-Relax bladder walls-Constrict bladder sphincters-Relax gut walls-Constrict gut sphincters
  • What mechanisms does the sympathetic ANS use to increase oxygen and glucose transport to the brain (5)?
  • What mechanisms does the sympathetic ANS use to shut down unnecessary organ function (4)?
  • What mechanisms does the sympathetic ANS use to shunt blood from organs to the muscle (2)?
  • What mechanisms does the parasympathetic ANS use to increase urinary output (2)?
Energy use; fight or flight response.
  • What is the function of the sympathetic division of the ANS?
  • What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?
  • What is the function of the parasympathetic division of the ANS?
  • Describe the functional organization of the autonomic nervous system.
-Neurotransmitters: CNS efferent control-Autocoids and metabolites: local mediators
  • What are the regulators of the slow autonomic response (1)?
  • What is the function of the parasympathetic division of the ANS?
  • What are the regulators of the fast autonomic response (2)?
  • What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?
Energy conservation; rest and digest.
  • What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?
  • How does the parasympathetic ANS increase digestion and excretion (2)?
  • What is the function of the parasympathetic division of the ANS?
  • What are the regulators of the fast autonomic response (2)?
-Vasoconstrict organ blood flow-Vasodilate skeletal muscle blood flow
  • What mechanisms does the sympathetic ANS use to shut down unnecessary organ function (4)?
  • What mechanisms does the parasympathetic ANS use to increase urinary output (2)?
  • What mechanisms does the parasympathetic ANS use to increase digestion (3)?
  • What mechanisms does the sympathetic ANS use to shunt blood from organs to the muscle (2)?
-Decrease heart rate and contractile force-Constrict bronchi-Constrict pupils
  • What mechanisms does the sympathetic ANS use to shunt blood from organs to the muscle (2)?
  • What mechanisms does the sympathetic ANS use to shut down unnecessary organ function (4)?
  • What mechanisms does the parasympathetic ANS use to shut down (oppose/balance) the fight or flight response (3)?
  • What mechanisms does the parasympathetic ANS use to increase digestion (3)?
-Contract bladder walls-Dilate bladder sphincters
  • What mechanisms does the parasympathetic ANS use to increase urinary output (2)?
  • What mechanisms does the sympathetic ANS use to shut down unnecessary organ function (4)?
  • What mechanisms does the parasympathetic ANS use to increase digestion (3)?
  • What mechanisms does the sympathetic ANS use to shunt blood from organs to the muscle (2)?
-Increase digestion and secretion-Shut down (oppose/balance) fight or flight response
  • List the specific functions of the parasympathetic ANS (3).
  • List the specific functions of the sympathetic ANS (4).
  • List the types of secretion controlled by the ANS (4).
  • What are the regulators of the fast autonomic response (2)?
-Renin release
  • List the specific functions of the parasympathetic ANS (3).
  • List the types of smooth muscle function controlled by the ANS (6).
  • List the processes of kidney function that are controlled by the ANS (1).
  • List the processes of cardiac function that are controlled by the ANS (2).
  • What is the function of the parasympathetic division of the ANS?
  • What are the regulators of the slow autonomic response (1)?
  • What are the regulators of the fast autonomic response (2)?
  • What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?
To maintain homeostasis. Nerves regulate secretory glands, cardiac and smooth muscle.
  • What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?
  • What is the function of the parasympathetic division of the ANS?
  • What are the regulators of the fast autonomic response (2)?
  • What are the regulators of the slow autonomic response (1)?
  • List the processes of metabolism (liver function) that are controlled by the ANS (2).
  • List the processes of cardiac function that are controlled by the ANS (2).
  • List the types of smooth muscle function controlled by the ANS (6).
  • List the processes of kidney function that are controlled by the ANS (1).
-Smooth muscle-Cardiac muscle-Metabolism (liver)-Hormones (kidneys)-Secretory glands
  • What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?
  • What are the targets of autonomic regulation (5)?
  • What are the regulators of the fast autonomic response (2)?
  • What are the regulators of the slow autonomic response (1)?
  • List the processes of cardiac function that are controlled by the ANS (2).
  • List the types of smooth muscle function controlled by the ANS (6).
  • List the specific functions of the parasympathetic ANS (3).
  • List the types of secretion controlled by the ANS (4).
  • List the types of smooth muscle function controlled by the ANS (6).
  • List the specific functions of the parasympathetic ANS (3).
  • List the processes of kidney function that are controlled by the ANS (1).
  • List the processes of cardiac function that are controlled by the ANS (2).


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