What does it mean to compare things?
  • look at differences
  • look at similarities
  • look at what is alike and what is different.
What does it mean to contrast?
  • To tell what is alike and what is the same.
  • To tell what is different.
  • To tell what is alike and what is different.
Stella was born in Poland. She lived with her family in a small house near the Oder River. Both Stella's parents are teachers. Stella's friend Tim was born in Mexico. He likes to play soccer. Tim lived in a big house by the Rio Grande River. Tim's parents are doctors.What is different about Stella and Tim?
  • Their parents have different jobs.
  • Stella likes Tim.
  • They both live by water.
  • Tim likes Stella.HIDE ANSWER
Tara and Laura like to go hiking. While Laura loved to bring her dog and walk the trail, Tara loved to bike. Both girls really enjoyed finding natural waterfalls to swim in. Tana and Laura also really loved eating fresh fruit along the trails. Tana loved the hike up, while Laura loved the trek down. In what ways can you compare the two girls?
  • Tana and Laura both liked to bring their dogs on the trail.
  • Tana and Laura both were scared to eat fruit along the trial.
  • Tana loved the hike up, while Laura loved the trek back down.
  • Tana and Laura both liked finding natural waterfalls to swim in.
Frogs and toads can live in the water and on the land. They both catch food with long, sticky tongues. They eat insects and small animals. You can tell them apart by their bodies. Frogs have long, strong back legs and thin, moist skin. Toads have shorter back legs and drier skin. Name something the same about the two animals.
  • They can both live on land or water.
  • They only live in the water.
  • They both have long back legs.
  • They both make great pets.
Messi likes to eat ice cream after a soccer game. Aguero likes to drink coffee. Both are really good soccer players but Messi runs faster than Aguero. Aguero is really good at scoring. Messi and Aguero both played on the same team for World Cup.What is different for Messi and Aguero?
  • Messi is a better at Math than Aguero.
  • Messi and Aguero played for different teams at the World Cup.
  • Messi runs faster than Aguero.
  • Before soccer games, Aguero and Messi eat different things.
Cinderella is kind, sweet, and charming, while her step sisters are mean and cruel. How are Cinderella and her step sisters different?
  • They both want to marry the prince.
  • Cinderella is kind, but her step sisters are not.
  • The step sisters are kind, but Cinderella is not.
A teacher and a doctor both work with many people every day. The teacher works with children at the school, however, the doctor sees patients at the hospital. How are a teacher and doctor alike?
  • They work with children.
  • They work with many people.
  • They work in hospitals.
The Fourth of July and Veteran's Day are both U.S. holidays. However, the Fourth of July celebrates our independence and Veteran's Day celebrates military veterans. How are these holidays different?
  • Both holidays are celebrated in the U.S.
  • Both holidays are in the summer.
  • Fourth of July celebrates independence, while Veteran's Day celebrates veterans.
What does it mean to compare/contrast?
  • to tell what is alike and what is the same.
  • to tell what is different
  • to tell us what is the same.
  • to tell what is alike and what is different.
The key word both can be used to…
  • Contrast
  • Compare
The key word different can be used to…
  • Contrast
  • Compare
 Differences and similarities of two or more things are discussed 
  • Cause and Effect
  • Descriptive
  • Compare and Contrast
  • Sequence/Process
Cinderella is kind, sweet, and charming, while her step sisters are mean and cruel.  How are Cinderella and her step sisters different?
  • They both want to marry the prince.
  • The step sisters are kind, but Cinderella is not.
  • Cinderella is kind, but her step sisters are not.
Kate lived in a large house with many animals. Her best friend, Jill, lived in a small house without pets.  How were the friends' homes different?
  • Kate had a large house, but Jill's was small.
  • Kate doesn't have pets, but Jill does.
  • Both Kate and Jill have homes.
I have a pet dog and cat in my house.  My dog, Spot, likes to chew on his bone, while my cat, Stripes, likes to sleep.  They both love to cuddle with me on the couch.  How are my pets similar? 
  • They both chew on things.
  • They both love to cuddle.
  • They both sleep a lot.
A teacher and a doctor both work with many people every day.  The teacher works with children at the school, however, the doctor sees patients at the hospital.  How are a teacher and doctor alike?
  • They work with children.
  • They work in hospitals.
  • They work with many people.
Sally is having strawberry ice cream and Juan is having chocolate ice cream. If I am comparing Sally and Juan, what do they have in common?
