alveoli are little clusters at the ends of small _ covered in _
  • inhalation
  • diffusion at the tissues
  • bronchioles; capillary networks
  • increases; decreases; enters
why can beetles get so big?
  • they have large cross-sectional area for gas exchange (trachea)
  • hemoglobin. takes up H+ so its not in the plasma lowering the pH
  • very little dead space, gas exchange is constant and continuous like fish, and blood is crosscurrent, which is better than mammal spiderwebs but less efficient than fish countercurrency.
  • lungs are like balloons kept deflated by having pressure around the lung that can allow it to expand and differ
cooperative binding curve
  • stiff slap that covers the gills. pumps with the mouth whenever they need
  • Blood enters the right atrium from the superior and inferior venae cavae.
  • ventricle
  • results in s-curve and 80-100 in hemoglobin to 75-60 while exercising
Which lung structure is a tiny sac that functions as an interface between air and blood?
  • oxygen in tissues, carbon dioxide for environment
  • Large surface area
  • An alveolus is a tiny sac in the lung that functions as an interface between air and blood.
  • epithelial cellscapillary wallextracellular fluid
when muscles contract, bug's trachea volume _, and pressure inside the system _, so gas moves _.
  • decreases, increases, out
  • Vulnerable to predation
  • increases; decreases; enters
  • swelling and pain
The electrical activity of the heart, as recorded in an electrocardiogram (EKG), is most intense during which event of the cardiac cycle? See Section 42.5 ( page 889) .
  • increases; decreases; enters
  • ventricle
  • capillaries
  • Ventricular systole
contracted arteries
  • all four subunits of hemoglobin unload oxygen at the same time
  • exhalation is an active process. you can inhale/exchange more volume of gas BUT 150mL are still not exchanged
  • Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium
  • vessel diameter smaller, slow flow to blood and more blood resistance
True or false? The lungs of humans form from the embryonic foregut.
  • This statement is true. Digestive organs such as the stomach and part of the small intestine also develop from the foregut.
  • Aerobically active tissues require oxygen to carry out metabolism and must get rid of the waste product, carbon dioxide
  • at that specific point in time the oxygen levels (p2-p1) were super high so they could support adequate ventilation.
  • bogs have decomposers that quickly use up any excess oxygen in cellular respiration, so they have less oxygen
what would water-breathers have to do if they didn't have a carrier molecule to help bind oxygen in their blood?
  • If concurrent flow occurred, less oxygen would be transferred from water to blood because the partial pressure gradient driving diffusion would fall to zero partway along the length of the capillary.
  • multiply the atmospheric pressure at a given level by the fraction of air that is O2.
  • Protons leave hemoglobin and react with bicarbonate agian to make CO2 and diffuses out of the lung
  • heir blood flow to tissues would need to increase dramatically to meet oxygen demand
disadvantage of skin diffusion
  • fast fish open their mouths while they swim to force deoxygenated water out of their body
  • thin skin prone to water loss and too dependent on wet or humid environments
  • PO2 of blood decreases because muscles need it more, PCO2 of blood increases because muscles need to get rid of it.
  • pH drop or temperature rise. makes O2 more likely to release, lowers % saturation.
in birds lungs, structural adaptions lead to a _ ratio of useful ventilatory space to dead space
  • hot water
  • combined with hemoglobin
  • countercurrent
  • high
chamber gives blood from heart
  • hot water
  • atrium
  • ventricle
  • its nuclei
  • clean, heart, body
  • are for gas exchange
  • terrestrial; less; aquatic
  • picks up lots of oxygen
arteries blood pressure?
  • heme
  • veins
  • dirty/carbonated
  • yes
aorta takes the _ blood from the _ and brings it to the _
  • clean, heart, body
  • red blood cells
  • exhalation
  • swelling and pain
consistent with prediction made by _, repository epithelial tend to be extremely thin and folded to increase surface area
  • As bicarbonate ions (HCO3-).
  • diffusion at the tissues
  • Ventricular systole
  • Fick's law of diffusion
gills are counter or concurrent?
  • heart murmur
  • countercurrent
  • low to none
  • capillaries
  • difference in partial pressure of gas on either side of barrier to diffusion
  • stiff slap that covers the gills. pumps with the mouth whenever they need
  • diffusion constant depending on solubility of gas ad temperature
  • thin skin prone to water loss and too dependent on wet or humid environments
what is the water-breathing equivalent of mt. everest?
