Force And Laws Of Motion - Class 9 Physics - Extra Questions

Selvi placed her purse on the passengers seat of her car when she drove to work. By the time she reached her office, her purse had fallen on the floor in front of the passengers seat. Why did this happen? Explain.

A shopping cart has a mass of $$65\ kg$$. In order to accelerate the cart by $$0.3\ ms^{-2}$$ what force would you exert on it?

What is the force called which produces an acceleration of $$1m{s}^{2}$$ in a body of mass $$1kg$$?

Water sprinkler used for grass lawns begins to rotate as soon as the water is supplied. It is based on which law?

State Newton's second law of motion.

Why is it easier to maintain the motion than to start it?

Do we apply a force on the ground while walking? (Yes/No)

To move a boat ahead in water, the boatman has to push the water backwards by his oar. Explain.

Newton's Third Law says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. 

State True or False.

A heavy car A of mass 2000 kg travelling at 10 m/s has a head-on collision with a sports car B of mass 500 kg.If both cars stop dead on colliding,what was the velocity of car B?

Explain why,when a fireman directs a powerful stream of water on a fire from a hose pipe, the hose pipe tends to go backward.

 Differentiate between Mass and inertia

Give reason: Sparks produced in a grinding stone move tangentially. 

A bullet of mass $$50\ g$$ moving with an initial velocity of $$100\ m/s$$, strikes a wooden block and comes to rest penetrating a distance $$2\ cm$$ in it. Calculate the initial momentum of the bullet.

A motorcar with mass $$1200kg$$ can be pushed by three persons to produce an acceleration of $$0.2ms^{-2}$$ .With what force does each person push the motorcar? (Assume that all persons push the motorcar with the same muscular effort).

Find out reasons for the situation:
Place a small brick on a plank. When the plank is pulled suddenly the brick remains in the same position as before.

You are hurt when you kick a stone. Why? 

A body of mass $$25 kg$$ has a momentum of $$125 kg m/s$$. Calculate the velocity of body

There are two types of forces X and Y.The forces belonging to type X can produce motion in a stationary object but cannot change the shape of the object .On the other hand,forces belonging to type Y cannot produce motion in stationary object but can change the shape of the object.What is the general name of the forces such as (a) X and (b) Y ?

On what factor does the inertia of a body depend? Which has more inertia, a cricket ball or rubber of the same size?

If action is always equal to the reaction, explain how a horse can pull a cart.

Mention the condition when an object in motion
a) can be considered point object 
b) can not be considered point object

Weight of an object is the _____________ force of the ____________ acting on an object.

A man pushes a wall with force $$F = 10\ N$$ towards the east. What force is exerted by the wall on the man?

What happens to the passengers travelling in a bus when the bus takes a sharp turn? Give reason for your answer.

What type of forces-balanced or unbalanced-act on a rubber ball when we press it between our hands? What effect is produced in the ball?

Two bodies A and B of same mass are moving with velocities v and 2v respectively. Compare their 

A body of mass m moving with a velocity v is acted upon by a force. Write expression for change in momentum when $$v << c$$ but m does not remain constant. Here $$c$$ is the speed of light.

Two equal and opposite forces act on a stationary body. Will the body move? Give reason to your answer.

Why does a person fall when he jumps out from a moving train?

Name the two factors on which the force needed to stop a moving body in a given time, depends.

State Newton's second law of motion. What information do you get from it?

"The action and reaction both act simultaneously." Is this statement true?

 If a man jumps out from a boat, the boat moves backward. Explain.

Greater the mass, greater is the inertia of the body. Type 1 for true and 0 for false

'More the mass, the more difficult it is to move the body from rest'. Type 1 for true and 0 for false

Comment on the statement 'the sum of action and reaction on a body is zero'.

Can you identify the action and reaction forces in the case of an object falling under gravity? Neglect air resistance

To cause acceleration in an object the necessary factor is unbalanced _____________ .

If two horizontal forces $$F_1$$ and $$F_2$$ of the unequal magnitude act on a body in opposite directions then find the net force acting on the body.

