How Do Organisms Reproduce - Class 10 Biology - Extra Questions

 Short Answer.
Is the presence of a large number of chromosomes in an organism hindrance to sexual reproduction ? Justify your answer by giving suitable reasons.

a) Draw the diagram of a female reproductive and match and mark the part(s):
i) Where block is created surgically to prevent fertilization.
ii) Where CuT is inserted?
iii) Inside which condom can be placed.

a) Draw a longitudinal section of a flower and label the following parts:
i) Part that develops into a fruit.
ii) Part that produces pollen grain.
iii) Part that transfers male gametes.
iv) Part that is sticky.

b) Name the parts labelled A, B, C, and D in the diagram given below:

State the significance of human testes being located in the scrotum.

What is meant by the term 'fission' as used in biology?

How is the process of binary fission different in Amoeba and Leishmania?

Why do young people (mostly adolescents) get acne and pimples on face?

In the context of reproduction of species state the main difference between fission and fragmentation. Also, give one example of each.

What happens to the part marked 'D' after the fertilisation?

With the help of a diagram, show asexual reproduction in Rhizopus?

What happens if the egg is not fertilized ?

Why do organisms reproduce?

Any device or drug which prevents pregnancy in women is called ______.

Why is reproduction important for organisms?

If an egg is not fertilised,it is expelled from the body during______

How is regeneration different from fragmentation ?

A mature Spirogyra filament attains considerable length?

Describe the changes that occur in a flower after fertilization.

Is the use of contraceptives justified? Give reasons.

Shedding of endometrial lining along with blood and mucus is called _______.

What is the advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?

Find the odd one out.
Paramoecium, Euglena, Amoeba, Hydra

What could be the reasons for adopting contraceptive methods?

What are the different methods of contraception?

Why does menstruation occur?

List four methods of contraception used by humans. How does their use have a direct effect on the health and prosperity of a family?

Why is reproduction essential for organisms?


(a) Juvenile phase
(b) Reproductive phase
(c) Senescent phase

A student is observing a permanent slide showing sequentially the different stages of asexual reproduction taking place in yeast. Name this process along with its illustration. 

Write differences between.
Stamen - Carpel

Which type of fission is found in Plasmodium?

Sketch the diagram of human male reproductive system.

Look at the diagram given:
Answer the following:
(i) Name the method of reproduction depicted here.
(ii) Name an organism in which you find this method of reproduction.
(iii) Does this method of reproduction favour variation?

Write the names of the parts of a flower in sequence, from outside to inside.

Reproduction is one of the most important characteristics of living beings. Give three reasons in support of the statement.

Explain the process of fission in amoeba with diagram.

What is budding? Explain the budding in Hydra by the help of diagram.

List three techniques that have been developed to prevent pregnancy. Which one of these techniques is not meant for males? How does the use of these techniques have a direct impact on the health and prosperity of a family?

Name two flowers, each with joint and separate sepals.

What is fertilization? Describe the process in human beings.

Name a specific cell which carries out budding in Hydra.

State whether the following statement is true or false.
Producing seeds is a type of vegetative propagation of plants.

Adolescence is a crucial stage. Justify this statement.

Given appropriate biological/ technical terms for the following:
The kind of twins formed from two fertilised eggs.

Short Answer Question:
Define the following term:

Two mark Questions:
Out of many papaya plants growing in your garden, only a few bear fruits. Give reason.

Write the stages observed while studying the permanent slide of budding in yeast.

Some boys and girls have disproportionate body structure during adolescence. Why?

Why can fertilization occurs only once in a month in a human female? Expain.

What is the most important change marked by puberty?

Write the function of Female Reproductive system.

If a women is using a copper-T, will it help in protecting her from sexually transmitted disease?

What is menstruation? Why does it occur?

Mention the various parts of female reproductive system in humans.

How is reproduction carried out in Hydra?

What is the site of fertilization in human female reproductive system. Where does the zygote get implanted after fertilization?

Name the method by which Hydra reproduces. Is this method sexual and asexual?

Can you consider cell division as a type of reproduction in unicellular organisms? Give reasons.

What are the different methods of contraception?

What change occur among boys and girls during adolescence?

Differentiate between adolescence and puberty.

What is meant by binary fission? 

What is so peculiar about binary fission in Leishmania ?

How is asexual reproduction in Hydra different from that in Amoeba

Salma had a very soft and smooth skin during her childhood. As she entered adolescence. she developed pimples on her face. The skin specialist advised her to wash her face at regular intervals. Can you explain the reasons for the appearance of pimples on her face and suggest ways to prevent them?

In the figure of a flower given in figure, label the parts whose functions are given below and give their names.
a) The part which contains pollen grains.
b) The part where the female gamete is formed.
c) The female reproductive part where pollen grains germinate.
d) The colourful part of flower which attracts insects. 