  • ventricle
  • exhalation
  • hot water
  • its nuclei
in fish gills, _ (counter or con) exchange ensures that the differences in O2 and CO2 partial pressures between water and blood are favorable for gas exchange over the entire length of the ventilatory surface
  • dirty/carbonated
  • oxygen; dense
  • partial pressure
  • countercurrent
non-cooperative binding definition
  • the partial pressure gradient between the tissues and the air is little so fewer O2 diffuses in the tissues than we are used to
  • four subunits release independentily and gain and lose oxygen in direct proportion to PO2 of oxygen in blood, an only a small response to PO2 changes.
  • their dirty blood was almost completely stripped of oxygen because their muscles needed so much, while their arteries had consistent levels
  • draws air in through nose and contracts throat, forcing air into oral cavity, then lungs.
What might be a consequence of global warming for fishes living in a pond? See Section 42.2 ( page 876) .
  • If concurrent flow occurred, less oxygen would be transferred from water to blood because the partial pressure gradient driving diffusion would fall to zero partway along the length of the capillary.
  • Acidic. If not carried by hemoglobin, hydrogen ions would reduce the pH, or increase the acidity, of the blood.
  • As the planets warms, aquatic habitats such as a pond will contain less dissolved oxygen, reducing the ability of fishes to acquire oxygen for their respiratory needs.
  • An alveolus is a tiny sac in the lung that functions as an interface between air and blood.
vena cava take _ blood from the _ and brings it to the _
  • diffusion at the respiratory surface
  • dirty, body, heart (indirectly lungs)
  • Blood enters the right atrium from the superior and inferior venae cavae.
  • as bicarbonate ions (HCO3 -)
big and carries clean blood from heart has secondary pumping action to continue flow during contractions
  • aorta
  • tops
  • contraction
  • left atrium
where do the blood cells come from
  • pulm veins
  • inhalation
  • bone marrow
  • exhalation
pressure is less negative than the other phase. released by the diaphragm.
  • clean, heart, body
  • exhalation
  • gain; loose
  • medullary center
open circulatory system
  • in low oxygen demand animals, hemolymph pumped by heart in low-pressure limited vessels that come in direct contact with tissues
  • four subunits release independentily and gain and lose oxygen in direct proportion to PO2 of oxygen in blood, an only a small response to PO2 changes.
  • ventilation
  • 1. increase in SV and 2. heart rate, 3. prioritize blood by constricting veins and arterioles
muscles relax
  • clean/oxygenated
  • pulm artery
  • exhalation
  • arteries
(pulm) carries dirty blood to lungs
  • RA's SA node
  • baroreceptors
  • pulm artery
  • its nuclei
decide if (a. warm water and several fish, b. cold water several fish, and aquatic algae c. contains warm water and sedentary animals) whether or small or large amount of air should be bubbled to maintain oxygenation of the water.
  • A: Large amount of air, because the oxygen-carrying capacity of warm water is low. B: Small amount of air, because the oxygen-carrying capacity of cold water is higher and because algae contribute oxygen to the water through photosynthesis. C: Small amount of air, because sedentary animals require relatively little oxygen.
  • Muscle contraction reduces the volume of veins, increasing blood pressure and, thereby, increasing the velocity of blood flow. This is a key response when a person enters of period of intense physical activity.
  • Ventricular systole
  • A myocardial infarction occurs when some of the heart tissue dies due to a lack of oxygen. It is not the same as when the heart stops beating. Only a massive infarction could interfere with proper pumping of the heart and stop it from beating.
Which barrier(s) must and cross to pass between air and blood inside lungs?
  • heir blood flow to tissues would need to increase dramatically to meet oxygen demand
  • it extracts all the oxygen to the blood it needs instead of having an egalitarian oxygen diffusion with water and ensures constant P2-P1 difference.
  • epithelial cellscapillary wallextracellular fluid
  • yes because they are in contact with more air bubbles
99.9% of the "formed elements" (non-plasma) parts of blood
  • mouth; gills.
  • red blood cells
  • Vulnerable to predation
  • pulm veins
Most carbon dioxide is carried from the body tissues to the lungs _____.
  • oxygen; dense
  • as bicarbonate ions (HCO3 -)
  • plasma.; stays in RBCs
  • partial pressure
mammals RBCs lose their nuclei with maturity so RBCs are basically bags filled with oxygen-carrying _
  • partial pressure
  • exhalation
  • inhalation
  • hemoglobbin
carbonic anhydrase and PCO2 in RBCs
  • when it converts CO2 to bicarbonate theres less CO2 and thusly a higher PCO2 affinity in RBCs
  • fast fish open their mouths while they swim to force deoxygenated water out of their body
  • Protons leave hemoglobin and react with bicarbonate agian to make CO2 and diffuses out of the lung
  • draws air in through nose and contracts throat, forcing air into oral cavity, then lungs.
Which is first, atrium or ventricles?