  • They are eating with a spoon.
  • It is hot outside.
  • I like to eat ice cream.
  • They are eating ice cream.
Crocodiles and Alligators are covered with scales and have backbones. They have short legs and long, powerful tails. Also, baby crocodiles and alligators both hatch from eggs.According to the paragraph, how are alligators and crocodiles alike?
  • They both have short legs and powerful tails.
  • They both eat eggs.
  • They are both green.
  • They both have hairy skin.
What two things are being compared in this picture?
E-3 sb-4-Compare and Contrastimg_no 53.jpg
  • apples and oranges
  • grapes and bananas
Identify the key word: Turtles and frogs have many qualities in common. 
  • Many
  • Qualities
  • In common
  • Dogs
what type of story structure looks at similarities and differences of a text?
  • compare and contrast
  • sequence
Identify the key word: One similarity between dogs and cats is that they both have fur. 
  • Have
  • Fur
  • Similarity
  • Cats
What do we call the graphic organizer used to compare and contrast?
E-3 sb-4-Compare and Contrastimg_no 54.jpg
  • 2 Circles
  • Circle Chart
  • Circle Diagram
  • Venn Diagram
Which sentence compares lions and tigers?
E-3 sb-4-Compare and Contrastimg_no 55.jpg
  • The average lion weighs 180kg, but the average tiger weights 220kg.
  • Both lions and tigers grow to 2.4 meters in length.
  • Lions are native to Africa. Tigers, however, are native to Asia.
Which of the following items can be compared/contrasted?
  • People
  • Animals
  • Places (Locations)
  • All of the above!
Johnny plays football, but Alex prefers soccer. Is this a similarity or a difference?
E-3 sb-4-Compare and Contrastimg_no 56.jpg
  • similarity
  • difference
Marcela likes pupusas and Mrs. Ramos does too! Is this a similarity or difference?
E-3 sb-4-Compare and Contrastimg_no 57.jpg
  • similarity
  • difference
Identify the key word: Birds and mammals are different from each other because bird are cold-blooded and mammals are warm-blooded.
  • birds
  • different
  • mammals
  • each
When you compare two texts, what are you doing?
  • You are looking for ways they are alike.
  • You are looking for ways they are different.
When you contrast two texts, what are you doing?
  • You are looking for ways they are alike.
  • You are looking for ways they are different.
What is the main point in the first article?
  • Poison dart frogs are very poisonous.
  • Poison dart frogs eat insects.
  • Poison dart frogs live in rain forests.
What is the main point in the second article?
  • Poison dart frogs have toxins on their skin.
  • There are two types of poisonous animals.
  • Spiders inject venom into their prey.
What is the point in the first article?
  • All flamingos have long, thin legs.
  • There are six different kinds of flamingos.
  • Flamingos eat food that makes them pink.
What does compare mean?
  • Compare means to look at how two texts are different.
  • Compare means to look at how two texts are the same.
What does contrast mean?
  • Contrast means to look at how two texts are different.
  • Contrast means to look at how two texts are the same.
How well do you feel you understand compare and contrast?
  • 4 I completely understand. I could teach a friend.
  • 3 I understand pretty well.
  • 2 I could use more practice.
  • 1 I don't understand. I need help.
Cherise and Darah are twin sisters, but their personalities are very different from each other.
  • Compare
  • Contrast
Cherise is quiet and shy, unlike Darah, who is more outgoing.
  • Compare
  • Contrast
Darah has many friends, and Cherise has many friends as well.
  • Compare
  • Contrast
Darah likes to bend the rules and challenge authority, on the other hand, Cherise never breaks any rules.
  • Compare
  • Contrast
Both girls attend the same school, where they have to wear uniforms.
  • Compare
  • Contrast
Darah wears navy pants and long-sleeved shirt, just like Cherise does.
  • Compare
  • Contrast
However, Darah tries to make her uniform more interesting.
  • Compare
  • Contrast
In contrast to Cherise, she wears colorful scarves and jewelry.
  • Compare
  • Contrast
Cherise, like Darah, enjoys expressing herself, too.
  • Compare
  • Contrast
Unlike Darah, Cherise shows her personality by paiting beautiful pictures.
  • Compare
  • Contrast
She loves bright colors, just like Darah.
  • Compare
  • Contrast
The twins do have similar tastes, after all.
  • Compare
  • Contrast


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