When lava cools quickly on the Earth's surface, it forms 'X'. 'X' is a very light rock used as body scrubber and to polish floors.
Identify 'X' in the above given paragraph.
This nut can be sweet or bitter and its oil is used in cosmetics, aromatherapy and in making marzipan. USA is the top producer of it. Name this nut.
This huge cactus is pleated like an accordion and expands as it soaks up water. Its flower is the state wildflower of Arizona. Identify it.
Which one of three clothes do you wear during winters?
Which of the following statements is true about the rainforests?
Cerbera odollam, commonly known as the suicide tree, is a species of tree native to India and other parts of Southern Asia. In which state of India, this tree is found?
Many animals such as bats and primates indulge in geophagia, or the ingestion of soil. Which type of soil do these animals prefer?
It is a major cereal grain grown in the temperate climate. It was one of the first cultivated grains in Eurasia. Celebration, Lacey and Legacy are few of its six-row malting varieties. Identify the crop.
Deciduous trees, unlike evergreens, shed their leaves periodically, which then regrow. Which of the following is not a deciduous tree?
These trees are massive and can grow to a height of 50-84 m with a circumference of 20-30 ft. The wood was used mainly for shingles and fence posts or even for making matchsticks. The largest of them is called the 'General Sherman' which is located in California. Which trees are we talking about?
Every year thousands of rainforests and peatlands are being destroyed to make way for new palm oil plantation in this region which is destroying homes of tigers. To check forest destruction, Greenpeace had started a movement known as "Protect Paradise. In which region this movement has been started?
It is the smallest species of armadillo known. It is the only species of armadillo that has its dorsal shell almost completely separate from its body. This unique animal resides in the dry grasslands and sandy plains of central Argentina. Identify it.
Mangroves are salt-tolerant plants of tropical and sub-tropical intertidal regions of the world. They are highly productive but extremely sensitive and fragile. Which of the following statements are true regarding them? 
Plantation crops refer to monoculture crops which are cultivated on an extensive scale over a large area. Which of the following is usually grown in plantation farming?
Cultivation of trees, Shrubs and other woody plants is known as __________.
The flower given in the picture is of an achlorophyllous plant native to southern Africa. It is parasitic on the roots of members of the Euphorbiaceae family and emits an odour of faeces to attract its natural pollinators; carrion beetles. Identify it.
This strange looking tree is an icon of Southern Africa's most arid habitats. It is a tall branching species of aloe also known as choje to the indigenous San people. Identify it.
This shark is rarely seen by humans and was discovered inIt is found in deep tropical water and is believed that it swims with its mouth open. Name the shark.
Araku Valley is a hill station in Visakhapatnam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. The area around it has rich biodiversity. It is famous for its plantation of
Marsupials are the only mammals that incubate and carry their young ones in special pouches. Most marsupials are found in Australia. Which of the following is the only marsupial to be found in North America?
There are two basic branches of soil science, $$\underline{(i)}$$ is concerned with the influence of soils on living things, particularly plants and $$\underline{(ii)}$$ is focused on the formation, morphology and classification of soils in their natural environment. Select the option which correctly fills the blanks.
Recent discovery of method of reducing salination of soil is
Which hydro-electric project produces maximum power energy?
The largest inland lake in India is situated in Rajasthan. This lake has been designated as Ramsar site because the wetland is the home of many migrating birds including flamingo. Name the lake.
Productivity being low, cottage industry produced a lot because
What is the most remarkable aspect of Indian industry since independence?
Which State is the biggest producer of cashewnuts?
The extinctive type of lions are mostly found in
Which of the following crops helps in nitrogen fixation?
Which of the following cows gives maximum milk yield?
The crop which grows in alluvial soil and needs 150 cm rainfall is
It has been found recently that the acidity of the soil increases because of
A report says - The number of bus accidents is more than that of car accidents, the number of car accidents is less than the number of truck accidents, the number of truck accidents is less than the number of bus accidents. Which of the following conclusions do you draw from this report?
The cutting of forests leads to
Which of the following projects is administered by more than one State?
Underground Railways are being built in India at
Recently, which of the following States has explored the possibility of constructing an artificial inland port to be connected to sea by a long navigational channel?
Natural resources are.
Qantas Airways belongs to
(1) India generally produces more rice than wheat (2) Production of wheat increases marginally around 4 percent (3) India exports more sugar than wheat (4) The cultivable area under sugar is higher than under rice

Heavy rainfall affects soil by
The following factors are important in production.
Which of these types of industrial conflict is the odd one out?
Farakka agreement between Bangladesh and India implies
In which type of rocks, fossils are more abundantly found ?
According to sociology flow of information a century ago, communication around world depends on written messages delivered by boat, train, horse and wagon are called _________________.
Match the following.
List I
List II
(Hill Range)
A. Gurushikhar$$1$$. Anaimalai
B. Dada Beta$$2$$. Aravali
C. Annaimudi$$3$$. Nilgiri
D. Dhupgarh$$4$$. Satpura
Which of the following species are rare species? 
Point out the correct sequence of mountain ranges from north to south.
A person to try preserve wetlands is _________________.