Which of the following is true with respect to interpersonal conflict?
  • diametrically opposed
  • Flooding happens when someone engaged in conflict is emotionally or psychologically unable to engage the discussion further.
  • It involves perceived scarce resources.
  • All of these.
When two points of view are in conflict and share no common ground, we say that those positions are:
  • diametrically opposed
  • verbal aggression
  • accommodating
  • high power-distance
Felix had been angry with his roommate Hector for some time. Hector was always playing his music so loudly that Felix couldn't concentrate, much less have a conversation on the telephone. Despite his anger, he hadn't expressed his feelings to Hector. Which of the following is true of this situation?
  • gunnysacking
  • Hector and Felix are not engaged in conflict because conflict must be expressed
  • Thinking of conflict as a game if you traditionally think of it as a battle.
  • The specific point of contention giving rise to the conflict.
When people engage in ________________, they use their words to attack or demean those around them.
  • high power-distance
  • All of these.
  • verbal aggression
  • diametrically opposed
Which of the following statements correctly defines the concept of flooding?
  • Flooding happens when someone engaged in conflict is emotionally or psychologically unable to engage the discussion further.
  • It involves perceived scarce resources.
  • All of these.
  • accommodating
This conflict-management strategy involves a high concern for the other party but a low concern for the self:
  • All of these.
  • diametrically opposed
  • verbal aggression
  • accommodating
People in this type of culture think of the unequal distribution of power as normal or even desirable:q
  • All of these.
  • verbal aggression
  • high power-distance
  • diametrically opposed
When engaged in interpersonal conflict, ______________ is the practice of saving up past grievances and bringing them all up at the same time.
  • The specific point of contention giving rise to the conflict.
  • Hector and Felix are not engaged in conflict because conflict must be expressed
  • gunnysacking
  • Thinking of conflict as a game if you traditionally think of it as a battle.


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