Choose the homonym for "Sea"
  • Blue
  • See
Choose the homonym for "Blue"
  • Carrot
  • Blew
Choose the homonym for "Dear"
  • Deer
  • Sea
Choose the homonym for "Right"
  • Notebook
  • Write
Homonym for "Sun"
  • Big
  • Son
Homonym for "Read"
  • Red
  • Book
Homonym for "tale"
  • Bus
  • Tail
Choose the homonym for "Road"
  • Sail
  • Rode
Choose the homonym for "weak"
  • Listen
  • Week
Choose the homonym for "two"
  • read
  • too
Which one of the following has not used the word 'box' correctly?
  • Yeeky is so angry, he wants to box Lynn.
  • Fenly needs to go to the doctor for a box to excuse himself from school.
  • The box of chocolate was really delicious.
  • The new iPhone 7 comes in a very nice box.
Which one of the following has not used the word 'fine' correctly?
  • The sugar was fined and plentiful.
  • My father was fined for speeding.
  • The weather is fine.
  • Are you fine?
Which one of the following has not used the word 'sink' correctly?
  • I washed my hand in the sink.
  • The boat sinks into the sea.
  • The choir sinks perfectly at the concert.
  • You need to clean the sink once in a while.
Which one of the following has not used the word 'order' correctly?
  • I ordered him to keep quiet.
  • I went to the cafe, and ordered a large cup of coffee.
  • The toys are arranged in a specific order.
  • What happens as you get order?
Which one of the following has not used the word 'left' correctly?
  • The lefts of the tree fell to the ground.
  • You need to keep to your left side to avoid being knocked by the bicycles.
  • Aloy left the rubbish on the floor.
  • There are still some food left in the refrigerator.
Which one of the following has not used the word 'book' correctly?
  • There is a story book that you need to return to the library.
  • I have made a book to stay at this luxury hotel.
  • I need to book the chalet in advance.
  • Do you have a book on how to be a good student?
Which one of the following has not used the word 'fire' correctly?
  • Human beings learnt how to start the fire for cooking thousands of years ago.
  • If you are lazy, you will be fired by your manager.
  • I want to start a fire in you so that you will be motivated to achieve success.
  • The flower is beautiful in this fire colour.
Which one of the following has not used the word 'address' correctly?
  • How may I address you?
  • May I know your home address?
  • The pretty lady is in a very beautiful address.
  • The Principal will address the school later.
Which one of the following has not used the word 'groom' correctly?
  • Use the groom to sweep the floor.
  • The bride and the groom walked down the aisle.
  • You need to groom yourself to leave others with a good impression.
  • The groom is in-charged of looking after the horses.
Which one of the following has not used the word 'mole' correctly?
  • There is a mole in the room, so we must not disclose our secrets.
  • He has a mole on his forehead which is often mistaken as a fly.
  • He poured the water into the mole for making ice.
  • The mole dug a tunnel to get away from its predator.
Each of two or more words spelled the same but not necessarily pronounced the same and having different meanings and origins. What word is it?
  • Homonyms
  • Homographs
  • Homophones
  • Rhyming words
  • Synonyms
Identify the homonyn in the sentence:What is the address of your house?
  • location
  • to speak to
Identify the homonyn in the sentence:I want to express my opinion about the story.
  • something done fast
  • to show your thoughts by using words
Identify the homonyn in the sentence:I hit the ground with a wood bat.
  • a nocturnal flying mammal
  • an implement used to hit a ball
Identify the homonyn in the sentence:Do you like rock music?
  • a genre of music
  • a stone
Identify the homonyn in the sentence:The car has a flat tire.
  • to grow fatigued
  • a part of a wheel
Identify the homonyn in the sentence:The river current is very strong.
  • flow of water
  • up to date
Identify the homonyn in the sentence:The dog barks at the mailman.
  • the sound a dog makes
  • a tree's out layer
Identify the homonyn in the sentence:Where should I turn right?
  • correct
  • direction opposite of left
Identify the homonyn in the sentence:Did you lie about the homework?
  • to recline
  • to tell a falsehood
Identify the homonyn in the sentence:Use the match to light the candle, please.
  • to pair like items
  • a stick for making a flame


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