  • left atrium
  • ventricle
  • veins
  • Atrium
A key aspect of cooperative binding by hemoglobin is that ___________. See Section 42.4 ( page 885) .
  • Without the delay at the AV node, the ventricles would not have the chance to fully fill with blood from the atria. Consequently, the volume of blood ejected from the ventricles would decline.
  • If concurrent flow occurred, less oxygen would be transferred from water to blood because the partial pressure gradient driving diffusion would fall to zero partway along the length of the capillary.
  • Muscle contraction reduces the volume of veins, increasing blood pressure and, thereby, increasing the velocity of blood flow. This is a key response when a person enters of period of intense physical activity.
  • it permits rapid uptake of oxygen in the lungs and greater delivery of oxygen once blood reaches capillaries in the body's tissues. Cooperative binding is critical to the high rate of oxygen transport in the circulatory system.
2 key notes about concurrency
  • not very well
  • when it converts CO2 to bicarbonate theres less CO2 and thusly a higher PCO2 affinity in RBCs
  • lung empties formerly posterior air that had just occupied lungs to anterior sacs. new air goes to posterior air sacs.
  • the start of the systems will have a large gap, and end the same number (start 0 and 100, end 50) then diffusion will stop in both blood and water.
bring dirty blood to heart
  • yes
  • veins
  • less
  • ventricle
is oxygen soluble in water
  • arteries
  • veins / venules
  • countercurrent
  • not very well
what happens when PCO2 lowers in the blood while CO2 exchanges with aveloi, which have a higher CO2 affinity?
  • The binding of one oxygen molecule to hemoglobin stimulates the binding of other oxygen molecules. This interaction is called cooperative binding.
  • An alveolus is a tiny sac in the lung that functions as an interface between air and blood.
  • Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium
  • Protons leave hemoglobin and react with bicarbonate agian to make CO2 and diffuses out of the lung
increasing volume of chest cavity and pressure within the lungs decreases
  • exhalation
  • hemoglobbin
  • inhalation
  • pulm artery
contraction (s or d)
  • atrium
  • diastole
  • systole
  • ventricles partitioned, 4 chambers, 2 circuits
50-65% of blood volume is an ECM called
  • plasma
  • Atrium
  • arteries
  • fetal.
relaxed arteries
  • exhalation is an active process. you can inhale/exchange more volume of gas BUT 150mL are still not exchanged
  • PO2 of blood decreases because muscles need it more, PCO2 of blood increases because muscles need to get rid of it.
  • vessel diameter increases, flow resistance is reduced so flow increases in tissues it sends to.
  • large veins to prevent dirty back flow
  • blood pressure high; fluid leaves to ducts
  • air-filled tubes in insects
  • little bronchi that enclose both of these structures branches.
  • increases; decreases; enters
muscles contract
  • RA's SA node
  • exhalation
  • systole
  • inhalation
what part of the brain regulated breathing rate?
  • pacemaker cells
  • gain; loose
  • medullary center
  • Vulnerable to predation
positive pressure ventilation
  • draws air in through nose and contracts throat, forcing air into oral cavity, then lungs.
  • Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium
  • PO2 of blood decreases because muscles need it more, PCO2 of blood increases because muscles need to get rid of it.
  • lungs fill with air from posterior sacs. the anterior sacs release its air.
internal gills need
  • gill lamellae
  • like 40 times more surface area for respiration
  • cillia or specialized structures to bring water to it
  • not a big difference in resting or exercising O2, not much is taken up
pulm circuit function
  • take dirty blood from body to lungs
  • pacemaker cells
  • H2CO3 from CO2 + H2O
  • bound into the hemoglobin of RBCs
Which of the following statements about the oxygen-hemoglobin interaction is true?
  • The curves of Tibetans should be shifted to the left relative to the curves of people adapted to sea level—meaning that Tibetans' hemoglobin should have a higher affinity for oxygen at all partial pressures.
  • The binding of one oxygen molecule to hemoglobin stimulates the binding of other oxygen molecules. This interaction is called cooperative binding.
  • the difference down a gradient between the tissues will be consistent (10% difference every time), and the start and end of a system has a large percentage range.
  • the partial pressure gradient between the tissues and the air is little so fewer O2 diffuses in the tissues than we are used to
Largest Feature of the heart (V or A)
  • atrium
  • Ventricles
  • mouth; gills.
  • pacemaker cells
cooperative binding definition
  • results in s-curve and 80-100 in hemoglobin to 75-60 while exercising
  • all four subunits of hemoglobin unload oxygen at the same time
  • exhalation is an active process. you can inhale/exchange more volume of gas BUT 150mL are still not exchanged
  • blood pressure low; fluid enters capillary
identify 2 structures common to gills, trachae, lungs and one unique.
