In a graph of reaction rate vs substrate concentration, at what point does the reaction rate remains constant?
  • -when saturation point happens, the point where there is a high substrate concentration-when the hyperbola is a horizontal line
  • it is found between the reactant and the top or cuspid of the curve
  • When the enzyme is saturated, the rate of the reaction will not increase with the concentration of substrates.
  • -in the region where there is a high substrate concentration and the hyperobola begins to be a horizonal line
what irreversible inhibitors do?
  • Noncompetitive inhibitors do not compete for the active site, but inhibit the enzyme by binding elsewhere and changing the enzyme's shape
  • In general, an enzyme has one active site at which catalysis can occur. When the substrates are bound to the active site, the enzyme will catalyze the reaction.
  • As the concentration of substrate increases, the reaction rate increases, until the point where the active site is saturated with substrate.
  • Irreversible inhibitors bind directly to the active site by covalent bonds, which change the structure of the enzyme and inactivate it permanently
enzyme inhibitors disrupt normal interactions between an enzyme and its_
  • saturation
  • active site.
  • active site
  • substrate
  • The specific portion of an enzyme that attaches to the substrate by means of weak chemical bonds.
  • Increase the enzyme concentration.
  • The reactant on which an enzyme works
  • he reaction rate is independent of substrate concentration.
usually, an _inhibitor forms a covalent bond with an amino acid side group within the active site, which prevents the substrate from entering the active site or prevents catalytic activity
  • irreversible
  • is unchanged
  • active site
  • very selective
How does a living cell overcome the energy barrier so that its metabolic reactions can occur quickly and precisely?
  • -is an organic catalyst-Enzymes are proteins that behave as catalysts.
  • they can be outcompeted by adding extra substrate
  • he reaction rate is independent of substrate concentration.
  • A special kind of protein called an enzyme is the answer.
In a graph of energy vs reactants and products, what part of the parabola is found the energy of activation?
  • it is found between the reactant and the top or cuspid of the curve
  • he reaction rate is independent of substrate concentration.
  • there is too little activation energy available from the environment
  • -when saturation point happens, the point where there is a high substrate concentration-when the hyperbola is a horizontal line
Enzymes work by _____. increasing the potential energy difference between reactant and product decreasing the potential energy difference between reactant and product adding energy to a reaction reducing EA adding a phosphate group to a reactant
  • Enzymes work by reducing the energy of activation.
  • Increase the enzyme concentration.
  • there is too little activation energy available from the environment
  • An enzyme serves as a biological catalyst, increasing the rate of a reaction without being changed into a different molecule. An enzyme does not add energy to a reaction; instead, it speeds up a reaction by lowering the energy barrier.
what are the 2 classifications of enzyme inhibitors?
  • active site.
  • The energy of activation must be overcome in order for a reaction to proceed.
  • -competitive -non-competitive
  • -irreversible-reversible
the competitive inhibitor competes with the substrate for the_on an enzyme
  • active site
  • active site.
  • substrate
  • noncompetitive
An enzyme serves as a _(role), _(doing what) without _(what happens to it during reaction). An enzyme does not _(what does not do to make a reaction to happen); instead, it _(what it does to make a reaction to happen)
  • An enzyme serves as a biological catalyst, increasing the rate of a reaction without being changed into a different molecule. An enzyme does not add energy to a reaction; instead, it speeds up a reaction by lowering the energy barrier.
  • -is an organic catalyst-Enzymes are proteins that behave as catalysts.
  • Enzymes work by reducing the energy of activation.
  • very selective
what must be overcome in order for a reaction to proceed?
  • In general, an enzyme has one active site at which catalysis can occur. When the substrates are bound to the active site, the enzyme will catalyze the reaction.
  • The energy of activation must be overcome in order for a reaction to proceed.
  • he reaction rate is independent of substrate concentration.
  • The metastable state is a state of the substrate in which the reaction can proceed but typically requires a catalyst.
Substrate activation may involve (4)
  • In general, an enzyme has one active site at which catalysis can occur. When the substrates are bound to the active site, the enzyme will catalyze the reaction.
  • Noncompetitive inhibitors do not compete for the active site, but inhibit the enzyme by binding elsewhere and changing the enzyme's shape
  • Irreversible inhibitors bind directly to the active site by covalent bonds, which change the structure of the enzyme and inactivate it permanently
  • donation of protons to the enzyme. a change in enzyme conformation induced by substrate binding. formation of temporary covalent bonds. accepting protons from the enzyme.
Which of the following best describes a metastable state?
