Joint Stock Company - Class 10 Elements Of Business - Extra Questions
Answer the following questions: Mention any six features or characteristics of co-operative societies.
Mention the advantages of Joint stock companies.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words in the following statements. The capital of joint-stock companies is divided into small units. They are called ____________.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words in the following sentences: The most important documents required to start Joint companies are _________ and ________.
Which are the stages to formulate Joint Stock Companies?
Match the pairs
Write Short Notes on the following: Minutes of the Meeting
Write Short answers for the following: Explain the rights of a member.
Name the following: (a) A company in which the number of members cannot exceed 50: (b) A company having at least seven members:
In terms of a joint stock company, what do you understand by common seal?
In a joint stock company, what do you mean by perpetual succession?
Define One Person Company.
What do you mean by a memorandum of association?
What exactly do you mean when you say "artificial person" in the context of a joint stock company?
What do you mean by authorised capital?
"It is said to be an artificial person created by law, having a separate entity with perpetual succession and common seal". What is it? Elaborate up highlighted features. Explain the legal effect and significance of the 'Certificate of Incorporation' in the life of a Joint stock company. State any two privileges of a private company under the Companies Act, 2013.
What is the meaning of Joint Sector Enterprises?
What do you mean by issued capital?
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words in the following sentences: The first stage of the formation of a Joint stock company is ________.
Which are the small scale business organizations?
What are the functions of a secretary of Joint Stock Company ?
List the features of Joint Stock Company.
What are the merits of Joint Stock Company?
Write demerits of Joint Stock Company.
Distinguish : Company Secretary and Personal Secretary.
Write short note on the following: Features of Joint Stock Company.
Write Short notes on the following: Limitations of Joint Stock Company.
Write short answers for the following: Define Joint Stock Company and explain it's features.
Write Short Notes on the following: Resolution and its Types.
Write Short Notes on the following: Amendment
Essay Type Question: State and explain the different types of General Meetings of Company.
Write Short notes on the following: Advantages of a Joint Stock Company.
Write short answers for the following: Explain the merits and demerits of a Joint Stock Company.
Write shorts answer to the following questions: Why are the services of a secretary required for a Joint Stock Company.
Write short answers for the following: What are the characteristics or features of a Joint Stock Company?
Distinguish: Motion and Amendment.
Essay Type Questions: What is the Feature of an effective business letter?
Match the group
Essay Type Questions : Describe in brief the monitoring mechanism for a Joint Stock Company.
Define and explain the role of director in company.
Distinguish: Ordinary Resolution and Special Resolution.
Write Short Notes on the following: Proxy.
Match the following:
Minimum seven members
Private company
Maximum fifty members
Public company
Restriction on transfer of shares
Private company
Cannot issue prospectus
Private company
Write a note on the provisions relating to requirements of the meetings.
Distinguish: Agenda and Minutes.
Write Short Notes on the following: Method of Voting.
Write Short Notes on the following: Importance of agenda ?
Write Short Notes on the following: Invalid Resolution.
Write a letter to the Director following cases. Reporting to a director who was absent for a meeting.
Write Short Notes on the following: Motion
Write Short Notes on the following: Quorum?
Essay type questions: Explain in detail the various methods of voting at a company meeting.
Match the groups:
Write short answers for the following: What are the legal provisions regarding quorum ?
Write short answers for the following: What is motion and what are the essentials of motion ?
Write short answers for the following: State the different types of resolutions passed in a meeting.
Write short answers for the following: What are the advantages of poll method of voting ?
Essay type questions: Explain different types of resolutions passed at the company meetings.
Write short answers for the following: What are the rules regarding appointment of proxy ?
Write Short Notes on the following: Resolution requiring Special Notice
State with reasons, whether the following statement is True or False: The ownership and management is not separated in a Joint Stock Company.
Answer briefly the question: Explain the term 'motion' in the context of company meetings.
Define a Joint Stock Company.
Who elect the Board of Directors in Joint Stock Company?
What do you mean by "Articles of Association"?
Define Joint stock company.
Explain the limitations of a joint stock company.
Explain the various steps involved in the promotion of a company.
Essay Type Question: State the meaning of Joint Stock Company and explain it's merits and limitations.