To correct a misplaced modifier, rearrange,  revise, and ____ the sentence by moving the words. 
  • rewrite
  • review
  • recycle
  • reward
A(n) ___ is a word, phrase, or clause that modifies (or describes) another word and adds detail to a sentence.
  • verb
  • modifier
  • adjective
  • adverb
A(n) ____ modifies (or describes) nouns or pronouns.
  • verb
  • pronoun
  • adjective 
  • adverb
A(n) ____ modifies (or describes) verbs.
  • verb
  • plural noun
  • adjective
  • adverb
What does the red phrase modify (or describe) in the following sentence?The shoes with the yellow stripes are expensive.
  • expensive
  • shoes
Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? 
  • Running recklessly through the forest, the tree stump tripped Jay.
  • Running recklessly through the forest, Jay tripped over the tree stump.
  • Running recklessly through the forest, the stump of the tree tripped Jay.
  • Running recklessly through the forest, the tree tripped.
Which sentence is written MOST clearly and correctly? 
  • Filled with creamy caramel, Dane enjoyed the surprisingly filling candy bar.
  • Filled with creamy caramel, the candy bar Dane enjoyed was surprisingly filling.
Choose the sentence with the modifier in the correct place.
  • The clerk sold the scarf to the woman with the red print.
  • The clerk sold the scarf with the red print to the woman.
Which sentence is written MOST clearly and correctly?
  • The lady shopped for a dress with a headache.
  • The lady with a headache shopped for a dress.
Is the sentence below written correctly?Covered in wildflowers, the elephant pondered the hillside's beauty.
  • Yes, the sentence is correct.
  • No, the sentence has a misplaced modifier.
Which sentence is written MOST clearly and correctly?
  • Gasping after the 5-mile run in the summer sun, the bottle of cold water quenched Donovan's thirst.
  • Gasping after the 5-mile run in the summer sun, Donovan quenched his thirst with a bottle of cold water.
  • Gasping after the 5-mile run in the summer sun, Donovan's thirst was quenched with a bottle of cold water.
What are 2 types of modifiers?
  • subjects and predicates
  • adjectives and adverbs
  • nouns and pronouns


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