Which example shows correct parallel structure?
  • Recommended exercise includes to run, to swim, and cycling.
  • Recommended exercise includes running, swimming, and cycling.
  • Recommended exercise includes running, swimming, and to cycle.
  • Recommended exercise includes running, to swim, and cycling.
Read this sentence.The customer service representative was asked to deal with customers kindly, professionally, and in a helpful manner.In this sentence, how is kindly, professionally, and in a helpful correctly written?
  • as it is
  • kindly, professionally, and helpfully.
  • kindly, to be professional, and helpful.
  • customers kindly, to be professional, and to be helpful.
Read this sentence.Going to school, riding a bike, and to spend time with friends were little things enjoyed today that Anne Frank could not do, due to her circumstances. How is this sentence correctly written?
  • as it is
  • To go to school, to ride a bike, and spending time with friends were little things enjoyed today that Anne Frank could not do, due to her circumstances.
  • School, riding bikes, and spending time with friends were little things enjoyed today that Anne Frank could not do, due to her circumstances.
  • Going to school, riding a bike, and spending time with friends were little things enjoyed today that Anne Frank could not do, due to her circumstances.
Read this sentence.Scientists and meteorologists are currently studying storms and try to find better ways of predicting them.How is this sentence correctly written?
  • Scientists and meteorologists are currently studying storms and to try to find better ways of predicting them.
  • Scientists and meteorologists are currently studying storms and tried to find better ways of predicting them.
  • as it is
  • Scientists and meteorologists are currently studying storms and trying to find better ways of predicting them.
Replace the underlined portion of the sentence with a choice that creates a parallel structure. There are two ways to get a promotion: working hard or make friends in high places.
  • to working hard
  • work hard
  • no change
  • worked hard
Replace the underlined portion of the sentence with a choice that creates a parallel structure.Learning a new language as an adult is more difficult than to learn one as a child.
  • learning
  • to learning
  • learned
  • no change
Neither _______ nor the ineffective air conditioner rattling in the window will deter Tiffany from loving the freedom of her first apartment.
  • when the inconsiderate neighbors played loud music
  • the inconsiderate neighbors playing loud music
  • playing loud music by the inconsiderate neighbors
  • having played loud music by the inconsiderate neighbors
We looked everywhere for the car keys--under the sofa cushions, _______, and on the counters and tabletops. All along, Andrew had them in the front pocket of his jeans!
  • our search included the trash can
  • searching for them in the trash can
  • in the trash can
  • we searched for them in the trash can
When Noodle, the poodle, realized that the leash meant a bath, not a walk to the park, he growled, pulled, and _______.
  • was leaping like a fish on the line
  • he was leaping like a fish on a line
  • leaped like a fish on a line
  • decided to leap like a fish on a line
Not only did Carlos miss his one-year anniversary with Adrianna _______.
  • but also forgot his mother's birthday
  • but he also forgot his mother's birthday
  • but also forgetting his mother's birthday
  • but forgot his mother's birthday
When Delores realized that her father had made lima beans and rice for dinner, she __________, claimed to feel nauseous, and excused herself from the table. The bag of stale popcorn in her room would tide her over until breakfast.
  • clutched her stomach
  • was clutching her stomach
  • did clutch her stomach
Not only did Hank despise the way June chewed with her mouth open, _________ finding her wet towels all over the bathroom floor.
  • but also disliked
  • but also disliking
  • but he also disliked
To protect her delicate hands, Fran will not rake the yard, do the dishes, or __________.
  • refuses to scrub the bathtub
  • won't scrub the bathtub
  • scrub the bathtub
When Diane takes her beagle for a walk, Santana enjoys sniffing for edible garbage, __________, and lunging at squirrels.
  • howls at bicyclists
  • howling at bicyclists
  • she howls at bicyclists
After Amanda cashes her paycheck, the money goes to her savings account, cappuccino fund, and __________.
  • paying her credit card bill
  • toward her credit card balance
  • credit card balance
In preparation for her run, Alicia __________, applied sunscreen, and increased the volume on her iPod.
  • tightened her shoelaces
  • was tightening her shoelaces
  • did tighten her shoelaces
We searched the car trunk, __________, and the top of the refrigerator, but we could not find the box of cornflakes that we remember buying.
  • looked on the pantry shelves
  • on the pantry shelves
  • the pantry shelves
Bonkers, our ninety pound golden retriever, chews on furniture, __________, and snots up the car windows—inconveniences we didn't anticipate when we adopted him.
  • would drag us around the neighborhood during walks
  • he drags us around the neighborhood during walks
  • drags us around the neighborhood during walks
Belinda saw very little of the horror movie, for she shut her eyes __________, when she heard the monster's footsteps in the dead leaves, and when characters started screaming.
  • when the violins began to play
  • while listening to the violins play
  • during the violin music
In Mrs. Curall's office, Ruben feigned the flu. He hoped to be excused from class, get an extension on his paper, and __________.
  • spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends
  • to spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends
  • then to spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends
Carlos not only missed his one-year anniversary with Adrianna __________.
  • but he also forgot his mother's birthday
  • but also forgot his mother's birthday
  • but also forgetting his mother's birthday
Teresa was expecting a visit from her mother, so she spent the day cleaning the shelves of the refrigerator, scrubbing mold from the bathroom tile grout, and __________.
  • she removed dog hair from the sofa cushions
  • removing dog hair from the sofa cushions
  • removed dog hair from the sofa cushions


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