  • Common features include large surface area, short diffusion distance (a thin gas exchange membrane), and a mechanism that keeps fresh air or water moving over the gas exchange surface. Only fish gills use a countercurrent exchange mechanism; only tracheae deliver oxygen directly to cells without using a circulatory system; only mammalian lungs contain alveoli—small air sacs surrounded by capillaries where gas exchange occurs.
  • A: Large amount of air, because the oxygen-carrying capacity of warm water is low. B: Small amount of air, because the oxygen-carrying capacity of cold water is higher and because algae contribute oxygen to the water through photosynthesis. C: Small amount of air, because sedentary animals require relatively little oxygen.
  • The PO2 decreases as oxygen is used up, the PCO2 increases as CO2 diffuses into the blood from tissues but cannot be exhaled, and the pH drops as the CO2 dissolves in blood to form bicarbonate and H+ ions.
  • Air from the alveoli mixes with air in the dead space in the bronchi and trachea on its way out of the body. This dead-space air is from the previous inhalation (PO2 = 160 mm Hg; PCO2 = 0.3 mm Hg), so when the alveolar air mixes with it, the partial pressures in the exhaled air reach levels intermediate between those of inhaled and alveolar air.
By picking up hydrogen ions, hemoglobin prevents the blood from becoming too _____.
  • Acidic. If not carried by hemoglobin, hydrogen ions would reduce the pH, or increase the acidity, of the blood.
  • the partial pressure gradient between the tissues and the air is little so fewer O2 diffuses in the tissues than we are used to
  • as bicarbonate ions (HCO3 -)
  • pH drop or temperature rise. makes O2 more likely to release, lowers % saturation.
From the superior vena cava, blood flows to the _____.
  • Blood enters the right atrium from the superior and inferior venae cavae.
  • left atrium
  • blood vessels are hard and less elastic
  • multiply the atmospheric pressure at a given level by the fraction of air that is O2.
make up gill filaments
  • gill lamellae
  • inbetween gill arches
  • cellular respiration
  • pulm veins
why is bird breath so efficient?
  • heart tissue dies of apoxia
  • very little dead space, gas exchange is constant and continuous like fish, and blood is crosscurrent, which is better than mammal spiderwebs but less efficient than fish countercurrency.
  • vessel diameter increases, flow resistance is reduced so flow increases in tissues it sends to.
  • As the planets warms, aquatic habitats such as a pond will contain less dissolved oxygen, reducing the ability of fishes to acquire oxygen for their respiratory needs.
enzyme that causes bohr shift
  • arteries / arterioles
  • carbonic anhydrase
  • Large surface area
  • contraction
Cardiac output formula
  • gill lamellae
  • Output = Heart rate x SV
  • systole
  • clean, heart, body
Where is the velocity of blood flow the slowest in your body? See Section 42.5 ( page 889) .
  • CO2, which it rapidly reacts with water to make carbonic acid so it can make a bicarbonate ion.
  • Capillaries. The very high total cross-sectional area of capillaries means that blood flow there is very slow, providing opportunity for diffusion into and out of the blood.
  • As the planets warms, aquatic habitats such as a pond will contain less dissolved oxygen, reducing the ability of fishes to acquire oxygen for their respiratory needs.
  • Acidic. If not carried by hemoglobin, hydrogen ions would reduce the pH, or increase the acidity, of the blood.
thick-walled chamber
  • fetal.
  • heart tissue dies of apoxia
  • ventricle
  • countercurrent
  • exhalation
  • clean/oxygenated
  • Diastole
  • RA's SA node
2 key notes about water/blood countercurrency
  • inferior vena cava Blood enters the inferior vena cava from the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs.
  • the difference down a gradient between the tissues will be consistent (10% difference every time), and the start and end of a system has a large percentage range.
  • The curves of Tibetans should be shifted to the left relative to the curves of people adapted to sea level—meaning that Tibetans' hemoglobin should have a higher affinity for oxygen at all partial pressures.
  • If concurrent flow occurred, less oxygen would be transferred from water to blood because the partial pressure gradient driving diffusion would fall to zero partway along the length of the capillary.
Fe2+ bound to hemoglobin that binds oxygen (4 per hemoglobin)
  • right
  • fetal.
  • inhalation
  • heme
What might be the function of the muscle contraction in the walls of veins? See Section 42.5 ( page 889) .
  • The binding of one oxygen molecule to hemoglobin stimulates the binding of other oxygen molecules. This interaction is called cooperative binding.
  • Muscle contraction reduces the volume of veins, increasing blood pressure and, thereby, increasing the velocity of blood flow. This is a key response when a person enters of period of intense physical activity.
