For the given reaction of acidic hydrolysis of ether will be fastest when two phenyl groups are replaced by two-para –methoxy phenyl groups .The given reaction follow SN1 reaction followed by stability of carbocation. As the stability of carbocation increases, the rate of hydrolysis of ethers increases.
O-H bond undergoes cleavage most readily because oxygen being more electronegative can accommodate the negative charge more effectively after the cleavage.
The H-atoms attached to O,N and S are called active hydrogens. Since glycerol has three –OH groups, therefore it has three active hydrogens.
Greater the stability of the intermediate carbocation, more reactive is the alcohol. Since 2-methylpropan-2-ol generates 3o carbocation, therefore, it reacts fastest with HBr.
Secondary alcohols on oxidation give ketones.
1º Alcohols on catalytic dehydrogenation give aldehydes.
Since one mole of compound X reacts with Na to evolve 1 mole of H2 gas,therefore, alcohol X should be dihydric, i.e.
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