The area under the finger nail
  • When donning sterile gloves using the "open glove method, it is important remember
  • Which area of the hands require special attention before you begin a surgical hand scrub
  • You are about to open a sterile pack. place the following steps in the proper sequence for opening the sterile pack
  • While waiting for a surgical procedure to begin, how do you position your hands and arms
Create and maintain a micro organism free environment
  • Which area of the hands require special attention before you begin a surgical hand scrub
  • The goal of surgical asepsis is to
  • During surgical handwashing, the hands are kept to
  • When donning sterile gloves using the "open glove method, it is important remember
Grasp Only the inside of the glove with your ungloved hand
  • When donning sterile gloves using the "open glove method, it is important remember
  • When opening a sterile pack, which of the following actions would compromise the sterility of the instruments and supply inside the pack
  • While waiting for a surgical procedure to begin, how do you position your hands and arms
  • Which area of the hands require special attention before you begin a surgical hand scrub
Control the introduction of micro organisms at the catheter site
  • A nurse preparing to flush and change the dressing on a patient central venous catheter and should understand that the primary purpose for them wanting this intervention using surgical asepsis is to
  • A nurse preparing a sterile field knows that the field have been contaminated when
  • When opening a sterile pack, which of the following actions would compromise the sterility of the instruments and supply inside the pack
  • A nurse donning sterile gloves knows that the proper technique for gloving the dominate hand prevents contact between the contaminated hand and the non-contaminated gloves because
Encourage water and soap to flow away from the clean hands
  • While waiting for a surgical procedure to begin, how do you position your hands and arms
  • Which area of the hands require special attention before you begin a surgical hand scrub
  • During surgical handwashing, the hands are kept to
  • When donning sterile gloves using the "open glove method, it is important remember
Open the flap furthest from your body first, followed by the side flaps, and finally the flap closest to your body. Any other would risk your gown coming into contact with the sterile wrap or your arm reaching over the sterile field both of which would result in contamination
  • When opening a sterile pack, which of the following actions would compromise the sterility of the instruments and supply inside the pack
  • Which area of the hands require special attention before you begin a surgical hand scrub
  • You are about to open a sterile pack. place the following steps in the proper sequence for opening the sterile pack
  • Prior to entering the surgical scrub area, which of the following personal protective equipment items to the team members don
The inner edge of the cuff will lie under the skin and thus will not be sterile
  • A nurse donning sterile gloves knows that the proper technique for gloving the dominate hand prevents contact between the contaminated hand and the non-contaminated gloves because
  • When opening a sterile pack, which of the following actions would compromise the sterility of the instruments and supply inside the pack
  • A nurse preparing a sterile field knows that the field have been contaminated when
  • A nurse preparing to flush and change the dressing on a patient central venous catheter and should understand that the primary purpose for them wanting this intervention using surgical asepsis is to
A cotton ball dampened with Sterile normal saline is placed on the field, the nurse turns to address the patient's question concerning the procedure, the procedure is postponed for 30 minutes to accommodate the patient
  • A nurse preparing to flush and change the dressing on a patient central venous catheter and should understand that the primary purpose for them wanting this intervention using surgical asepsis is to
  • You are about to open a sterile pack. place the following steps in the proper sequence for opening the sterile pack
  • A nurse preparing a sterile field knows that the field have been contaminated when
  • A nurse donning sterile gloves knows that the proper technique for gloving the dominate hand prevents contact between the contaminated hand and the non-contaminated gloves because


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