  • Aerobically active tissues require oxygen to carry out metabolism and must get rid of the waste product, carbon dioxide
  • As the planets warms, aquatic habitats such as a pond will contain less dissolved oxygen, reducing the ability of fishes to acquire oxygen for their respiratory needs.
advantage of aveoli
  • blood vessels are hard and less elastic
  • like 40 times more surface area for respiration
  • little bronchi that enclose both of these structures branches.
  • ventricles partitioned, 4 chambers, 2 circuits
internal pressure increases so lung volume decreases
  • Atrium
  • clean, heart, body
  • fetal.
  • exhalation
How is most carbon dioxide transported from tissues to the lungs?
  • As bicarbonate ions (HCO3-).
  • As the planets warms, aquatic habitats such as a pond will contain less dissolved oxygen, reducing the ability of fishes to acquire oxygen for their respiratory needs.
  • Output = Heart rate x SV
  • carbonic anhydrase
what was noted in venous blood of exercised fish?
  • If concurrent flow occurred, less oxygen would be transferred from water to blood because the partial pressure gradient driving diffusion would fall to zero partway along the length of the capillary.
  • their dirty blood was almost completely stripped of oxygen because their muscles needed so much, while their arteries had consistent levels
  • the diameter of their trachease would be so large that their would not be enough space in their bodies for much else (muscles, tissues)
  • the start of the systems will have a large gap, and end the same number (start 0 and 100, end 50) then diffusion will stop in both blood and water.
why is it hard to breathe on everest?
  • very little dead space, gas exchange is constant and continuous like fish, and blood is crosscurrent, which is better than mammal spiderwebs but less efficient than fish countercurrency.
  • the partial pressure gradient between the tissues and the air is little so fewer O2 diffuses in the tissues than we are used to
  • PO2 of blood decreases because muscles need it more, PCO2 of blood increases because muscles need to get rid of it.
  • the diameter of their trachease would be so large that their would not be enough space in their bodies for much else (muscles, tissues)
what happens to po2 and pco2 and ph when you hold you breath?
  • it permits rapid uptake of oxygen in the lungs and greater delivery of oxygen once blood reaches capillaries in the body's tissues. Cooperative binding is critical to the high rate of oxygen transport in the circulatory system.
  • the difference down a gradient between the tissues will be consistent (10% difference every time), and the start and end of a system has a large percentage range.
  • The PO2 decreases as oxygen is used up, the PCO2 increases as CO2 diffuses into the blood from tissues but cannot be exhaled, and the pH drops as the CO2 dissolves in blood to form bicarbonate and H+ ions.
  • Protons leave hemoglobin and react with bicarbonate agian to make CO2 and diffuses out of the lung
(5s) where O2 moves from the blood into the tissues and CO2 moves from the tissues into the blood
  • circulation
  • Ventricular systole
  • diffusion at the tissues
  • increases; decreases; enters
arteriole beginning of capillary
  • blood pressure high; fluid leaves to ducts
  • all four subunits of hemoglobin unload oxygen at the same time
  • blood vessels are hard and less elastic
  • lungs are like balloons kept deflated by having pressure around the lung that can allow it to expand and differ
negative pressure ventilation
  • lungs are like balloons kept deflated by having pressure around the lung that can allow it to expand and differ
  • draws air in through nose and contracts throat, forcing air into oral cavity, then lungs.
  • the diameter of their trachease would be so large that their would not be enough space in their bodies for much else (muscles, tissues)
  • the start of the systems will have a large gap, and end the same number (start 0 and 100, end 50) then diffusion will stop in both blood and water.
initiate contraction
  • inhalation
  • pacemaker cells
  • inbetween gill arches
  • low to none
myocardial infraction
  • gill lamellae
  • heart tissue dies of apoxia
  • picks up lots of oxygen
  • all four subunits of hemoglobin unload oxygen at the same time
ideal fick's law conditions
  • four subunits release independentily and gain and lose oxygen in direct proportion to PO2 of oxygen in blood, an only a small response to PO2 changes.
  • large area for gas exchange (3 human's lungs could fill a baseball court stretched out) small distance (thin respiratory surface), high difference in P2 and P1,
  • in low oxygen demand animals, hemolymph pumped by heart in low-pressure limited vessels that come in direct contact with tissues
  • the partial pressure gradient between the tissues and the air is little so fewer O2 diffuses in the tissues than we are used to
what has valves?
  • take dirty blood from body to lungs
  • large veins to prevent dirty back flow
  • blood pressure low; fluid enters capillary
  • little bronchi that enclose both of these structures branches.
(5s) the cell's use of O2 and the production of CO2 in tissues, where the cellular respiration has led to low O2 levels and high CO2 levels, gas exchange occurs between blood and cells.
