Why is a sunflower yellow?
  • It reflects yellow light.
  • a shorter average wavelength
  • above Earth's atmosphere.
  • chemical composition.
The Hubble Space Telescope obtains higher-resolution images than most ground-based telescopes because it is:
  • above Earth's atmosphere.
  • The cloud is cool and lies between you and a hot star.
  • a shorter average wavelength
  • chemical composition.
A star whose spectrum peaks in the infrared is:
  • above Earth's atmosphere.
  • cooler than our Sun.
  • chemical composition.
  • a shorter average wavelength
Which of the following conditions lead you to see an absorption line spectrum from a cloud of gas in interstellar space?
  • above Earth's atmosphere.
  • higher energy and shorter wavelength than red light.
  • The cloud is cool and lies between you and a hot star.
  • gamma rays, X rays, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, radio
Studying a spectrum from a star can tell us a lot, such as?
  • 1)We can identify chemical elements present in the star by recognizing patterns of spectral lines that correspond to particular chemicals, 2)The peak of the star's thermal emission tells us its temperature: hotter stars peak at shorter (bluer) wavelengths, AND 3)Shifts in the wavelengths of spectral lines compared to the wavelengths of those same lines measured in a laboratory on Earth can tell us the star's speed toward or away from us.
  • 1) X-rays have shorter wavelengths than radio waves, 2) X-rays have higher frequency than radio waves, AND 3) X-rays and radio waves are both forms of light, or electromagnetic radiation.
  • X-rays do not penetrate Earth's atmosphere.
  • chemical composition.
What statements about X-rays and radio waves are true?
  • 1) X-rays have shorter wavelengths than radio waves, 2) X-rays have higher frequency than radio waves, AND 3) X-rays and radio waves are both forms of light, or electromagnetic radiation.
  • a shorter average wavelength
  • X-rays do not penetrate Earth's atmosphere.
  • 1)We can identify chemical elements present in the star by recognizing patterns of spectral lines that correspond to particular chemicals, 2)The peak of the star's thermal emission tells us its temperature: hotter stars peak at shorter (bluer) wavelengths, AND 3)Shifts in the wavelengths of spectral lines compared to the wavelengths of those same lines measured in a laboratory on Earth can tell us the star's speed toward or away from us.
From shortest to longest wavelength, which of the following correctly orders the different categories of electromagnetic radiation?
  • above Earth's atmosphere.
  • higher energy and shorter wavelength than red light.
  • gamma rays, X rays, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, radio
  • The cloud is cool and lies between you and a hot star.
The set of spectral lines that we see in a star's spectrum depends on the star's:
  • a shorter average wavelength
  • The cloud is cool and lies between you and a hot star.
  • chemical composition.
  • above Earth's atmosphere.
Blue light has higher frequency than red light. Thus, blue light has:
  • The cloud is cool and lies between you and a hot star.
  • a shorter average wavelength
  • X-rays do not penetrate Earth's atmosphere.
  • higher energy and shorter wavelength than red light.
which of the following terms is onomatopoetic?
  • collateral damage
  • slang is closely tied to young people and gangs
  • splash
  • False
which of the following examples illustrates the idea of reclaiming a phrase?
  • homosexual men referring to one another as "queer"
  • slang is closely tied to young people and gangs
  • when people speak more than one language, their language use is often accompanied by a shift in cultural values.
  • The distinction between nouns and verbs does not exist in most languages.
Which of the following linguistic features was not identified in the textbook as affecting a speaker's credibility?
  • incorrect diction
  • collateral damage
  • The distinction between nouns and verbs does not exist in most languages.
  • homosexual men referring to one another as "queer"
The claim that "4 out of 5" doctors prescribe a certain medication for a headache is an example of what kind of statement?
  • weasel words
  • have specific meaning that is culturally understoof
  • incorrect diction
  • linguistic relativity
according to research, a joke must contain this in order to be considered funny.