Distinguish between balanced and unbalanced forces.

Define spring balance.

Correct the mistakes, if any, in the following statements.
i) One newton is the force that produces an acceleration of $$1\ ms^{-2}$$ in an object of $$1$$ gram mass.
ii) Action and reaction always act on the same body.

Why does a fielder in the game of cricket pull his hands back when he catches a ball?

What happens when you shake a wet piece of cloth ? Explain.

Explain rocket propulsion.

By a bullet fire by a gun is more dangerous than a bullet fire with medium speed?

The mass of a cannon is $$500\ kg$$ and it recoils with a speed of $$0.25\ m/s$$. What is the momentum of the cannon?

Guess and write, a heavy truck causes more damage to the wall than a bicycle if both hit a wall with same speed. Why? 

Which would require a greater force-accelerating a $$1$$ kg mass at $$10$$ $$m/s^{-2}$$ or a $$2$$ kg mass at $$4 m/s^2$$.

A person standing in a moving bus falls backwards when bus suddenly starts moving in forward direction. This happens due to

State the relation between force and momentum.

When a Carpet is beaten with a stick, dust comes out of it. Explain.

................ is a measure of the inertia of a body.

If action is always equal to reaction;explain

Fill in the blanks:
A moving football when kicked, its _________ changes.

Name the force which is responsible for changes in position or state of an object.

If the action is the cork being pushed out to the force exerted by the steam on it, what is the reaction?

How much force is needed to increase velocity of a body of $$4kg$$ mass by $$1.5m/s$$ every second?

Force produced by shooting makes the bullet to move forwards, also equal force in opposite direction is applied which recoils gun backwards. It is used to refill gun in semi automatic weapons. 
State True or False.

Give two examples  each of situation in which you push or pull to change the state of motion of an object.

A pebble of mass $$0.05 kg$$ is thrown vertically upwards. Give the direction and magnitude of the net force on the pebble,
(a) during its upward motion,
(b) during its downward motion,
(c) at the highest point where it is momentarily at rest. Do your answers change if the pebble was thrown at an angle of $$45^o$$ with the horizontal direction? 
Ignore air resistance.

According to the third law of motion when we push on an object, the object pushes back on us with an equal and opposite force. If the object is a massive truck parked along the roadside, it will probably not move. A student justifies this by answering that the two opposite and equal forces cancel each other. Comment on this logic and explain why the truck does not move.

Why is it advised to tie any luggage kept on the roof of a bus with a rope?

Akhtar, Kiran and Rahul were riding in a motorcar that was moving with a high velocity on an expressway when an insect hit the windshield and got stuck on the windscreen. Akhtar and Kiran started pondering over the situation. Kiran suggested that the insect suffered a greater change in momentum as compared to the change in momentum of the motorcar(because the change in the velocity of the insect was much more than that of the motorcar). Akhtar said that since the motorcar was moving with a larger velocity, it exerted a larger force on the insect. And as a result the insect died. Rahul while putting an entirely new explanation said that both the motorcar and the insect experienced the same force and a change in their momentum. Comment on these suggestions.

Soni says that the acceleration in an object could be zero even when several forces are acting on it. Do you agree with her? Why?

Give reasons for the following;
An athlete in the long jump runs a distance before taking the leap.

Explain why some of the leaves may get detached from a tree if we vigorously shake it branch.

Give reasons for the following
Usually a fielder in a cricket match, takes a catch by moving his hands in the direction of motion of cricket ball.

State any two illustrations for Newtons third law of motion.

From the following statements write down which is not applicable to mass of an object.
(a) It is a fundamental quantity.
(b) It is measured using physical balance.
(c) It is measured using spring balance.

Why does a boxer always move along the direction of the punch of the opponent?

Write the principles that are used in rocket propulsion.

A cart driver prods his horse to move forward. The horse refuses to budge and explains:
According to Newton's III Law, I am pulling the cart, with a certain force and the cart, in turn, pulls me back with an equal amount of force. As they are equal in magnitude and act in opposite directions, they cancel each other.
Do you agree with the explanation given by the horse? Support your answer with proper reasons.

