Within a certain speed of the turn table the frictional force between the coin and the turn table supplies the necessary centripetal force required for circular motion. On further increase of speed, the frictional force cannot supply the necessary centripcral force. Therefore, the coil flies off tangentially.
When roads are not properly banked, force of friction between tyres and road provides partially the necessary centripetal force. This cause wear and tear of tyres.
In circular motion the frictional force acting towards the centre of the horizontal circular path provides the centripetal force and avoid overturning of vehicle. Due to the change in direction of motion, velocity changes in circular motion.
While moving along a circle, the body has a constant tendency to regain its natural straight Line path.
This tendency gives rise to a force called centrifugal force. The centrifugal force does not act on the body in motion, the only force acting on the body in motion is centripetal force. The centrifugal force acts on the source of centripetal force to displace it radially outward form centre of the path.
By doing so component of weight of vehicle provides centripetal force.
In uniform circular motion only centripetal acceleration works.
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