CBSE Questions for Class 12 Medical Physics Electrostatic Potential And Capacitance Quiz 3 -

Two equal point charges are fixed at $$x = -a$$ and $$x= +a$$ on the x- axis. Another point charge Q is placed at the origin. The change in the electrical potential energy of Q, when it is displaced by a small distance x along the x-axis, is approximately proportional to :

  • $$x$$
  • $$x^{2}$$
  • $$x^{3}$$
  • $$1 / x$$

A parallel plate condenser has initially air medium between the plates. If a slab of dielectric constant 5 having thickness half the difference of separation between the plates is introduced, the percentage increase in its capacity is :

  • 33.3%
  • 66.7%
  • 50%
  • 75%
Two identical metal plates separated by a distance $$d$$ forms parallel plate capacitor of capacity $$C$$. A metal sheet of thickness $$d/2$$ and same dimensions is inserted between the plates, so that the air gap is separated into two equal parts. The new capacity of the system will be:
  • $$\displaystyle \dfrac{\varepsilon _{0}A}{2d}$$
  • $$\displaystyle \frac{\varepsilon _{0}A}{4d}$$
  • $$\displaystyle \frac{2\epsilon_{0}A}{d}$$
  • $$\displaystyle \frac{\epsilon_{0}A}{d}$$

Three capacitors $$3 \mu F, 10 \mu F$$ and $$15 \mu F$$  are connected in series to a voltage source of 100V. The charge on $$15 \mu F$$ is :

  • $$22 \mu C$$
  • $$100 \mu C$$
  • $$2800 \mu C$$
  • $$200 \mu C$$

A condenser is charged to a potential difference of  $$120 \; V$$. It's energy is $$1 \times 10^{-5}\; J$$. If battery is there and the space between plates is filled up with a dielectric medium $$\left ( \varepsilon  _{r}=5\right )$$. Its new energy is

  • $$10^{-5}J$$
  • $$2 \times 10^{-5}J$$
  • $$3 \times 10^{-5}J$$
  • $$5 \times 10^{-5}J$$
A condenser of $$1\mu F$$ is charged to a potential of $$1000 V$$. If a dielectric slab of dielectric constant $$5$$ is introduced between the plates of the condenser after disconnecting the battery, the loss in the energy of the condenser is :
  • 0.1 J
  • 2.5 J
  • 0.4 J
  • 5 J

The area of the positive plate is $$125\;cm^{2}$$ and the area of the negative plate is $$100\;cm^{2}$$, They are parallel to each other and are separated by 0.5 cm . The capacity of a condenser with air as dielectric is :

$$\left ( \varepsilon _{0}=8.9\times 10^{-12}\;C^{2}N^{-1}M^{-2} \right )$$

  • $$22.25\; pF$$
  • $$20.02 \;pF$$
  • $$17.8\; \mu F$$
  • $$17.8 \;pF$$

Two identical metal plates, separated by a distance d form a parallel plate capacitor. A metal sheet of thickness$$\dfrac{d}{2} $$ of the same area as that of either plate, is inserted between the plates. The ratio of the capacitance's after the insertion of the sheet to that before insertion is:

  • $$\sqrt{2}:1$$
  • 2 :1
  • 1:1
  • $$1:\sqrt{2}$$

When a dielectric slab of thickness $$4 \;cm$$ is introduced between the plates of parallel plate condenser, it is found that the distance between the plates has to be increased by $$3 \; cm$$ to restore the capacity to it's original value. The dielectric constant of the slab is

  • $$\dfrac{1}{4}$$
  • $$4$$
  • $$3$$
  • $$1$$
A electric charge $${ 10 }^{ -8 }C$$ is placed at the point $$(4m,7m,2m)$$. At the point $$(1m,3m,2m)$$ the electric
  • potential will be $$18V$$
  • field has no $$Y$$-component
  • field will be along $$Z$$-axis
  • potential will be $$1.8V$$
1 V equals :
  • 1 J
  • 1 JC$$^{-1}$$
  • 1 CJ$$^{-1}$$
  • 1 JC

Two identical capacitors 1 and 2 are connected in series to a battery as shown in figure. Capacitor 2 contains a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K as shown. $$Q_{1}$$ and $$Q_{2}$$ are the charges stored in the capacitors. Now the dielectric slab is removed and the corresponding charges are $$q_{1}$$ and $$q_{2}$$ . Then :

