The Rise Of Nationalism In Europe - Class 10 History - Extra Questions

Who played a key role in the unification of the German Empire?

By which act between the England and Scotland that resulted in the formation of the ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain?

 Name the primary ethnic groups of Britain?

What were two divisions present in the society of Ireland in eighteenth century?

What were the symbols of newly formed Britain?

Why did Metternich say, "When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold."

Briefly discuss about the political fragmentation of Italy.

 Write a brief note on the efforts of Giuseppe Mazzini.

Describe this image 

What changes did the events of February 1848 in France bring?

Weavers in Silesia had led a revolt against whom?

What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people?

Who were Marianne and Germania? What was the importance of the way in which they were portrayed?

Write a note on:  The role of women in nationalist struggles.

Write a note on:  Frankfurt parliament.

Write a note on Giuseppe Mazzini.

How was the history of nationalism in Britain unlike the rest of Europe?

Briefly trace the process of German unification.

How was the Indian national movement influenced by the revolutionary ideas?

Which person played a key role in the unification of the German Empire and how?

Why did nationalist tensions emerged in the Balkans?

Who was proclaimed German Emperor in a ceremony held at Versailles in January 1871?

Germany became united under _________.

Explain what is meant by the 1848 revolution of the liberals. What were the political, social and economic ideas supported by the liberals?

State the three features of the Spartacist League.

What was the main aim of the French revolutionaries?

How did culture play an important role in creating the idea of the 'nation' in Europe? Explain with examples.

How had revolutionaries spread their ideas in many European States after 1815? Explain with examples.

Describe any four measures which were introduced by the French Revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people.

How did nationalism develop through culture in Europe ? Explain.

"The first clear expression of nationalism came with the 'French Revolution' in $$1789$$". Examine the statement.

Describe the explosive conditions that prevailed in Balkans after $$1871$$.

Describe any three economic hardships faced by Europe in the $$1830$$s.

Why did frederic Sorrieu present utopian vision in his prints in $$1848?$$ Explain one reason.

Describe the role of Romanticism in developing nationalist feelings among Europeans during nineteenth century.

What was represented by the French female allegory of Marianne?

Who led the 1830 and 1848 revolutions?

What role did language play in developing nationalist sentiments in Poland?

What was the demand of the middle classes in parts of Europe where independent nation-states did not yet exist?

Class 10 History Extra Questions