JEE Questions for Maths Inverse Trigonometric Functions Quiz 3 -

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  • 5
  • 4
  • 12
  • 11
The value of 4 tan-1 1/5 - tan-1 1/70 + tan-1 1/99 is
  • π/4
  • π/2
  • π

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  • 4α - 4β = 0
  • 4α - 3β = 0
  • α > β
  • None of these
If sin-1 χ + sin-1 y + sin-1 z = 3π/2 , then the value of χ9 + y9 + z9 - 1/χ9 y9 z9 is
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
If tan-1 χ = π/4 - tan-1 (1/3), then χ is equal to
  • 1/3
  • 1/2
  • 1/4
  • 1/6
If a sin-1 χ - b cos-1 χ = c, than a sin-1 χ + b cos-1 χ is equal to

  • Maths-Inverse Trigonometric Functions-33657.png
  • 0

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  • π/2

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  • 1
  • 0
  • - 1
  • π/2
The value of sin-1 |cos (4095o)|is
  • -(π/3)
  • π/6
  • -(π/4)
  • π/4
  • π/2

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  • 2a/b
  • 2b/a
  • a/b
  • b/a

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  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

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  • tan-1 7/8
  • cot-1 15
  • tan-115
  • tan-1 25/24
If cos-1 χ + cos-1 y + cos-1 z + cos-1 t = 4π, then the value of χ2 + y2 + z2 + t2 is
  • χy + yz + zt
  • 1 - 2χyzt
  • 4
  • 6
If tan-1 2 and tan-1 3 are two angles of a triangle, then the third angle is
  • π/2
  • π/3
  • π/4
  • π/6

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  • Maths-Inverse Trigonometric Functions-33674.png
  • χ

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  • 5/17
  • 6/17
  • 3/17
  • 4/17

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  • 3
  • 5
  • 7
  • 11
The simplified expression of sin (tan-1 χ), for any real number χ is given by

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  • α > β
  • α = β
  • α < β
  • α + β = 2π
The solution of tan-1 χ + 2 cot-1 χ = 2π/3 is
  • - (1/√3)
  • 1/√3
  • -√3
  • √3
If tan-1 (1/+ tan-1 (3/- tan-1 (χ/= 0 , then χ is equal
  • 7/3
  • 3
  • 11/3
  • 13/3

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  • 3
  • -√3
  • √2
  • 2
  • √3

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  • χyz
  • 2χyz
  • χyz2
  • χ2yz

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  • 1
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

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  • a
  • b

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  • 2)
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  • Maths-Inverse Trigonometric Functions-33699.png
  • None of these

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  • √5
  • √5/3
  • 1
  • 2/3
If sin-1 (1 -χ ) - 2sin-1 χ = π/2, then χ is equal to
  • 0, - (1/2)
  • 0, 1/2
  • 0
  • None of these

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