Draw the diagram showing the longitudinal section of a flower.
Label the given parts:
(i) Style (ii) Anther

Unscramble the word given below to get the correct word using the clue given against it.
ROUCDPRENTOI: Because of this, we find organisms of the same kind.

In the diagram of a bisexual flower given as figure, draw the missing part and label the parts marked (a), (b) and (c). Also label the missing part that you draw. 


What is the importance of reproduction? 

Label A and B

In the given figure, label the parts based on their mentioned functions:
(a) Production of egg
(b) Site of fertilisation
(c) Site of implantation
(d) Entry of the sperms 

Observe any one flower and its various parts and describe it in your own words.

Distinguish between a gamete and zygote. Explain their roles in sexual reproduction. 

Why do male gametes have a tail?

During adolescence, the body of boys and girls undergoes certain changes. Given below are a few of those changes.
(a) Broad shoulders
(b) Wider chests
(c) Wider region below waist
(d) Development of muscles
(e) Development of mammary glands
(f) Growth of facial hair
(g) Acne and pimples on face
(h) Development of sex organs
(i) High-pitched voice
g) Growth of pubic hair.
Categorise these changes into those that occur in boys and those that occur in girls and fill in the table given below. 

Identify the process.

Draw the diagram of the male reproductive system and explain the function of primary reproductive organs in humans. 

What are the functions of the primary sex organ in women? 

Differentiate between
Stamen and staminode

Very Short Answer.
What do the following parts of a flower develop into after fertilization?
(a) Ovary 
(b) Ovules

Name the parts of pistil which develop into fruit and seeds respectively.

Define the following terms:

(a) Fertilization.
(b) Implantation.
(c) Puberty.

Where are the following structures/parts located and what are their functions?
(a) Placenta
(b) Thalamus
(c) Anther
(d) Stigma 

List the essential features required for an ideal contraceptive.

Name the parts of the ovary which give rise to:
(a) Seed _____
(b) Fruit _____
(c) Fruit wall _____

When maturation time of reproductive parts in a flower is different. 

Write functions of the tapetum.

Define the terms - Hilum, Funicle and Chalaza.

Arrangement of flowers on a twig/stem 

Mention the number and the name of the part involved in fertilization and implantation from the above diagram. 

Which contraceptive method changes the hormonal balance of the body?

What is reproduction? What are the two types? Which one of the two confers new characteristics on the offspring and how?

Name the parts $$1$$ to $$5$$ of human female reproductive system.

Draw a labelled diagram of fertilization between sperm and ovum.

Students were asked to observe the permanent slides showing different stages of budding in yeast under the high power of a microscope.
(A) Which adjustment screw (coarse/fine) were you asked to move to focus the slides?
(B) Draw three diagrams in a correct sequence showing budding in yeast.

What should be the parents task?

What are the risk factors for adolescents?

What are the major change significant at the stage of adolescents?

How the adolescents gets safe and nurturing environment?

Fill in the blanks with approriate words.
Growth of female secondary sex organs is stimulated at puberty by ......... while growth of male secondary sex organs is stimulated by .........

Write short notes on the following.
(a) Fragmentation (b) Regeneration (c) Budding

Explain budding in hydra with the help of labelled diagrams.

Is the chromosome number of the zygote, embryonal cells and adult of a particular organism always constant? How is the constancy maintained in these three stages?

Why does bread mould grow profusely on a moist slice of bread rather than on a dry slice of bread?

Discuss the given process.


Mention the post fertilisation changes that occur in a flower .

Write one-word answer.
Reproductive unit emerged from fertilised ovule.

If a piece of bread is kept in a container in moist place for 2-3 days, 
i. What will you see?
ii. Write scientific name and a character of the organism you may observe. 

Draw a labelled diagram in proper sequence to show budding in Hydra.

Distinguish between the following:
Petals and petaloid sepals.

When calyx and corolla cannot be differentiated from each other, they are collectively known as?

Given alongside are two figures (A & B) of a certain part of a flower. Study the figures carefully and answer the following questions:
(a) Which major organs of a flower does the figure A represent? What is the collective term for this organ?
(b) Are the contents of the pollen sacs in B male or female?
(c) Can you state how the contents of the pollen sacs would come out? 


Given below is a diagrammatic representation of the process of fertilization. Study the same and then answer the questions that follows:
(a) Name the parts labeled 1,2,3,4, 5 and
(b) What happens to (i) Ovary (ii) Ovule after fertilization?
(c) What is the function of the synergids?
(d) What part does the stigma play in the process of fertilization? 


Distinguish between a gamete and zygote. Explain their roles in sexual reproduction.

Class 10 Biology Extra Questions