The mats used in gyms and the padding used in sports uniforms are made up of soft substances. Why are rigid materials not used?

Consider a head-on collision between two particles of masses $$m_1$$ and $$m_2$$. The initial speeds of the particles are $$u_1$$ and $$u_2$$ in the same direction. The collision starts at t = 0 and the particles interact for a time interval $$\Delta t$$. During the collision, the speed of the first particle varies as
$$ v(t) = u_{1} + \frac{t}{\Delta t}(v_{1}- u_{1})$$
Find the speed of the second particle as a function of time during the collision.

Two equal forces to P and 2P act on a particle.If the first be doubled and the second be increased by 20N, the direction of the resultant is unaltered.Find the value of P.

Which would require a greater force?
Accelerating a $$5\ kg$$ object at $$3\ m/s^2$$, or an $$8\ kg$$ object at $$2\ m/s^2$$?

Find F for body to be in equilibrium.

Action and reaction are equal and opposite. Why cannot they cancel each other?

Explain Newton's second law of motion with the help of an example?

A force of $$12\ N$$ pulls a block of mass $$3.5\ kg$$ through a rope of mass $$0.5\ kg$$. The block is resting on a horizontal frictionless surface. What is the force of reaction exerted by the block on the rope?

A hockey ball of mass 200g is traveling at 10 m/s and is struck by a hockey stick, so as to return it along its original path with a velocity of 50 m/s. Calculate the change of momentum occurred  in the motion of hockey ball by the force applied by the hockey stick.

Guess and write why does pole vault jumper land on thick mats of foam?

Write and explain Newton's second law of motion.

(a). Name the forces acting on a plastic bucket containing water held above ground level in your hand. 

(b). Discuss why the force acting on the bucket do not bring change its state of motion ?

(c). Why do porters place a round of cloth on their heads when they have to carry heavy loads?

A 10 g bullet is shot from a 5 kg gun with a velocity of 400 $$m{s^{ - 1}}$$.What is the speed of recoil of the gun?

A person getting out of a moving bus on a train falls in froward direction.

An object of mass $$10\ kg$$ is moving with an initial velocity of $$2\ ms^{-1}$$. To make it come to rest in one second, what should be the unbalanced force? 

Why is it difficult to walk on a slippery road?

If a balloon filled with air and its mouth untied, is released with is mouth in a downward direction,it moves upwards. Why?

What is the effect of unbalanced forces?

Explain why, a runner presses the ground with his feet before he starts his run.

What is the total momentum of the bullet and the gun before firing?

What is the usual name of the forces which can not produce motion in a body but only change its shape?

A fat person is standing on a light plank floating on a calm lake. The person walks from one end to the other on the plank. His friend sitting on the shore watches him and finds that the person hardly moves any distance because the plank moves backward about the same distance as the person moves on the plank. Explain. 

Which of the two,balanced forces or unbalanced forces,can change the shape of an object ? Give an example to illustrate your answer.

When a stationary car starts suddenly, the passengers are jerked ________.

Name the property of bodies (or objects) to resist a change in their state of rest or of motion.

Name the force which slows down a moving bicycle when we stop pedalling it.

The mass of object A is 6 kg whereas that of another object B is 34 kg. Which of the two objects A  or B, has more inertia?

When a tree is shaken, its fruits and leaves fall down: why?

Why do the passengers in a bus tend to fall backward when it is starts suddenly? 

What do you understand by the terms "balanced forces" and "unbalanced forces"? Explain with examples.

The velocity of a body of mass 10 kg increases from 4 m/s to 8 m/s when a force acts on it for 2 s.
a) what is the momentum before the force acts?
b) What is the momentum after the force acts?
c) what is the gain momentum per second?
d) What is the value of the force?

Which physical principle is involved in the working of a jet aeroplane?

What is the relationship between force and acceleration?

Do action and reaction act on the same body or different bodies? How are they related in magnitude and direction? Are they simultaneous or not?