  • left atrium
  • cellular respiration
  • terrestrial; less; aquatic
  • partial pressure
how do you calculate the partial pressure of a particular gas?
  • CO2, which it rapidly reacts with water to make carbonic acid so it can make a bicarbonate ion.
  • gotta be a fetus and increases hemoglobin saturation
  • This statement is true. Digestive organs such as the stomach and part of the small intestine also develop from the foregut.
  • multiply the atmospheric pressure at a given level by the fraction of air that is O2.
  • fluid leaves capillary and excess enters lymphatic ducts
  • diffusion at the tissues
  • gotta be a fetus and increases hemoglobin saturation
  • distance (thickness of diffusion barrier)
receptors for blood pressure change
  • intermediate
  • exhalation
  • contraction
  • baroreceptors
breathing rate is regulated to keep the _ content of the blood stable during rest and exercise
  • no
  • CO2
  • O2
  • tops
to extract a given amount of oxygen an aquatic animal has to process _ times more water than the amount of air a terrestrial animal breathes and expend much more energy
  • water
  • 30
  • 0.04%
  • CO2
compared with water, air contains much more _ and is much less _ and viscous.
  • oxygen; dense
  • red blood cells
  • countercurrent
  • plasma.; stays in RBCs
one cell thick
  • pulm artery
  • capillaries
  • hypertension
  • carbonic anhydrase
curve shifts to left, what happened to cause it and what increases
  • dissolves into plasma, which still can move to tissues
  • gotta be a fetus and increases hemoglobin saturation
  • yes because they are in contact with more air bubbles
  • As bicarbonate ions (HCO3-).
exchange gasses between blood and tissue
  • arteries
  • capillaries
  • exhalation
  • contraction
which has more oxygen, tops or bottoms?
  • tops
  • 21%
  • their dirty blood was almost completely stripped of oxygen because their muscles needed so much, while their arteries had consistent levels
  • lungs
if an animal doesnt have aveoli what do they have?
  • lungs fill with air from posterior sacs. the anterior sacs release its air.
  • dirty, body, heart (indirectly lungs)
  • lungs lined directly with blood vessels
  • shallow ponds they have a higher SA:V ratio
most advanced hearts
  • not a big difference in resting or exercising O2, not much is taken up
  • air-filled tubes in insects
  • bronchioles; capillary networks
  • ventricles partitioned, 4 chambers, 2 circuits
why is countercurrency for efficient in gills?
  • Without the delay at the AV node, the ventricles would not have the chance to fully fill with blood from the atria. Consequently, the volume of blood ejected from the ventricles would decline.
  • Air from the alveoli mixes with air in the dead space in the bronchi and trachea on its way out of the body. This dead-space air is from the previous inhalation (PO2 = 160 mm Hg; PCO2 = 0.3 mm Hg), so when the alveolar air mixes with it, the partial pressures in the exhaled air reach levels intermediate between those of inhaled and alveolar air.
  • the partial pressure gradient between the tissues and the air is little so fewer O2 diffuses in the tissues than we are used to
  • it extracts all the oxygen to the blood it needs instead of having an egalitarian oxygen diffusion with water and ensures constant P2-P1 difference.
what are the o-h curves of tibetians?
  • the partial pressure gradient between the tissues and the air is little so fewer O2 diffuses in the tissues than we are used to
  • The curves of Tibetans should be shifted to the left relative to the curves of people adapted to sea level—meaning that Tibetans' hemoglobin should have a higher affinity for oxygen at all partial pressures.
  • The binding of one oxygen molecule to hemoglobin stimulates the binding of other oxygen molecules. This interaction is called cooperative binding.
  • the diameter of their trachease would be so large that their would not be enough space in their bodies for much else (muscles, tissues)
decreasing volume of chest cavity
  • gain; loose
  • capillaries
  • hypertension
  • exhalation
capillaries blood pressure?
  • hypertension
  • inhalation
  • intermediate
  • bone marrow
  • vessel diameter smaller, slow flow to blood and more blood resistance
  • openings in insects exoskeletons that can be closed to minimize loss of water by evaporation
  • stiff slap that covers the gills. pumps with the mouth whenever they need
  • one atrium and one ventricle, one circuit serving whole body
blood returns to the heart via the
  • all four subunits of hemoglobin unload oxygen at the same time
  • dissolves into plasma, which still can move to tissues
  • multiply the atmospheric pressure at a given level by the fraction of air that is O2.
  • Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium
Together, the respiratory and circulatory systems function to ____________. See Section 42.1 ( page 875) .
  • bogs have decomposers that quickly use up any excess oxygen in cellular respiration, so they have less oxygen
  • The binding of one oxygen molecule to hemoglobin stimulates the binding of other oxygen molecules. This interaction is called cooperative binding.
