Khamilya slammed her math textbook closed and crumpled up the piece of paper she was working on. “Ugh!” she said. Based on this passage, what can you infer about Khamilya?
  • Khamilya enjoys math.
  • Khamilya is having difficulty with math.
  • Khamilya has finished her math homework.
  • All three answers are correct
Can you infer the cause of this picture?
E-9 sb-8-Inference Remediationimg_no 139.jpg
  • He was not looking where he was going.
  • He was in a hurry and was peddling too fast.
  • His backpack was too heavy.
  • He was trying to drive the bike in the rain while holding an umbrella and lost his balance.
What can you infer about the following:Sofia threw on mismatched socks and forgot to brush her teeth. She ran out the door just in time to see the bus drive by.
  • Sofia was dressing up as a clown.
  • Sofia was practicing for the big race.
  • Sofia's alarm didn't go off, and she was late for school.
  • Sofia's mom forgot to lay out her clothes for her.
What does Inference mean?
  • finding details in a story
  • Use clues and what you already know to come up with an idea
  • Giving a reason for your answer
  • Using what I know
Chloe feels horrible.  Her throat is so sore that she can barely swallow.  Her head hurts, her body aches and she has a fever.  "Today is supposed to be special.  It's not going to be a very fun birthday this year, "she thinks, when she hears her mom calling the doctor's office. What can you infer?
  • She will get extra presents because she's sick
  • She will go to the doctor on her birthday
  • She will have fun on her birthday
What evidence supports the inference that the little girl is sick?
E-9 sb-8-Inference Remediationimg_no 140.jpg
  • She's smiling
  • She has a thermometer in her mouth.
  • Her mother just gave her medicine.
  • She's wearing a blue robe.


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