hydroxy- aldehydes/ketones (aka, polyhodroxy aldehydes and polyhydroxy ketones)
  • what does the "L-" and "D-" label apply to on the enantiomer itself?
  • carbohydrates have a large number of what kind of functional groups?
  • what is an ester? what is its general structure?
  • what are sugars called when they contain 3, 4, 5, and 6 carbons?
single polyhydroxy aldehyde/ ketone unit
  • what is glycogen?
  • what is a disaccharide?
  • what is a glycosidic bond?
  • what is a monosaccharide?
aldehydes in a sugar contain prefix "aldo-"ketones in a sugar contain prefix "keto-"(for example: glucose, a six carbon sugar which contains an R-CHO, or aldehyde, group, is an "aldohexose"; ribulose, a five carbon sugar contains an R1-C=O \ R2, a ketone, is a "ketopentose")
  • What is the difference between an "α- hydroxyl" and a "β- hydroxyl" pyranose ring?
  • how does a straight monosaccharide cyclize into a ring (which carbons are active)?
  • how does benedict's test work?
  • how do we indicate the presence of an aldehyde or ketone group in a sugar?
  • what is an ester? what is its general structure?
  • what is the smallest monosaccharide?
  • what is an oligosaccharide?
  • what is an example of a furanose ring?
The intersection of two lines
  • what represents a chiral carbon?
  • what are the different types of monosaccharides?
  • what are carbohydrates?
  • what is an oligosaccharide?
at or near the top
  • what is the smallest monosaccharide?
  • what is the main difference between glucose and galactose?
  • what do hemiacetals and hemiketals react with alcohol to form?
  • where is the carbonyl carbon placed in carbohydrates?
  • what type of sugar the major storage form of D-glucose in plants?
  • What do aldehydes and ketones with alcohols react to form?
  • what geometric shape does an L- or D- Glyceraldehyde molecule take?
  • what does the "L-" and "D-" label apply to on the enantiomer itself?
a "Pyranose" (pi-ran-ose) ring (a cyclic hemiacetal or hemiketal)
  • What is the difference between an "α- hydroxyl" and a "β- hydroxyl" pyranose ring?
  • what is the general name of the ring formed during monosaccharide cyclization?
  • what does the "L-" and "D-" label apply to on the enantiomer itself?
  • what does the hydrolysis of disaccharides in presence of dilute acid (or specific enzymes) yield?
most monosaccharides are aldoses. most monosaccharides belong to the D- series.
  • are most monosaccharides aldoses or ketoses? which series do most natural monosaccharides belong to (D- or L-)?
  • What main change occurs during the cyclization of a monosaccharide into a Pyranose ring?
  • what is the general name of the ring formed during monosaccharide cyclization?
  • what is a disaccharide?
carbon 5 adds to the aldehyde group of carbon 1; predominantly cyclic hemiacetals/hemiketals
  • how does a straight monosaccharide cyclize into a ring (which carbons are active)?
  • what does the hydrolysis of disaccharides in presence of dilute acid (or specific enzymes) yield?
  • what are sugars called when they contain 3, 4, 5, and 6 carbons?
  • what is an ester? what is its general structure?
hemiacetals and hemiketals
  • What do we call monosaccharides which form 5-membered rings?
  • what is the main difference between glucose and galactose?
  • what is the smallest monosaccharide?
  • What do aldehydes and ketones with alcohols react to form?
each of a pair of molecules that are mirror images of each other.
  • what is a chiral carbon?
  • what is an ester? what is its general structure?
  • what is an enantiomer?
  • what is a glycosidic bond?
beginning with a properly drawn monosaccharide chain...draw the ring with its oxygen to the backput the anomeric carbon (C-1) on the right sidethe terminal -CH2OH group (C-6) is always shown above the ring for D-monosaccharides
  • What are the steps to drawing monosaccharides forming Pyranose and Furanose rings (Halworth Structures)?
  • what is another name for a the C-1 carbon on a Pyranose or Furanose ring?
  • what does the "L-" and "D-" label apply to on the enantiomer itself?
  • what is lactose intolerance?
differs in the orientation of -OH group attached to C-4
  • what is the main difference between glucose and galactose?
  • what does the hydrolysis of disaccharides in presence of dilute acid (or specific enzymes) yield?
  • what is the general name of the ring formed during monosaccharide cyclization?
  • where is the carbonyl carbon placed in carbohydrates?
glucose, fructose, galactose
  • what are carbohydrates?
  • what are the different types of monosaccharides?
  • What do aldehydes and ketones with alcohols react to form?
  • what are the functions of carbohydrates?
hemiacetal sugar + alcohol ---> acetal ring + H2O
  • generally describe glycoside formation
  • What do aldehydes and ketones with alcohols react to form?
  • what is a glycosidic bond?
  • describe the similar structure of D-aldoses
OR |R-- C --OH | R
  • what is the smallest monosaccharide?
  • previous review: generally describe a carbonyl group with R functional groups
  • what is the general structure of a hemiacetal?
  • where is the carbonyl carbon placed in carbohydrates?
Furanose ring
  • what color is the reaction between a polysaccharide and iodine?
  • what do hemiacetals and hemiketals react with alcohol to form?
