Cleaning your room would be an example of work.
  • True
  • False
Define the term lifestyle and explain the kind of lifestyle you would like in your future. Then, discuss how work affects lifestyle.
  • internship
  • A job is work that you do for pay. It typically requires you to do a very specific set of tasks and a corresponding job title. A career on the other hand is a series of jobs or occupations that a person has throughout their life that build upon each other and become more challenging.
  • Lifestyle can be defined as the way you use your time, energy, and resources. People use their time and energy and some resources at work. The work that you do affects other parts of your life like how much time you have to spend with your family and friends as well as how much money and energy you have to pursue your favorite activities.
  • Student answers will vary but should reflect the definitions of interest and skill. Ex. Interests - reading, playing piano, running, drawing, and talking to friends Skills - typing quickly, drawing, cooking meals, listening well, and driving Drawing is both an interest I possess and a skill that I am good at doing.
What is an example of a work stereotype that you know of? Why should you be careful of work stereotypes?
  • Student answers will vary but should include three of the following: -Stop negative thoughts -Put things in perspective -Look for the silver lining -Learn from your mistakes -Be grateful -Cross-training
  • Student answers will vary but should reflect the definitions of interest and skill. Ex. Interests - reading, playing piano, running, drawing, and talking to friends Skills - typing quickly, drawing, cooking meals, listening well, and driving Drawing is both an interest I possess and a skill that I am good at doing.
  • A job is work that you do for pay. It typically requires you to do a very specific set of tasks and a corresponding job title. A career on the other hand is a series of jobs or occupations that a person has throughout their life that build upon each other and become more challenging.
  • Student responses will vary. One example of a work stereotype might be that women are better nurses, because they are better at taking care of people. You should be careful of stereotypes because they do not apply to all individuals and are not always true.
A librarian is often the best resource for finding information within the library.
  • True
  • False
The older a Website is, the more credible it is.
  • True
  • False
An entrepreneur's life has few challenges, few risks, and minimal rewards.
  • True
  • False
How is a job different from a career?
  • allows the owner to build upon the goodwill of previous customers
  • all of the above
  • Student answers will vary but should reflect the definitions of interest and skill. Ex. Interests - reading, playing piano, running, drawing, and talking to friends Skills - typing quickly, drawing, cooking meals, listening well, and driving Drawing is both an interest I possess and a skill that I am good at doing.
  • A job is work that you do for pay. It typically requires you to do a very specific set of tasks and a corresponding job title. A career on the other hand is a series of jobs or occupations that a person has throughout their life that build upon each other and become more challenging.
List 5 of your personal interests. List 5 of your personal skills. Do any of your skills and interests overlap?
  • career
  • A job is work that you do for pay. It typically requires you to do a very specific set of tasks and a corresponding job title. A career on the other hand is a series of jobs or occupations that a person has throughout their life that build upon each other and become more challenging.
  • Lifestyle can be defined as the way you use your time, energy, and resources. People use their time and energy and some resources at work. The work that you do affects other parts of your life like how much time you have to spend with your family and friends as well as how much money and energy you have to pursue your favorite activities.
  • Student answers will vary but should reflect the definitions of interest and skill. Ex. Interests - reading, playing piano, running, drawing, and talking to friends Skills - typing quickly, drawing, cooking meals, listening well, and driving Drawing is both an interest I possess and a skill that I am good at doing.
The act of fulfilling one's ambitions, desires, etc., through one's own efforts is _____.
  • a.self-fulfillment
  • stereotype
  • informal
  • sight and foresight
Being able to drive a car is an example of a skill.
  • True
  • False
People work for many different reasons. What are three of them?
  • allows the owner to build upon the goodwill of previous customers
  • Transferable skills
  • A legal arrangement where two or more people share ownership of a business.
  • -Pay for wants and needs -Be around others -Make a contribution -Self-fulfillment
start-up costs
  • When selecting a career, you should consider desired lifestyle, skills, interests, how you spend your time, energy, and resources.
  • A legal arrangement where two or more people share ownership of a business.
  • The initial costs of beginning a business.
  • Being recognized for a job well done
List three things you should consider when selecting a career.
  • Student answers will vary but should include three of the following: -Stop negative thoughts -Put things in perspective -Look for the silver lining -Learn from your mistakes -Be grateful -Cross-training
  • -Pay for wants and needs -Be around others -Make a contribution -Self-fulfillment
  • Being recognized for a job well done
  • When selecting a career, you should consider desired lifestyle, skills, interests, how you spend your time, energy, and resources.
Job satisfaction can only be measured by a person's income.
  • F
  • False
  • True
  • Being recognized for a job well done
Amelia is going to school to get a degree in Early Childhood Education. She wants to open her own daycare after she graduates. What can she do while attending school to gain work experience?
  • Baby-sit, volunteer at an after school program, get an entry level position at a day care, etc.
  • allows the owner to build upon the goodwill of previous customers
  • job shadowing
  • -Pay for wants and needs -Be around others -Make a contribution -Self-fulfillment
A source can be either primary or secondary.
  • True
  • False
  • The loyalty and approval of existing customers.
  • flexibility, independence, and salary potential
  • The legal right to sell a company's goods and services in a particular area.
  • The initial costs of beginning a business.
List three things you can do to improve job satisfaction.
  • Student answers will vary but should include three of the following: -Stop negative thoughts -Put things in perspective -Look for the silver lining -Learn from your mistakes -Be grateful -Cross-training
  • Student responses will vary. One example of a work stereotype might be that women are better nurses, because they are better at taking care of people. You should be careful of stereotypes because they do not apply to all individuals and are not always true.
  • Student answers will vary but should reflect the definitions of interest and skill. Ex. Interests - reading, playing piano, running, drawing, and talking to friends Skills - typing quickly, drawing, cooking meals, listening well, and driving Drawing is both an interest I possess and a skill that I am good at doing.
  • When selecting a career, you should consider desired lifestyle, skills, interests, how you spend your time, energy, and resources.
Franchises tend to have better success rates that non-franchised businesses.
  • True
  • False
sole propietorship
  • The initial costs of beginning a business.
  • A business chartered by a state that legally operates apart from the owner(s).
  • All of the above
  • A business completely owned by one person.
  • The legal right to sell a company's goods and services in a particular area.
  • The loyalty and approval of existing customers.
  • When selecting a career, you should consider desired lifestyle, skills, interests, how you spend your time, energy, and resources.
  • sexual orientation, gender, race, and ethnicity.
List five things stereotypes are commonly based upon.
  • Being recognized for a job well done
  • When selecting a career, you should consider desired lifestyle, skills, interests, how you spend your time, energy, and resources.
  • Student answers will vary but should include three of the following: -Stop negative thoughts -Put things in perspective -Look for the silver lining -Learn from your mistakes -Be grateful -Cross-training
  • sexual orientation, gender, race, and ethnicity.
  • A business completely owned by one person.
  • All of the above
  • A business chartered by a state that legally operates apart from the owner(s).
  • A person who organizes and runs their own business.


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