  • Aerobically active tissues require oxygen to carry out metabolism and must get rid of the waste product, carbon dioxide
  • Protons leave hemoglobin and react with bicarbonate agian to make CO2 and diffuses out of the lung
why is the PO2 and PCP2 in exhaled air intermediate between inhaled and alveolar air?
  • hot water
  • it permits rapid uptake of oxygen in the lungs and greater delivery of oxygen once blood reaches capillaries in the body's tissues. Cooperative binding is critical to the high rate of oxygen transport in the circulatory system.
  • Air from the alveoli mixes with air in the dead space in the bronchi and trachea on its way out of the body. This dead-space air is from the previous inhalation (PO2 = 160 mm Hg; PCO2 = 0.3 mm Hg), so when the alveolar air mixes with it, the partial pressures in the exhaled air reach levels intermediate between those of inhaled and alveolar air.
  • Muscle contraction reduces the volume of veins, increasing blood pressure and, thereby, increasing the velocity of blood flow. This is a key response when a person enters of period of intense physical activity.
does gas exchange happen during exhalation in non-birds?
  • contraction
  • inhalation
  • O2
  • no
why are bugs so much smaller now than in dinosaur times?
  • lung empties formerly posterior air that had just occupied lungs to anterior sacs. new air goes to posterior air sacs.
  • the diameter of their trachease would be so large that their would not be enough space in their bodies for much else (muscles, tissues)
  • the partial pressure gradient between the tissues and the air is little so fewer O2 diffuses in the tissues than we are used to
  • at that specific point in time the oxygen levels (p2-p1) were super high so they could support adequate ventilation.
early hearts
  • little bronchi that enclose both of these structures branches.
  • one atrium and one ventricle, one circuit serving whole body
  • carries inhaled oxygen to narrow tubes called bronchi
  • large veins to prevent dirty back flow
What percent of the air is CO2
  • 0.04%
  • carbonic anhydrase
  • yes
  • tops
From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the _____.
  • Aerobically active tissues require oxygen to carry out metabolism and must get rid of the waste product, carbon dioxide
  • multiply the atmospheric pressure at a given level by the fraction of air that is O2.
  • inferior vena cava Blood enters the inferior vena cava from the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs.
  • Acidic. If not carried by hemoglobin, hydrogen ions would reduce the pH, or increase the acidity, of the blood.
cell fragments that minimize blood loss from ruptured blood vessels (clot, clot)
  • exhalation
  • hot water
  • pulm artery
  • platelets
why is AV waiting important?
  • the partial pressure gradient between the tissues and the air is little so fewer O2 diffuses in the tissues than we are used to
  • their dirty blood was almost completely stripped of oxygen because their muscles needed so much, while their arteries had consistent levels
  • at that specific point in time the oxygen levels (p2-p1) were super high so they could support adequate ventilation.
  • Without the delay at the AV node, the ventricles would not have the chance to fully fill with blood from the atria. Consequently, the volume of blood ejected from the ventricles would decline.
higher affinity for oxygen, and carbon dioxide_ in environment or tissues
  • openings in insects exoskeletons that can be closed to minimize loss of water by evaporation
  • Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium
  • epithelial cellscapillary wallextracellular fluid
  • oxygen in tissues, carbon dioxide for environment
curve shifts to the right, what happened to cause it and what changes?
  • oxygen in tissues, carbon dioxide for environment
  • pH drop or temperature rise. makes O2 more likely to release, lowers % saturation.
  • fluid enters capillary from lymphatic duct or interstitial fluid
  • PCO2 and heat lowers the pH, so when its in excess oxygen is HIGH demand and more likely to unload
what pushes flow, contraction or relaxation?
  • pulm artery
  • baroreceptors
  • contraction
  • bone marrow
_ animals has to produce a much smaller volume of air to extract the same amount of O2, and the amount of work to do so is _ than in _ animals.
  • terrestrial; less; aquatic
  • partial pressure
  • increases; decreases; enters
  • Ventricular systole
what would happen IF water to blood flow was concurrent?
  • four subunits release independentily and gain and lose oxygen in direct proportion to PO2 of oxygen in blood, an only a small response to PO2 changes.
  • the diameter of their trachease would be so large that their would not be enough space in their bodies for much else (muscles, tissues)
  • If concurrent flow occurred, less oxygen would be transferred from water to blood because the partial pressure gradient driving diffusion would fall to zero partway along the length of the capillary.
  • Without the delay at the AV node, the ventricles would not have the chance to fully fill with blood from the atria. Consequently, the volume of blood ejected from the ventricles would decline.
why do beetles not get bigger?
  • it extracts all the oxygen to the blood it needs instead of having an egalitarian oxygen diffusion with water and ensures constant P2-P1 difference.