  • As the concentration of substrate increases, the reaction rate increases, until the point where the active site is saturated with substrate.
  • -competitive -non-competitive
  • The metastable state is a state of the substrate in which the reaction can proceed but typically requires a catalyst.
  • When the enzyme is saturated, the rate of the reaction will not increase with the concentration of substrates.
enzyme inhibitors.
  • Noncompetitive inhibitors do not compete for the active site, but inhibit the enzyme by binding elsewhere and changing the enzyme's shape
  • The specific portion of an enzyme that attaches to the substrate by means of weak chemical bonds.
  • Molecules other than substrates bind to enzymes. Some of these other molecules slow down the rate of the enzymatic reaction.
  • involves a conformational change in the shape of the enzyme.
what happens to the rate of a reaction involving an enzyme when saturation is reached?
  • -in the region where there is a high substrate concentration and the hyperobola begins to be a horizonal line
  • The metastable state is a state of the substrate in which the reaction can proceed but typically requires a catalyst.
  • -when saturation point happens, the point where there is a high substrate concentration-when the hyperbola is a horizontal line
  • When the enzyme is saturated, the rate of the reaction will not increase with the concentration of substrates.
If exergonic reactions occur spontaneously, what keeps molecules from breaking apart and cell chemistry from racing out of control? (include what happens within the reaction to make it happen)
  • An enzyme serves as a biological catalyst, increasing the rate of a reaction without being changed into a different molecule. An enzyme does not add energy to a reaction; instead, it speeds up a reaction by lowering the energy barrier.
  • -when saturation point happens, the point where there is a high substrate concentration-when the hyperbola is a horizontal line
  • For any reaction to occur, even a downhill reaction, some energy must be added to get the reaction going. This energy is needed to break bonds in the reactant molecules. The energy needed to start a chemical reaction is called the energy of activation (EA). This required energy input represents a barrier that prevents even energy-releasing exergonic reactions from occurring without some added energy.
  • -is an organic catalyst-Enzymes are proteins that behave as catalysts.
why an enzyme is so specific?
  • Its three-dimensional shape allows it to act only on specific molecules,
  • involves a conformational change in the shape of the enzyme.
  • Irreversible inhibitors bind directly to the active site by covalent bonds, which change the structure of the enzyme and inactivate it permanently
  • Noncompetitive inhibitors do not compete for the active site, but inhibit the enzyme by binding elsewhere and changing the enzyme's shape
what happens to enzymes as the substrate concentration increases?
  • As the concentration of substrate increases, the reaction rate increases, until the point where the active site is saturated with substrate.
  • In general, an enzyme has one active site at which catalysis can occur. When the substrates are bound to the active site, the enzyme will catalyze the reaction.
  • The metastable state is a state of the substrate in which the reaction can proceed but typically requires a catalyst.
  • -in the region where there is a high substrate concentration and the hyperobola begins to be a horizonal line
how can you decrease the effect of the competitive inhibitors?
  • they can be outcompeted by adding extra substrate
  • A special kind of protein called an enzyme is the answer.
  • he reaction rate is independent of substrate concentration.
  • it is found between the reactant and the top or cuspid of the curve
when the noncompetitive inhibitor is bonded to the enzyme, the shape of the _is distorted
  • substrate
  • enzyme
  • active site.
  • When the enzyme is saturated, the rate of the reaction will not increase with the concentration of substrates.
what are the two types of reversible enzyme inhibitors?
  • noncompetitive
  • competitive inhibitor
  • -competitive -non-competitive
  • -irreversible-reversible
what is an example of competitive inhibitors?
  • Noncompetitive inhibitors do not compete for the active site, but inhibit the enzyme by binding elsewhere and changing the enzyme's shape
  • -competitive -non-competitive
  • The metastable state is a state of the substrate in which the reaction can proceed but typically requires a catalyst.
  • -Most medications are enzyme inhibitors of one kind or another.-drugs like antibiotic penicillin (which inhibits an enzyme involved in bacterial cell-wall synthesis) and aspirin (which inhibits cyclooxygenase-2, the enzyme involved in the inflammatory reaction)
a_inhibitor binds to a site on the enzyme that is not the active site
  • -competitive -non-competitive
  • noncompetitive
  • active site
  • very selective
The phosphorylation of glucose to generate glucose-6-phosphate is catalyzed by the enzyme hexokinase. This enzyme, however, is allosterically inhibited by its own product, glucose-6-phosphate. This is an example of __________.
  • active site
  • Increase the enzyme concentration.
  • irreversible
  • feedback regulation


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