When fatty acids are not in readymade use, they are stored as triacylglycerols or triglycerides. Since they can be utilized for the future fuel requirements , they are termed as neutral fats. These are uncharged esters of fatty acids with glycerol. They are not synthesised. Where as cholesterols , caretenoids and terpenes can be obtained by the hydrolysis of simple lipid and compound lipid.
Prostaglandins are not a steroidal hormones . They are derived from a chemical called arachidonic acid.
A distinctive and characteristic functional group of fats is an ester group. since these fats are called as Triglycerides, which is an ester formed from glycerol and three fatty acid groups.
An amino acid has both a basic amine group and an acidic carboxylic acid group. If we increase the pH of a solution of an amino acid by adding hydroxide ions, the hydrogen ion is removed from the –NH3+ group. The amino acid travel towards on the other hand, the anode if we decrease the pH by adding an acid to a solution of an amino acid, the –COO- part of the 2witter ion picks up a hydrogen ion. The amino acid would the lack of movement during electrophoresis happens is known as the isoelectric point. Therefore the substituents R1 andR2 which are positively charged at pH = 7.0 are
Therefore four peptides are positively charged at pH = 7.0
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