  • the diameter of their trachease would be so large that their would not be enough space in their bodies for much else (muscles, tissues)
  • the start of the systems will have a large gap, and end the same number (start 0 and 100, end 50) then diffusion will stop in both blood and water.
  • lungs are like balloons kept deflated by having pressure around the lung that can allow it to expand and differ
noncooperative binding curve
  • not a big difference in resting or exercising O2, not much is taken up
  • when it converts CO2 to bicarbonate theres less CO2 and thusly a higher PCO2 affinity in RBCs
  • fluid enters capillary from lymphatic duct or interstitial fluid
  • thin skin prone to water loss and too dependent on wet or humid environments
once a bicarbonate ion forms where are they transported?where do released H+ go?
  • clean, heart, body
  • plasma.; stays in RBCs
  • releases more oxygen
  • picks up lots of oxygen
diaphragm moves upward, towards lungs
  • inhalation
  • exhalation
  • its nuclei
  • atrium
3 responses to low BP
  • Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium
  • fast fish open their mouths while they swim to force deoxygenated water out of their body
  • exhalation is an active process. you can inhale/exchange more volume of gas BUT 150mL are still not exchanged
  • 1. increase in SV and 2. heart rate, 3. prioritize blood by constricting veins and arterioles
ram ventilation
  • thin skin prone to water loss and too dependent on wet or humid environments
  • fast fish open their mouths while they swim to force deoxygenated water out of their body
  • all four subunits of hemoglobin unload oxygen at the same time
  • 1. increase in SV and 2. heart rate, 3. prioritize blood by constricting veins and arterioles
pressure of a particular gas in a mixture of gases per unit of volume of air.
  • cellular respiration
  • partial pressure
  • Ventricular systole
  • gain; loose
dead space
  • blood vessels are hard and less elastic
  • air passages not lined by a respiratory surface
  • dirty, body, heart (indirectly lungs)
  • with lower pH the hemoglobin is more likely to release oxygen in tissues with Low pH
98.5% of oxygen goes where from breathing?
  • swelling and pain
  • bound into the hemoglobin of RBCs
  • lungs lined directly with blood vessels
  • dissolves into plasma, which still can move to tissues
pressure is more negative, pulled down by the diaphragm
  • medullary center
  • gain; loose
  • exhalation
  • inhalation
thin walled chamber of the heart
  • bone marrow
  • exhalation
  • atrium
  • not very well
there is just as much oxygen at sea level as there is on mt. Everest, so what is the difference?
  • increases; decreases; enters
  • partial pressure
  • capillaries
  • inhalation
why is the bohr shift important during exercise?
  • PCO2 and heat lowers the pH, so when its in excess oxygen is HIGH demand and more likely to unload
  • Protons leave hemoglobin and react with bicarbonate agian to make CO2 and diffuses out of the lung
  • very little dead space, gas exchange is constant and continuous like fish, and blood is crosscurrent, which is better than mammal spiderwebs but less efficient than fish countercurrency.
  • at that specific point in time the oxygen levels (p2-p1) were super high so they could support adequate ventilation.
is oxygen higher in bogs and stagnant water habitats, or a lively ocean with the same amount of plants?
  • Protons leave hemoglobin and react with bicarbonate agian to make CO2 and diffuses out of the lung
  • inferior vena cava Blood enters the inferior vena cava from the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs.
  • bogs have decomposers that quickly use up any excess oxygen in cellular respiration, so they have less oxygen
  • at that specific point in time the oxygen levels (p2-p1) were super high so they could support adequate ventilation.
s/d over 140/90
  • not very well
  • dirty/carbonated
  • hypertension
  • large veins to prevent dirty back flow
are rivers, waterfalls, and waves more or less oxygenated than other water?
  • carries inhaled oxygen to narrow tubes called bronchi
  • yes because they are in contact with more air bubbles
  • multiply the atmospheric pressure at a given level by the fraction of air that is O2.
  • shallow ponds they have a higher SA:V ratio
In the blood most of the oxygen that will be used in cellular respiration is carried from the lungs to the body tissues _____.
  • releases more oxygen
  • combined with hemoglobin
  • bone marrow
  • clean/oxygenated
  • with lower pH the hemoglobin is more likely to release oxygen in tissues with Low pH
  • Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium
  • Blood enters the right atrium from the superior and inferior venae cavae.
  • difference in partial pressure of gas on either side of barrier to diffusion
high blood pH
  • clean/oxygenated
  • picks up lots of oxygen
  • swelling and pain
  • air-filled tubes in insects
what binds tighter adult or fetal hemoglobin?
  • tops
  • ventricle
  • contraction
  • fetal.


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