  • $$\frac{q_{1}}{Q_{1}}=\frac{K+1}{K}$$
  • $$\frac{q_{2}}{Q_{2}}=\frac{K+1}{2}$$
  • $$\frac{q_{2}}{Q_{2}}=\frac{K+1}{2K}$$
  • $$\frac{q_{2}}{Q_{2}}=\frac{K}{2}$$

Two capacitors of capacities 3$$\mu $$F and 6$$\mu F$$ are connected in series and connected to 120V. The potential differences across 3$$\mu $$F is $$V_{0}$$ and the charge here is $$q_{0}$$. We have :

A)$$q_{0}=40\mu C$$     B) $$V_{0}=60V$$

C)$$V_{0}=80V$$        D)$$q_{0}=240\mu C$$

  • A, C are correct
  • A, B are correct
  • B, D are correct
  • C, D are correct

A potential difference of $$300$$ volts is applied to a combination of $$2.0\mu $$F and $$8.0\mu $$F capacitors connected in series. The charge on the $$2.0\mu $$F capacitor is :

  • $$2.4\times 10^{-4}coulomb$$
  • $$4.8\times 10^{-4}coulomb$$
  • $$7.2\times 10^{-4}coulomb$$
  • $$9.6\times 10^{-4}coulomb$$

The capacitors of three capacities are in the ratio 1 : 2 :Their equivalent capacity when connected in parallel is $$\frac{60}{11}\mu F$$ more than that when connected in series. The individual capacities are :

  • 4, 6, 7
  • 1, 2, 3
  • 2, 3, 4
  • 1, 3, 6

A parallel plate capacitor with plates separated by air acquires 1 $$\mu $$C of charge when connected to a battery of 500V. The plates still connected to the battery are then immersed in benzene ($$k=2.25$$). Then a charge flows from the battery is :

  • $$1.25 \mu $$ C
  • $$2.28 \mu $$ C
  • $$1/4 \mu $$ C
  • $$4.56 \mu $$ C

A capacitor of capacitance $$C$$ has charge $$Q$$ and stored energy $$W$$. If the charge is increased to $$2Q$$, the stored energy would be:

  • $$\dfrac{W}{4}$$
  • $$\dfrac{W}{2}$$
  • $$2W$$
  • $$4W$$
Two identical parallel plate capacitors are joined in series to $$100\;V$$ battery. Now a dielectric with $$K=4$$ is introduced between the plates of second capacitor. The potential difference on capacitors now becomes
  • $$60\; V, 40 \; V$$
  • $$70\; V, 30\; V$$
  • $$75\; V, 25\; V$$
  • $$80 \; V, 20 \; V$$

The distance between the plates of a condenser is reduced to $$\frac{1}{4}th$$ and the space between the plates is filled up by a medium of dielectric constant K(2.8). The capacity is increased by :

  • 5.6times
  • 11.2times
  • 22.4 times
  • 44.8 times

The capacity of a parallel plate condenser with air medium is . If half of the space between the plates is filled with a slab of dielectric constant as shown in the figure, then the capacity becomes :

  • $$\frac{K}{2}C$$
  • 2KC
  • $$\frac{\left ( K+1 \right )C}{2}$$
  • (K+1)C

A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C is charged and disconnected from the battery. The energy stored in it is E. If a dielectric slab of dielectric constant 6 is inserted between the plates of the capacitor then energy and capacitance will become :

  • 6E, 6C
  • E, C
  • $$\dfrac {E}{6},6C$$
  • E, 6C
If a proton and an electron are accelerated through the same potential difference then:
  • both the proton and electron have same K.E
  • both the proton and electron have same momentum
  • both the proton and electron have same velocity
  • both the proton and electron have same temperature

The work done in placing a charge of $$8\times 10^{-18}$$ coulomb on a condenser of capacity $$100$$ micro-farad is:
  • $$16\times 10^{-32}$$ joule
  • $$3.2\times 10^{-26}$$ joule
  • $$4\times 10^{-10}$$ joule
  • $$32\times 10^{-32}$$ joule

A parallel plate air capacitor is connected to a battery. The quantities charge, voltage, electric filed and energy associated with this capacitor are gives by $$Q_{0},V_{0},E_{0}$$ and $$U_{0}$$ respectively. A dielectric slab is now introduced to fill the space between the plates with the battery still in connection. The corresponding quantities are now given by $$Q$$, $$V$$, $$E$$ and $$U$$ are related to the previous one as:

