Digital circuit can be obtained by repetitive use of NAND gate
Here the output of OR gate is made as the input of NOT gate, we get NOR gate.
Here, the output of AND gate is made as the input of NOT gate we get NAND gate.
y = 1.0 + 1.0 = 0 + 0 = 0.
Binary number of decimal number 53 is (110101)2
The depletion layer in the P-N junction region is caused by diffusion of charge carriers.
When p-n junction is reverse biased, the flow of current is due to drifting of minority charge carriers across the junction.
Here 1 is OR gate, 2 is AND gate, 3 is NOR gate and 4 is NAND gate.
Semiconductor germanium contains covalent bonds.
When p-n junction is reverse biased then, the barrier potential increases.
By doping a semiconductor with some impurity atoms increases the conductivity and hence decreases the resistivity (as ρ = 1/σ)
The expected energy of electrons at absolute zero is Fermi energy.
Holes are majority charge carriers in p-type semiconductor
In p-n junction, the diffusion of majority carriers takes place when junction is forward biased and drifting of minority carrier takes place across the junction, when reverse biased.
Two NAND gates are used to form AND gate.
In half wave rectifier only half of the wave is rectified.
Tourmaline is a biaxial crystal.
Holes are majority carriers in p-type semiconductor
Phosphorous is pentavalent.
In p-n junction, the flow of charge carrier across the junction is due to diffusion of charge carriers in forward biasing and drift of charge carriers in reverse biasing.
A conductor allows the current in both the directions.
The energy band gap is maximum in insulators.
In p-n junction, there is a potential barrier with high potential at N side and low potential at P side.
When p-end of p-n junction is connected to negative terminal of the battery and n-end to positive terminal of the battery, the p-n junction is reverse biased. Its resistance is high, hence behaves as an insulator
The given relation will be satisfied if A = 0 and B = 0.
Here ne > nn so the semiconductor is n-type.
In a triode as an amplifier, the output voltage is out of phase w.r.t. input voltage by a phase π
NAND gate is a combination of AND gate and NOT gate.
As Ie = Ib + Ic, so Ie > Ic.
In reverse biasing, the voltage of the external battery supports the barrier voltage, due to which the value of potential barrier rises.
The saturation current in a diode valve is governed by Richardson’s law. According to which I = AST2e-11600 Wo/T.
In a semiconductor, at room temperature some electrons acquire sufficient energy by which they are able to cross the forbidden energy gap and thus can go from valence band to conduction band. Due to which at room temperature, the valence band is partially empty and conduction band is partially filled.
P-n junction is reverse biased when p-side is given lower potential than n-side. It is for the circuit (c).
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