  • Shared knowledge error
  • an expectancy violation
  • incorrect diction
  • libel only involves statements mad in print
a structured system of symbols used for creating meaning is known as
  • Children who grow up in a bi-lingual family experience a great deal of cognitive dissonance because of the conflicting languages.
  • symbolic system
  • name-keepers have high self-esteem than name changers
  • pragmatic rule
which of the following statements about slang is not true?
  • slang is closely tied to young people and gangs
  • collateral damage
  • when people speak more than one language, their language use is often accompanied by a shift in cultural values.
  • homosexual men referring to one another as "queer"
regarding libel and slander, which of the following is true
  • homosexual men referring to one another as "queer"
  • libel only involves statements mad in print
  • slang is closely tied to young people and gangs
  • an expectancy violation
According to research, women who take their husbands' name when they marry differ in some ways from women who keep their birth name. Which of the following statements is true?
  • name-keepers have high self-esteem than name changers
  • pragmatic rule
  • have specific meaning that is culturally understoof
  • an expectancy violation
To an American, the phrase, "How are you today?" sounds correct whereas the phrase "Today you are how?" sounds incorrect. The second phrase violates which rule of language?
  • weasel words
  • linguistic relativity
  • syntactical
  • denotative
When Jesse first met Nicolette, he extended his hand and said warmly, "Nice to meet you." In response, Nicolette sighed, rolled her eyes, and simply said, "Yah," in a very sarcastic tone. Jesse inferred that Nicolette was not excited about meeting him based on her reaction. Which rule of language did Jesse likely base his decision on?
  • linguistic relativity
  • phonological rule
  • name-keepers have high self-esteem than name changers
  • pragmatic rule
The fact that some phrases from other cultures have no English equivalent illustrates which element of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?
  • incorrect diction
  • have specific meaning that is culturally understoof
  • weasel words
  • linguistic relativity
The fact that a smile symbolizes happiness or a thumbs-up gesture indicates a job well done:
  • The distinction between nouns and verbs does not exist in most languages.
  • homosexual men referring to one another as "queer"
  • have specific meaning that is culturally understoof
  • linguistic relativity
the literal, "dictionary" definition of a word is its _ meaning
  • denotative
  • syntactical
  • phonological rule
  • False
the type of language rule deals with the correct pronunciation of words
  • collateral damage
  • Shared knowledge error
  • phonological rule
  • denotative
which of the folloing phrases is an example of doublespeak
  • incorrect diction
  • slang is closely tied to young people and gangs
  • collateral damage
  • homosexual men referring to one another as "queer"
All of the following are examples of network operating systems EXCEPT ________.
  • D) USB
  • Windows
  • OneDrive
  • MS-DOS
Use the Windows ________ to check on a nonresponsive program.
  • inventory.xlsx
  • Task Manager
  • Desktop Cleanup
  • file path
The ________ utility automatically creates duplicates of your libraries, desktops, contacts, and favorites to another storage location.
  • File History
  • file path
  • virtual memory
  • device driver
Deleted files on a Mac computer are moved to the ________.
  • file path
  • Trash
  • path
  • Linux
Most supercomputers use the ________ operating system.
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Trash
  • D) USB
When using Windows File Explorer, which view provides the most information at a glance?
  • Details
  • the code to interface between an application and a peripheral like a printer
  • Google and Apple
  • Apple
Most smartphones use operating systems developed by ________.
  • Apple
  • Details
  • Google and Apple
  • operating system
MacOS is the operating system developed by ________.
  • Details
  • Google and Apple
  • operating system
  • Apple
Which of the following is NOT a type of user interface?
  • Application programming interface (API)
  • It is only for supercomputers.
  • The BIOS is activated by turning on the computer.
  • Desktop Cleanup
Each device attached to your computer has a special program called a(n) ________ that enables the device and operating system to communicate with each other.
  • File History
  • OneDrive
  • Android and iOS
  • device driver


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