  • $$Q > Q_{0}$$
  • $$V > V_{0}$$
  • $$E > E_{0}$$
  • $$U > U_{0}$$
A fully charged capacitor has a capacitance C. It is discharged through a small coil of resistance wire embedded in a thermally insulated block of specific heat capacity s and mass m. If the temperature of the block is raised by $$\Delta $$T, the potential difference V across the capacitance is :
  • $$\sqrt{\dfrac{2mC\Delta T}{s}}$$
  • $$\dfrac{mC\Delta T}{s}$$
  • $$\dfrac{ms\Delta T}{C}$$
  • $$\sqrt{\dfrac{2ms\Delta T}{C}}$$
Between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor of capacity C, two parallel plates of the same material and area same as the plate of the original capacitor, are placed. If the thickness of these plates is equal to $$\left\{\dfrac {1}{5}\right\}^{th}$$  of the distance between the plates of the original capacitor, then the capacity of the new capacitor is :
  • $$\dfrac {5}{3}C$$
  • $$\dfrac {3}{5}C$$
  • $$\dfrac {3}{10}C$$
  • $$\left (\dfrac {10}{3} \right )C$$

The capacitance of a parallel plate condenser is $$C_{1}$$(fig. a). A dielectric of dielectric constant ‘K’ is inserted as shown in figure ‘b’ and ‘c’. If $$C_{2}$$ and $$C_{3}$$ are the capacitances in figures ‘b’ and ‘c’ then :

  • Both C$$_{2}$$ and C$$_{3}$$>C$$_{1}$$
  • C$$_{3}$$>C$$_{1}$$ and C$$_{2}$$>C$$_{1}$$
  • Both C$$_{2}$$ and C$$_{3}$$< C$$_{1}$$
  • C$$_{1}$$=C$$_{2}$$=C$$_{3}$$
The energy stored in the capacitor in steady state  is :

  • $$12\mu $$ J
  • $$24\mu $$ J
  • $$36 \mu $$J
  • $$48\mu $$ J
Two short dipoles are situated parallel to each other separated by a distance x. The force of interaction is
  • A force of attraction of $$\frac{2Kp_1p_2}{x^4}$$
  • A force of repulsion of $$\frac{2Kp_1p_2}{x^4}$$
  • A force of attraction of $$\frac{3Kp_1p_2}{x^4}$$
  • A force of repulsion of $$\frac{3Kp_1p_2}{x^4}$$
The electric potential at a point in free space due to a charge Q coulomb is $$Q\times 10^{11}$$ volts. The electric field at that point is -
  • $$4\pi \epsilon _{0}\times 10^{20}volt/m$$
  • $$12\pi \epsilon _{0}\times 10^{22}volt/m$$
  • $$4\pi \epsilon _{0}\times 10^{22}volt/m$$
  • $$12\pi \epsilon _{0}\times 10^{20}volt/m$$
Complete the following statements with an appropriate word /term be filled in the blank space(s).

The equivalent capacitance C for the series combination of three capacitance $$C_1,C_2$$ and $$C_3$$ is given by $$\cfrac{1}{C} =$$..............
  • $$C_1+C_2+C_3$$
  • $$\left ( \cfrac{1}{C_{1}+C_{2}+C_{3}} \right )$$
  • $$\left ( \cfrac{1}{\cfrac{1}{C_{1}}+\cfrac{1}{C_{2}}+\cfrac{1}{C_{3}}}\right )$$
  • $$\left ( \cfrac{1}{C_{1}}+\cfrac{1}{C_{2}}+\cfrac{1}{C_{3}}\right )$$
Point charges $$q_1 = +1 \: \mu C$$ and $$q_2$$ whose magnitude is $$64=27\:\mu C$$ are fixed 5 m apart along a vertical line with $$q_1$$ being at lower position. These two charges together are able to hold an oil drop of mass $$1 \mu g $$ and charge Q stationary when it is 3 m away from $$q_1$$ and 4 m away from $$q_2$$. The sign of the charge $$q_2$$ and the value of Q are respectively:

