Which layer of the alimentary canal is responsible for segmentation and peristalsis?mucosa submucosa muscularis externa serosa
  • The epiglottis assists in propelling food into the trachea.
  • an oblique muscle layer
  • muscular externa Contractions of the circular and longitudinal layers of the muscularis externa produce the effects of peristalsis and segmentation. In the stomach, an additional muscle layer adds a twisting action.
  • is longer than the small intestine
Generally the hormones secretin and cholecystokinin which are released by duodenal enteroendocrine cells will ________.slow the activities of the stomachincreases the output of stomach acidspeed the activity of the jejunumspeed the churning of the stomach
  • contains acids which aid in chemical digestion
  • Iron and calcium are absorbed mostly by the duodenum.
  • slow activités of the stomach
  • spreads directly to the parietal peritoneum
Which of the following is least involved in the mechanical breakdown of food, digestion or absorption of nutrients?the small intestinethe esophaguslarge intestinethe oral cavity
  • esophagus
  • stomach
  • incisors
  • water absorption and feces elimination
Which of the organs listed below is involved in all of the following processes: secretion, mechanical breakdown of food, digestion and absorption?the esophagusthe stomachthe liverthe large intestines
  • trypsin
  • stomach
  • incisors
  • submucosa
How are wisdom teeth (third molars) classified?as permanent teeth as primary teeth as incisors as milk teeth
  • increase the release of digestive enzymes and bile
  • spreads directly to the parietal peritoneum
  • Bile would be released from the gallbladder to emulsify the fat in the duodenum.
  • permanent teeth There is no equivalent to them in deciduous teeth.
The lamina propria is composed of ________.reticular connective tissuedense irregular connective tissueloose connective tissuedense regular connective tissue
  • loose CT
  • False
  • secretin
  • lipase
Chief cells ________.produce pepsinogenproduce mucinproduce gastrinproduce HCl
  • mesenteries
  • amylases
  • absorption
  • pepsinogen


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