Does it take more, less, or the same amount of energy to ionize a hydrogen atom (eject an electron) in the n=3 state than one in which the electron is in the ground state?
  • m sub l
  • Farther
  • Green, blue, indigo, violet
  • Less
What information is needed to determine the orientation of an orbital?
  • Farther
  • n=1 to n=3
  • l
  • m sub l
What information is needed to determine the energy of an electron in a many-electron atom? Select all that apply.
  • m sub l
  • n
  • n & l
  • l
What information is needed to determine the general shape of an orbital?
  • l
  • 6s: n=6, l=06p: n=6, l=16d: n=6, l=2(s means l = 0 p means l = 1 d means l = 2 f means l = 3 g means l = 4 h means l = 5)
  • m sub l
  • Less
Now consider an excited-state hydrogen atom. What is the energy of the electron in the n=3 level?
  • m sub l
  • -2.42 x 10^-19 J
  • -2.18 x 10^-18J
  • n=1 to n=3
A metal foil has a threshold frequency of 5.45×1014 Hz .Which of the colors of visible light have enough energy to eject electrons from this metal?indigoyellowgreenorangebluevioletred
  • Farther
  • Green, blue, indigo, violet
  • Absorption: n=1 to n=3 & n=3 to n=5Emission: n=3 to n=2 & n=2 to n=1
  • Less
What quantum numbers specify these subshells?6s6p6d
  • m sub l
  • l
  • n=1 to n=3
  • 6s: n=6, l=06p: n=6, l=16d: n=6, l=2(s means l = 0 p means l = 1 d means l = 2 f means l = 3 g means l = 4 h means l = 5)
When an electron in a hydrogen atom is in the n=3 state, is it on average closer to, farther from, or the same distance to the nucleus than in the ground state?
  • Less
  • n=1 to n=3
  • Farther
  • m sub l


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