Why does a gunman get a jerk on firing a bullet?

A 60 g bullet fired from a 5 kg gun leaves with a speed of 500 m/s.Find the speed (velocity) with which the gun recoils (jerks backwards).

A gun of mass 3 kg fires a bullet of mass 30 g.The bullet takes 0.003 s to move through the barrel of the gun and acquires a velocity of 100 m/s.Calculate:
i) the velocity with which the gun recoils.
ii) the force exerted on gunman due to recoil of the gun.

Why is it advised to tie the luggage with a rope on the roof of buses?

A man wearing a bullet-proof vest stands still on roller skates.The total mass is 80 kg.A bullet of mass 20 grams is fired at 400 m/s.It is stopped by the vest and falls to the ground.What is then the velocity of the man?

When a carpet is beaten with a stick, dust comes out, why?

 Difference between First and second law of motion.

Explain why it is possible for a small animal to fall from a considerable height without any injury being caused when it reaches the ground.

Two balls of the same size but of different material, rubber and iron are kept on the smooth floor of a moving train. The brakes are applied suddenly to stop the train. Will the balls start rolling? If so, in which direction? Will they move with the same speed? 
Give reason for your answer.

A body at rest opposes the force which tries to move it. Name this property and give two examples to illustrate it. 

A gas-filled balloon moves up. Is the upward force acting on it larger or smaller than the force of gravity? 

Sonam was reading about balanced and unbalanced forces. She read that the gravitational force of the sun and moon also act on us. She wondered why we don't fly towards these bodies. Her teacher. however, listened to her patiently and stored her doubts.
(a) What values of Sonam do you observe?
(b) Throw light on the characteristic values of her teacher.
(c) Distinguish between balanced and unbalanced forces.
(d) What explanation would you give towards Sonam's questions?
(e) Good reading habits lead to constructive learning. Comment.

A horse continues to apply force in order to move a cart with a constant speed. Explain.

Water sprinkler used for grass lawns begins to rotate as soon as the water is supplied. Explain the principle on which it works.

Two identical bullets are fired one by a light rifle and another by a heavy rifle with the same force. Which rifle will hurt the shoulder more and why ?

A ball moving on a surface stops after travelling some distance. Does it violate the first law of motion? Explain. 

State Newton's second law of motion. Under what conditions does it take the form F=ma? 

What is meant by the term inertia?

'More the mass, more difficult it is to move the body from rest'. Explain this statement by giving an example.

How can you feel a force of $$1$$ N?

A bullet of mass $$50 \ g$$ moving with an initial velocity of $$100 \ m/s$$, strikes a wooden block and comes to rest penetrating a distance $$2 \ cm$$ in it. Calculate final momentum of the bullet.

How does Newton's second law of motion differ from first law of motion?

When a shot is fired from a gun, the gun gets recoiled. Expain.

Name and state the action and reaction in the following cases: 
(a) Firing a bullet from a gun,
(b) Hammering a nall,
(c) A book lying on a  table,
(d) A moving rocket,
(e) A person walking on the floor,
(f) A moving train colliding with a stationary train.

Why a man pulling a bucket of water from a well, suddenly fell down on breaking down of rope ?

In water / oil tankers some space is left empty at the top while filling them. Explain, why ?

Why a standing passenger was thrown in the forward direction when a running bus stops suddenly?

A person is standing on ice at the centre of a frozen lake. What should he do to reach the shore ?

Give scientific reason .
Even though the magnitudes of action force and reaction force are equal and their direction are opposite, their effects do not get cancelled.

Why does it happen?
If a stationary bus suddenly speeds up, passengers are thrown in the backward direction.

What is inertia ?

What do you mean by inertia ?

Justify the statement "Mass of a body is the measure of its inertia".

Calculate the mass of the body, when a force of $$525 \,N$$ produces an acceleration of $$3.5 \,m / s^2.$$

Define balanced and unbalanced forces. Explain with the help of figure that only unbalanced force produce motion in the body.

