(0,1),(0,2),(1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(2,2)$$
  • $$(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,0),(2,1),(2,2)$$
  • $$(1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(2,2)$$
Let A, B, C be three seta such that A $$\cup$$ B $$\cup$$ C = $$U$$ , where $$U$$ is the universal set then , 
[(A B) $$\cup$$ (B C) $$\cup$$ (C A)] is equal to
  • A $$\cup$$ B $$\cup$$ C
  • A $$\cup$$ (B $$\cap$$ C)
  • A $$\cap$$ B $$\cap$$ C
  • A $$\cap$$ (B $$\cup$$ C)
$$If\,\,A = \left\{ {x:{x^2} = 1} \right\}\,\,\,and\,B = \left\{ {x:{x^4} = 1} \right\},\,then\,A\Delta B\,\,\,is\,\,equal\,to\,$$
  • $$\left\{ {i, - i} \right\}\,$$
  • $$\,\left\{ { - 1,1} \right\}\,$$
  • $$\left\{ { - 1,1,i - i} \right\}$$
  • $$\,\left\{ {1,i} \right\}$$
Let $$A$$ and $$B$$ be two sets. The $$(A\cup B)'\cup(A'\cap B)$$=
  • $$A'$$
  • $$A$$
  • $$B'$$
  • $$none\ of\ these$$
Examine whether the following statements are true or false:
$$\left\{a\right\}\subset \left\{\{a\},\, b \right\}$$
  • True
  • False

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Practice Class 11 Commerce Applied Mathematics Quiz Questions and Answers