  • What do we call monosaccharides which form 5-membered rings?
  • what is the main difference between glucose and galactose?
  • what are the different types of monosaccharides?
  • what is the smallest monosaccharide?
  • where is the carbonyl carbon placed in carbohydrates?
  • what are two starch fractions?
two monosaccharide units linked together by the acetal or ketal linkages
  • what is a polysaccharide?
  • what is a disaccharide?
  • what is a monosaccharide?
  • what is an enantiomer?
the "anomeric" carbon
  • What do aldehydes and ketones with alcohols react to form?
  • what does the "L-" and "D-" label apply to on the enantiomer itself?
  • what is another name for a the C-1 carbon on a Pyranose or Furanose ring?
  • what is the general name of the ring formed during monosaccharide cyclization?
Disaccharidecommon sugar; composed of glucose and fructose joined by an "α-" linkage from C-1 of glucose and a "β-" linkage from C-2 of fructose
  • describe sucrose
  • what is galactosemia?
  • describe lactose
  • what is a glycoside?
  • what is another name for a the C-1 carbon on a Pyranose or Furanose ring?
  • previous review: generally describe a carbonyl group with R functional groups
  • what color is the reaction between a polysaccharide and iodine?
  • What do we call monosaccharides which form 5-membered rings?
the oxygen of the carbonyl group at the top will point to the side which goes above.
  • when drawing the D-aldoses (example, d-glucose), how do you determine which side of the polyhydroxide rungs will cycle to the above side of the cyclic formation ring?
  • what are sugars called when they contain 3, 4, 5, and 6 carbons?
  • carbohydrates have a large number of what kind of functional groups?
  • what does the hydrolysis of disaccharides in presence of dilute acid (or specific enzymes) yield?
Disaccharidetwo glucose units joined by a glycoside (C-O-C) linkage between C-1 on the first glucose and C-4 on the second unit; has an "α-" gylcosidic linkage between glucose units (linkage points below).
  • describe maltose
  • describe amylose
  • describe sucrose
  • describe lactose
Disaccharidecomposed of one molecule of D-galactose and one of D-glucose; linkage between units is "β-" (1--->4)
  • describe lactose
  • what is galactosemia?
  • describe sucrose
  • describe maltose
when two monosaccharide rings are bonded using a C-O-C bond
  • what is a disaccharide?
  • what is an oligosaccharide?
  • what is a glycosidic bond?
  • what is a chiral carbon?
long unbraced chain of D-glucose units connected by an "α-" (1--->4) linkages
  • what is glycogen?
  • describe the similar structure of D-aldoses
  • describe amylose
  • what is a polysaccharide?
hydrolysis of disaccharides yields monosaccharide units
  • what does the hydrolysis of disaccharides in presence of dilute acid (or specific enzymes) yield?
  • What are the steps to drawing monosaccharides forming Pyranose and Furanose rings (Halworth Structures)?
  • what is the main difference between glucose and galactose?
  • what is the general name of the ring formed during monosaccharide cyclization?
  • what type of sugar the major storage form of D-glucose in plants?
  • what color is the reaction between a polysaccharide and iodine?
  • What do we call monosaccharides which form 5-membered rings?
  • what is another name for a the C-1 carbon on a Pyranose or Furanose ring?
the most important polysaccharide and most abundant compound in nature; provides rigidity and strength to plant cell walls; consists of D-glucose units linked by "β-" (1-->4) linkage
  • what is lactose intolerance?
  • what is galactosemia?
  • what is a glycosidic bond?
  • what is cellulose?
3-10 monosaccharide units (less common)
  • what is an oligosaccharide?
  • what is a disaccharide?
  • what is a chiral carbon?
  • what is a monosaccharide?
a carbonyl adjacent to an ether linkage. General formula: R-C=O | OR
  • what is an ester? what is its general structure?
  • what is an enantiomer?
  • what is a chiral carbon?
  • what is the general name of the ring formed during monosaccharide cyclization?
deep blue
  • What do we call monosaccharides which form 5-membered rings?
  • what color is the reaction between a polysaccharide and iodine?
  • what do hemiacetals and hemiketals react with alcohol to form?
  • what type of sugar the major storage form of D-glucose in plants?
genetic disease (autosomal recessive) in which an enzyme needed to metabolize galactose is deficient or absent; typically develops shortly after birth
  • what is lactose intolerance?
  • what is benedict's test?
  • what is cellulose?
  • what is galactosemia?
aldehydes and ketones having adjacent -OH groups are readily oxidized; open chain and cyclic forms of monosaccharides are readily oxidized
  • what is a glycoside?
  • what is lactose intolerance?
  • how does benedict's test work?
  • how do we indicate the presence of an aldehyde or ketone group in a sugar?
at the top, H-C=O. at the bottom, CH2OH. Differences are in carbons rungs in between.
  • describe the similar structure of D-aldoses
  • where is the carbonyl carbon placed in carbohydrates?
  • what are the functions of carbohydrates?
  • what is an ester? what is its general structure?
cellulose, sugars, starch
  • what are the different types of monosaccharides?
  • what are carbohydrates?
  • what is a chiral carbon?
  • what is a monosaccharide?


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