A noun names...
  • an action.
  • a person, place, thing or feeling.
  • a description
A common noun names
  • a general person place or thing.
  • a specific person place or thing.
  • a characteristic of a person place or thing.
A proper noun names a...
  • specific characteristic of a person place or thing.
  • a general person, place or thing.
  • a specific person, place or thing.
A concrete noun is
  • a noun that can be identified through one of the five senses.
  • a noun that can not be identified through one of the five senses.
  • a word that gives characteristics.
An abstract nouns is
  • a nouns that can be identified through the five senses.
  • a noun that can not be identified through the five senses.
  • a word that describes.
Identify the noun as common or proper.Food
  • common
  • proper
Identify the noun as common or proper.restaurant
  • common
  • proper
Identify the noun as common or proper.Burger King
  • common
  • proper
Identify the noun as common or proper.girl
  • common
  • proper
Identify the noun as common or proper.Mia
  • common
  • proper
Identify the noun as common or proper.school
  • common
  • proper
Identify the noun as common or proper.Academia Eden Montessori
  • common
  • proper
Identify the noun as concrete or abstract.love
  • concrete
  • abstract
Identify the noun as concrete or abstract.chair
  • concrete
  • abstract
Identify the noun as concrete or abstract.happiness
  • concrete
  • abstract
Identify the noun as concrete or abstract.teacher
  • concrete
  • abstract
Identify the noun as concrete or abstract.angry
  • concrete
  • abstract
Identify the noun as concrete or abstract.woman
  • concrete
  • abstract
Identify the noun as concrete or abstract.confidence
  • concrete
  • abstract
Identify the noun as concrete or abstract.desk
  • concrete
  • abstract


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