A logic gate is an electronic circuit which Makes logic decisions. A Digital Logic Gate is an electronic device that makes logical decisions based on the different combinations of digital signals present on its inputs. Digital logic gates may have more than one input, (A, B, C, etc.) but generally only have one digital output, (Q). Individual logic gates can be connected together to form combinational or sequential circuits or larger logic gate functions. A logic gate is an elementary building block of a digital circuit. Most logic gates have two inputs and one output. At any given moment, every terminal is in one of the two binary conditions low (0) or high (1), represented by different voltage levels.
So, the correct answer is 'Makes logic decisions'.
Correct answer: Option B
Hint: When n is connected to the negative terminal or p is connected to the positive terminal of a cell/battery it is called forward biasing and when n is connected to positive terminal or p is connected to the negative terminal of a cell/battery it is called reverse biasing.
The setup of a n – p – n transistor is shown in the diagram
E = Emitter
B = Base
C = Collector
· The emitter is forward biased (n is connected to the negative terminal of cell)
· The collector is reverse biased (the positive terminal of the cell is linked to n). When the transistor is in active mode, it looks like this.
· In relation to the base, the emitter and collector have the following relationship:
· The emitter is negative. Connected to negative terminal
· The collector is positive. Connected to positive terminal
As a result, an n-p-n transistor conducts when the collector is positive and the emitter is negative with respect o the base.
The NAND Gate has two or more input but only one output. The output of NAND gate is high if atleast any one of the input is low. The symbol of NAND gate is as shown,
The truth table for 2-input NAND gate is as given,
Step 1: Using Boolean Algebra.
According to the given circuit, the output is,
$$Y=\overline{\left( \overline{A.B} \right)}$$
$$\Rightarrow Y=A.B$$
Which is the output for AND gate. Thus the combination of circuit act as an AND gate.
Step 2: Using Truth Table.
Truth Table for the given circuit is as given below,
Which is same as for AND gate. Thus, the combination is equivalent to an AND gate.
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