A body is acted upon by two forces, but it does not move.
What can you say about the two forces ?

What are the directions of action and reaction in Newtons third law of motion?

State and explain Newton's second law of motion. Derive the expression $$F = ma.$$

Why do passengers jumping out of a rapidly moving vehicle, fall forward ? Give reason.

A book is placed on a table. The weight of the book and the normal force by table on the book are equal in magnitude. Are they acting in the same direction?

Define inertia.

What does rate of change in momentum give?

Two masses are In the ratio 1:What is the ratio of their Inertia?

According to Newtons third law of motion, in a game of tug, each team pulls the opposing team with equal force. Then, why a team wins and the other one loses?

Passengers in buses tend to fall back as it accelerates. Why?

An object experiences a zero external unbalanced force. Is it possible for the object to be travelling with a non-zero velocity? If yes, state the conditions that must be placed on the magnitude and direction of the velocity. If no provide a reason.

Calculate the force required to change the velocity of an object of mass $$4\,kg$$ from $$2\,ms^{-1} $$ to $$ 4\,ms^{-1}$$ in one second.

Fill in the blanks:
The inertia of an object is proportional to its .................

From a rifle of mass $$4 kg$$, a bullet of mass $$50 g$$ is fired with an initial velocity of $$35ms^{-1}$$, calculate the initial recoil velocity of the rifle.

Derive an expression for recoil velocity of gun.

What are balanced forces ?

A hammer of mass $$500\ g$$ moving at $$50\ ms^{-1}$$ strikes a nail. The nail stops the hammer in a very short time of $$0.61\ s$$. What is the force of the nail on the hammer?

Find out reasons for the Situations
When a running bus is suddenly stopped, passengers, standing in the bus show a tendency to fall forward.

When a carpet is beaten with a stick, dust comes out of it. Explain.

Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
Force is the product of  _________ and _________

A truck starts from rest and rolls down a hill with a constant acceleration. It travels a distance of $$400m$$ in $$20 s$$. Find its acceleration. Find the force acting on it if its mass is $$7tons$$. (Hint: $$1 ton = 1000 kg$$.)

Find out reasons for the situation:
Place some carom board coins in a pile. Using the striker, strike out the coin at the bottom. What do you observe? What is the reason?

Why is it advised to tie any luggage kept on the roof of a bus with a rope?

According to the third law of motion when we push on an object, the object pushes back on us with an equal and opposite force. If the object is a massive truck parked along the roadside, it will probable not move. A student justifies this by answering that the two opposite and equal forces cancel each other. Comment on this logic and explain why the truck does not move.

Expand the table by finding more situation from daily life.
Inertia of restInertia of motion
$$\bullet$$ When the branch of a mango tree is shaken, mangoes fall just as when the branch starts moving.$$\bullet$$ A running athlete cannot stop himself abruptly at the finishing line in a race.

It is more difficult to roll a drum filled tar than an empty drum.
Which of two has a greater mass?

It is more difficult to roll a filled drum than an empty drum.
Which has greater inertia?

Find out the reasons
A running elephant cannot change its direction suddenly.

During a pole vault jump, the impact is reduced by falling on a foam bed. Give reason.

It is dangerous for loaded vehicles to negotiate a curve in the road without reducing speed. What is the reason?

Examine the following situations and complete the table.
$$\bullet$$ A man jumps from a boat to the shore.The man exerts a force on the boat. THe boat moves backward.The boad exerts an equal force on the man in opposite direction. THe man lands on the shore.
$$\bullet$$ A bullet is fired from a gun
$$\bullet$$ A boat is rowed

Give reasons:
When a bullet is fired from a gun, the gun recoils.

Write down the action and reaction while we are walking on a floor?

Observe the figure and answer the  question.
When the card is suddenly struck off, what happens to the coin? Explain.

Give reasons:
When a bus at rest suddenly moves forward, the passengers, standing in the bus, fall backward.

On the basis of Newton's third law of motion, explain the source of force that helps to propel a rocket upward.

