Sustainable Management Of Natural Resources - Class 10 Biology - Extra Questions
Give your view point about the conservation of natural resources.
Suggest two important measures to reduce consumption of the various natural resources.
There is an urgent need to harness nonconventional sources of energy. Explain.
State two reasons of launching the ''Ganga Action Plan". Which bacteria was found in Ganga water indicating contamination ?
Environmental problems arise mainly due to _______ of natural resources.
Classify the following matter by state. Kerosene oil, Steel, Mercury, CNG, Cotton, Blood.
Mention any three uses of forests.
Over exploitation of natural resources causes ........................ problems
How did the Chipko movement ultimately benefit the local population ?
The harnessing of water resources by building dams has social, economic and _______________ implications.
Ganga Action Plan was launched in ........................ to improve the ........................ of the Ganga water.
Dams are the large or small structures which stop the natural flow of water for the purpose of ___________ generation and ______________.
________ sacrificed her life along with 363 others for the protection of 'khejri' trees.
Scraps and old used metals can be remelted and ...................... for useful purposes.
Why was the Ganga Action Plan launched?
Do you think that use of 'kullad' (clay cup) in railways for providing tea and coffee is a way of sustainable use of resources? How?
What do you mean by management of resources ?
Give reasons for the following:
Solar energy is considered an inexhaustible resource.
Define sustainable development.
List four ways in which forests are useful to us.
In which way management of fossil-fuels like coal and petroleum differ from other natural resources?
Why is water essential for life?
What changes can you make in your habits to become more environment-friendly?
Can you suggest some changes in your school which would make it environment-friendly?
A student argues that a nation will be rich, if its forests are conserved. Explain.
Which is the largest water resource?
Suggest some ways of reusing a resource in your locality?
Explain the usefulness of dam constructed on the river.
Give some approaches to water management.
(a) What are the aims of watershed management? (b) Mention the problems caused by the construction of large dams.
Compare reuse and recycle methods for conservation of the environment.
Can you replace the following packaging material with those which can be recycled or reused. (1) Milk packets of polythene. (2) Dry eatables in polythene. (3) Gift items packed with shiny material. (4) Glass tumblers packed in thermocole box.
No rainfall for a year or more may lead to ________ in that region.
Which of the following statements is not correct? (i) Forests protect the soil from erosion. (ii) Plants and animals in a forest are not dependent on one another. (iii) Forests influence the climate and water cycle. (iv) Soil helps forests to grow and regenerate.
Value-based question: Why CNG is better than diesel in automobiles?
Animal life is also affected by deforestation. How? List the points.
Why are underground water resources depleting?
Forests are called the lungs of the earth. Why?
Give reasons why floods are more likely to occur in areas devoid of forest?
Explain with the help of two examples how the participation of local people has led to conservation of forest in the past.
What is wildlife? What is its importance?
Explain how deforestation leads to reduced rainfall.
What is meant by "sustainable management"?
Think of the kind of difficulties people have to face where a dam is being built.
We should use coal and petroleum judiciously. Why? State any four reasons.
Answer the following: Locate and name the water reservoirs in figures (a) and (b).
How local people can be used for successful forest management?
Of the total water available on the earth's surface, fresh water forms ____ percent.
People say that nothing goes waste in a forest. Can you explain, how?
List two advantage associated with water harvesting at the community level.
What steps taken for the protection and conservation of natural resources?
Why is there a shortage of water even though it occupies about $$71\%$$ of the earth's surface?
Name the states involved in Ganga action plan.
State the meaning of sustainable management. Reuse is better than recycling. How?
List any four advantages of water harvesting.
What is the economic importance of forest?
Write any two advantages of Sustainable Management of Natural resources. Out of reuse and recycle, which is better and why?
Answer the following: Which has an advantage over the other and why?
Even today there is a need of movement like 'Chipko' movement. Explain this with the help of an example that you have experienced.