  • $$q_2 \: is \: positive, Q = 6.25 \: pC$$
  • $$q_2 \: is \: positive, Q = 6 \: pC.$$
  • $$q_2 \: is \: negative, Q = 6.25 \: pC$$
  • $$q_2 \: is \: negative, Q = 6 \: pC.$$
A nichrome wire of radius 0.321 mm and its length 2 m and 10 V potential difference across it. Find the current through it. (resistivity $$=15 \times 10^{-6} $$ohm.m )
  • $$2.2 A$$
  • $$5.2 A$$
  • $$1.08 A$$
  • $$3.2 A$$
What is the shape of the equipotential surface for the line charge?
  • Sphere
  • cylinder
  • will depend upon the type of charge.
  • can't say.
Four equal charges $$+q$$ are placed at four corners of a square with its centre at origin and lying in $$yz$$ plane. The electrostatic potential energy of a fifth charge $$+q$$ varies on x-axis as
Three point charges Q, 2Q and 8Q are placed on a straight line 9 cm long. Charges are placed in
such a way that the system has minimum potential energy. Then

  • 2Q and 8Q must be at the ends and Q at a distance of 3 cm from the 8Q.
  • 2Q and 8Q must be at the ends and Q at a distance of 6 cm from the 8Q.
  • Electric field at the position of Q is zero.
  • Electric field at the position of Q is $$\frac{Q}{4\pi \varepsilon _{0}}$$
The potential difference between points A and B, in a section of a circuit shown, is
  • 5 Volt
  • 1 Volt
  • 10 Volt
  • -16Volt
which of the following is/are not proportional to the inverse square of the distance x?
  • The potential at a distance x from an isolated point charge
  • the electric field at a distance x from an isolated point charge
  • The force per unit length between two thin, straight, infinitely long current carrying conductors, parallel to each other, separated by a distance x
  • The gravitational attraction between two small bodies kept at a distance x apart
Positive charge flow from a body at ________to a body at _______. Fill in the blanks. 
  • higher potential, lower potential
  • lower potential, higher potential
  • higher charge, lower charge
  • higher force, lower force
Electrical potential at the centre of a charged conductor is:
  • zero
  • twice as that on the surface
  • half of that on the surface
  • same as that on the surface
When two capacitors of capacities $$3\mu F$$ and $$6\mu F$$ are connected in series and connected to $$120 V,$$ the potential difference across $$3\mu F$$ is:
  • $$40V$$
  • $$60V$$
  • $$80V$$
  • $$180V$$
The two capacitors $$2\mu F$$ and $$6\mu F$$ are put in series, the effective capacity of the system in $$\mu F$$ is:
  • $$8$$
  • $$2$$
  • $$\dfrac{3}{2}$$
  • $$\dfrac{2}{3}$$
If $$4\times 10^{20}eV$$ of energy is required to move a charge of 0.25 coulomb between two points, the p.d between them is:
  • 256 V
  • 512 V
  • 123 V
  • 215 V
$$S_1$$ and $$S_2$$ are two equipotential surfaces on which the potentials are not equal. Then-
  • $$S_1$$ and $$S_2$$ both cannot intersect.
  • $$S_1$$ and $$S_2$$ both cannot be plane surfaces.
  • In the region between $$S_1$$ and $$S_2$$, the field is maximum where they are closed to each other.
  • A line of force from $$S_1$$ and $$S_2$$ must be perpendicular to both.
The equation of an equipotential line in an electric field is $$y=2x$$, then the electric field strenght vector at $$(1,2)$$ may be:
  • $$4\hat i+3\hat j$$
  • $$4\hat i+8\hat j$$
  • $$8\hat i+4\hat j$$
  • $$-8\hat i+4\hat j$$
From a supply of identical capacitors rated $$8\;\mu F, 250 \;V$$ the minimum number of capacitors required to form a composite of $$16\;\mu F, 1000 \;V$$ is
  • 2
  • 4
  • 16
  • 32
Which of the following quantities are independent of the choice of zero potential or zero potential energy?
  • Potential at a point.
  • Potential difference between two points.
  • Potential energy of a two charge system.
  • Change in potential energy of a two charge system.
In a cathode ray oscillograph, the focussing of beam on the screen is achieved by
  • Convex lenses
  • Magnetic field
  • Electric potential
  • All of these
A condenser of capacity $$0.2\;\mu F$$ is charged to a potential of 600 V. The battery is now disconnected and the condenser of capacity $$1\; \mu F$$ is connected across it. The potential of the condenser will reduce to
  • $$600\  V$$
  • $$300\ V$$
  • $$100\ V$$
  • $$120\ V$$
Figure shows equi-potential surfaces for a two charges system. At which of the labeled points point will an electron have the highest potential energy?

  • Point $$A$$
  • Point $$B$$
  • Point $$C$$
  • Point $$D$$

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Practice Class 12 Medical Physics Quiz Questions and Answers