A person holds a ball in her hand.
(a) Identify all the external forces acting on the ball and Newton’s third law reaction force to each one.
(b) If the ball is dropped, what force is exerted on it while it is falling? Identify the reaction force in this case. (Ignore air resistance)

A rubber ball is dropped onto the floor. What force causes the ball to bounce?

A passenger sitting in the rear of a bus claims that she was injured when the driver slammed on the brakes, causing a suitcase to come flying toward her from the front of the bus. If you were the judge in this case, what disposition would you make? Why?

Identify actionreaction pairs in the following situations: (a) a man takes a step (b) a snowball hits a girl in the back (c) a baseball player catches a ball (d) a gust of wind strikes a window.

Can an object exert a force on itself? Argue for your answer.

What forces cause (a) an automobile, (b) a propeller driven airplane, and (c) a rowboat to move?

State Newton's 2nd law of motion.

Try the following experiment away from traffic where you can do it safely. With the car you are driving moving slowly on a straight, level road, shift the transmission into neutral and let the car coast. At the moment the car comes to a complete stop, step hard on the brake and notice what you feel. Now repeat the same experiment on a fairly gentle, uphill slope. Explain the difference in what a person riding in the car feels in the two cases. (Brian Popp suggested the idea for this question.)

A hunter has a machine gun that can fire 50 g bullets with a velocity of 150 m/s. A 60 kg tiger springs at him with a velocity of 10 m/s. How many bullets must the hunter fire per second into the tiger in order to stop him in his track?

Show that when the net force acting on a body is zero, it has no acceleration.

One or more external forces, large enough to be easily measured, are exerted on each object enclosed in a dashed box shown in above figure. Identify the reaction to each of these forces.


A sharpshooter fires a rifle while standing with the but of the gun against her shoulder. If the forward momentum of a bullet is the same as the backward momentum of the gun, why isn't it as dangerous to be hit by the gun as by the bullet?

The force of 2N acting on the changes its velocity uniformly from 2 m/sec to 5 m/sec in 10 seconds. Calculate the mass of the body.

Akhtar, Kiran and Rahul were riding in a motorcar that was moving with a high velocity on an expressway when an insect hit the windshield and got stuck on the windscreen. Akhtar and Kiran started pondering over the situation. Kiran suggested that the insect suffered a greater change in momentum as compare to the change in momentum of the motorcar (because the change in the velocity of the insect was much more than that of the motorcar). Akhtar said that since the motorcar was moving with a larger velocity, it exerted a larger force on the insect. And as a result the insect died. Rahul while putting an entirely new explanation said that both the motorcar and the insect experience the same force and change in their momentum. Comment on these suggestions

Horse cannot pull a cart and run in an empty space .

A cricketer moves his hand backward while holding a catch. 

When we shake the branch of tree its fruits and dry leaves falls.

Describe Newton's laws of motion on the basis of daily life examples. On the basis of the second law, find the relation between force, mass and acceleration.

 In Fig.5-44,elevator cabs A and B are connected by a short cable and can be pulled upward or lowered by the cable above cab A. Cab A has mass $$1700kg$$;cab B has mass $$1300kg$$.A $$12.0kg$$ box of cat-nip lies on the floor of cab A.The tension in the cable connecting the cabs is $$1.91 \times 10^4 N$$.What is the magnitude of the normal force on the box from the floor.

Your hands are wet, and the restroom towel dispenser is empty. What do you do to get drops of water off your hands? How does the motion of the drops exemplify one of Newtons laws? Which one?

Explain, why is it difficult for a fireman to hold a hose, which ejects large amounts of water at a high velocity.

In the motion picture It Happened One Night (Columbia Pictures, 1934), Clark Gable is standing inside a stationary bus in front of Claudette Colbert, who is seated. The bus suddenly starts moving forward and Clark falls into Claudette’s lap. Why did this happen?

State the law of action and reaction. Explain with a suitable and necessary diagram that 
Forces of action and reaction operate on two different objects.
Forces of action and reaction are equal, but they act in opposite direction.

Class 9 Physics Extra Questions