Which of your senses can be safely used to identify a HazMat incident?
  • B. A motor vehicle crash with two critically injured patients and two ambulances
  • D. planning section.
  • C. Extrication
  • C. Sight and sound
Upon arriving at the scene of a possible hazardous materials (HazMat) incident involving several patients, you should:
  • A. move all walking patients to a designated area.
  • C. 72-hour
  • B. the recommended transport destination for each patient.
  • C. carefully assess the situation
According to the START triage system, what should you do if a patient is found to have a respiratory rate of 24 breaths/min?
  • B. 8; 100 lb
  • C. Assess for bilateral radial pulses.
  • A. begin some form of positive-pressure ventilation.
  • C. carefully assess the situation
Which of the following is probably NOT a multiple-casualty incident?
  • B. A motor vehicle crash with two critically injured patients and two ambulances
  • C. Sight and sound
  • A. often requires personnel to remain on scene for several days.
  • D. prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents.
The term used when individual units or different organizations make independent, and often inefficient, decisions regarding an incident is called:
  • A. freelancing.
  • C. Sight and sound
  • C. Extrication
  • D. planning section.
After primary triage, the triage supervisor should communicate all of the following information to the medical branch officer, EXCEPT:
  • B. assign him a delayed (yellow) category and continue triaging the other patients.
  • B. Exit the area immediately and gather information for the HazMat team.
  • A. begin some form of positive-pressure ventilation.
  • B. the recommended transport destination for each patient.
The function of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) is to:
  • B. A motor vehicle crash with two critically injured patients and two ambulances
  • A. move all walking patients to a designated area.
  • D. prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents.
  • A. often requires personnel to remain on scene for several days.
A supervisor who has more than seven people reporting to him or her:
  • B. has exceeded an effective span of control and should divide tasks and delegate the supervision of some tasks to another person.
  • A. give a general idea of the hazard inside that particular container.
  • C. Assess for bilateral radial pulses.
  • C. A 49-year-old female with diabetes and difficulty breathing
The JumpSTART triage system is intended to be used for children younger than _____ years or who appear to weigh less than _____.
  • A. freelancing.
  • C. Assess for bilateral radial pulses.
  • B. 8; 100 lb
  • C. Extrication
In preparing for a disaster, EMS systems should have enough supplies for at least a ______ period of self-sufficiency.
  • C. 72-hour
  • C. Extrication
  • A. freelancing.
  • C. carefully assess the situation
Which of the following duties or responsibilities does NOT fall within the realm of the medical branch of the incident command system?
  • A. freelancing.
  • C. Sight and sound
  • B. A motor vehicle crash with two critically injured patients and two ambulances
  • C. Extrication
While triaging patients at the scene of a building collapse, you encounter a young child who is conscious, alert, and breathing; has bilateral radial pulses; and has a severely angulated leg, which is not bleeding. According to the JumpSTART triage system, you should:
  • B. A motor vehicle crash with two critically injured patients and two ambulances
  • B. Exit the area immediately and gather information for the HazMat team.
  • A. begin some form of positive-pressure ventilation.
  • B. assign him a delayed (yellow) category and continue triaging the other patients.
Unlike a multiple-casualty incident, a natural disaster:
  • D. prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents.
  • B. A motor vehicle crash with two critically injured patients and two ambulances
  • A. move all walking patients to a designated area.
  • A. often requires personnel to remain on scene for several days.
Following proper decontamination, a 30-year-old male is brought to you. He is semiconscious and has rapid, shallow respirations. A quick visual assessment reveals no obvious bleeding. You should:
  • A. begin some form of positive-pressure ventilation.
  • B. assign him a delayed (yellow) category and continue triaging the other patients.
  • B. the recommended transport destination for each patient.
  • B. Exit the area immediately and gather information for the HazMat team.


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