Because electrons need less energy to move
Antimony is pentavalent
For N-type semiconductor, the impurity should be pentavalent.
When a free electron is produced, simultaneously a hole is also produced.
Phosphorus is pentavalent while Indium is trivalent.
At room temperature some covalent bonds break and semiconductor behaves slightly as a conductor.
In P-type semiconductor, holes are majority charge carriers.
At 0 K semiconductor behaves as an insulator.
Antimony and phosphorus both are pentavalent.
The charge on the hole is positive.
Phosphorus is pentavalent impurity
Temperature coefficient of semiconductor is negative.
In a semiconductor, at room temperature some electrons acquire sufficient energy by which they arc able to cross the forbidden energy gap and thus can go from valence band to conduction band. Due to which at room temperature, the valence band is partially empty and conduction band is partially filled.
At room temperature, few bonds break and electron hole pair generates inside the semiconductor.
Gallium, boron and aluminium are trivalent.
Because with rise in temperature, resistance of semiconductor decreases, hence overall resistance of the circuit decreases, which in turn increases the current in the circuit.
Resistivity is the intrinsic property, it doesn’t depend upon length and shape of the semiconductors.
In reverse biasing, width of depiction layer increases.
The potential of P-side is more negative that of N-side, hence diode is in reverse biasing. In reverse biasing it acts as open circuit, hence no current flows.
It is used to convedrt ac into dc.
In forward biasing width of depletion layer decreases.
In forward biasing the diffusion current increases and drift current remains constant so not current is due to the diffusion.
In reverse biasing diffusion becomes more difficult so net current (very small) is due to the drift.
First diode is in reverse biasing it acts as open circuit, hence no current flows.
Depletion layer is more in less doped side.
In forward biasing P-side is connected with positive terminal and N-side with negative terminal of the battery.
In forward biasing of PN-junction diode, current mainly flows due to the diffusion of majority charge carriers.
At high reverse voltage, the minority charge carriers acquire very high velocities. These by collision break down the covalent bonds, generating more carriers. This mechanism is called Avalanche breakdown.
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