A Male Stickleback fish will attack other male sticklebacks that invade its nothing area. It will only attack male fish, which display the red belly characteristic of the species. Why has natural selection favored this behavior?
  • song learning in this species is most likely innate
  • The Behavior allows the male to establish a defined space for breeding with female sticklebacks
  • Within the ground squirrel population, males leave the area of their birth and are replaced by new males, thus maintaining genetic diversity in the population
  • The cultrual tradition of using stones to crack nuts has only arisen in only some populations
You observe a species of bird that, upon hatching, has contact with its parents only while being fed. You also never hear the parents sing during the feeding process. What would you propose about song learning in this species of bird?
  • Many animals use magnetic fields to orient themselves during migration.
  • A fixed action pattern
  • The cultrual tradition of using stones to crack nuts has only arisen in only some populations
  • song learning in this species is most likely innate
What probably explains why coastal and inland garter snakes react differently to banana slug prey?
  • An individual's reproductive success depends in part on how the behavior is performed.
  • Ancestors of coastal snakes that could eat the abundant banana slugs has increased fitness. No such selection occurred inland, where banana slugs were absent
  • How does the animal's experience during growth and development influence its response to stimulus?
  • Within the ground squirrel population, males leave the area of their birth and are replaced by new males, thus maintaining genetic diversity in the population
How do altruistic behaviors arise through natural selection?
  • Problem solving is the cognitive activity of coming up with ways to go from one state to another.
  • Natural selection will favor behavior that enhances survival reproduction
  • How does the animal's experience during growth and development influence its response to stimulus?
  • By his/her actions, the altruist increases the likelihood that some of its genes will be passed on to the next generation.
One way to understand how early environment influences behaviors in similar species is through the "cross fostering" experimental technique. Suppose that the curly-whiskered Mud rat differs from the bald mud rat in several ways, including being much more aggressive. How would you set up a "cross fostering" experiment to determine if environment plays a role in the curly whiskered mud rat's aggression?
  • Ancestors of coastal snakes that could eat the abundant banana slugs has increased fitness. No such selection occurred inland, where banana slugs were absent
  • You would place newborn curly whiskered mud rats with bald mud run parents and place newborn bald mud rats with curly whiskered mud rat parents. Finally, let some mud rats of both species be raised by their own species then you would compare the outcomes.
  • The cultrual tradition of using stones to crack nuts has only arisen in only some populations
  • Polyandry
Female spotted sandpipers aggressively court males and, after mating, leave the clutch of young for the male to incubate. This sequence may be repeated several times with different males until no available males remain, forcing the female to incubate her last clutch. Which of the following terms best describes this behavior?
  • Within the ground squirrel population, males leave the area of their birth and are replaced by new males, thus maintaining genetic diversity in the population
  • You would place newborn curly whiskered mud rats with bald mud run parents and place newborn bald mud rats with curly whiskered mud rat parents. Finally, let some mud rats of both species be raised by their own species then you would compare the outcomes.
  • Polyandry
  • song learning in this species is most likely innate


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