Merit-based system. Disbanded the Streltzy (elite fighters for the Czar who rebelled when he was in Europe). Send their children to Europe to learn. Forced them to relocate to St. Petersburg. Forced them to wear western clothing
  • How Peter attempted to westernize Russia
  • How Peter reduced the power of the boyars
  • The reason Peter impose heavy taxes
  • Reasons Russia was so behind the rest of Europe
He fought Sweden.
  • How Peter modernized his army
  • How Peter increased his power as an absolute monarch
  • Who Peter fought in order to get the land for St. Petersburg
  • How Peter allowed easier access to travel west
Fought Sweden to gain a piece of the Baltic Coast; built a city there, named St. Petersburg. He forced serfs to build in terrible working conditions, thousands died.Also fought Ottomans for access to the Azov Sea, in the Black Sea, another warm water port.
  • How Peter modernized his army
  • How Peter allowed easier access to travel west
  • Who Peter fought in order to get the land for St. Petersburg
  • How Peter increased his power as an absolute monarch
A Russian emperor
  • Why Westernization?
  • How Peter modernized his army
  • Czar
  • Why was Ivan named "The Terrible"?
Russian noble
  • How Peter reduced the power of the boyars
  • How Peter attempted to westernize Russia
  • Boyar
  • The reason Peter impose heavy taxes
He forced change upon his state; brought Russian Orthodox Church under state control (abolished the office of patriarch, head of the church, set up Holy Synod to run the Church under his direction). Decreased the power of the Boyars by introducing a merit-based system and allowed lower-class people a chance. He also sent boyars children away to Europe to be educated). (Amongst all the many other things- newspaper, NY, beard tax...)
  • Why Westernization?
  • How Peter increased his power as an absolute monarch
  • Why was Ivan named "The Terrible"?
  • How Peter modernized his army
Isolated; by 1) Geographic barriers such as a seaport iced over most of the year 2) Orthodox Catholic religion 3) Feudal system 5) looked to Constantinople instead of Rome for leadership/inspiration and missed the Renaissance and Reformation.
  • How Peter reduced the power of the boyars
  • Reasons Russia was so behind the rest of Europe
  • How Peter attempted to westernize Russia
  • The reason Peter impose heavy taxes
Peter wanted to use western Europe as a model for change to make Russia economically and socially stronger.
  • How Peter modernized his army
  • Why Westernization?
  • Why was Ivan named "The Terrible"?
  • How Peter increased his power as an absolute monarch


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