U.S. companies that participate in the manufacturing sector:
  • . continue to be an important issue in the near future.
  • a number of significant changes in both the production techniques and management styles used by U.S. firms.
  • have focused on innovative operations management techniques in order to regain their competitive edge.
  • grown much more rapidly than the manufacturing sector.
Efforts to redesign and rebuild America's manufacturing base are likely to:
  • . continue to be an important issue in the near future.
  • relying on advanced technology and the Internet to unite companies.
  • continue to innovate.
  • grown much more rapidly than the manufacturing sector.
One strategy U.S. manufacturers have employed in order to become more competitive is:
  • . continue to be an important issue in the near future.
  • C. both goods and services.
  • relying on advanced technology and the Internet to unite companies.
  • a number of significant changes in both the production techniques and management styles used by U.S. firms.
In recent years, the service sector of the U.S. economy has:
  • relying on advanced technology and the Internet to unite companies.
  • continue to innovate.
  • . continue to be an important issue in the near future.
  • grown much more rapidly than the manufacturing sector.
Production management is the traditional term used to describe all the activities managers do to help their firms create:
  • C. both goods and services.
  • continue to innovate.
  • B. goods.
  • relying on advanced technology and the Internet to unite companies.
The resurgence of U.S. manufacturing firms in recent years can be credited to:
  • . continue to be an important issue in the near future.
  • relying on advanced technology and the Internet to unite companies.
  • have focused on innovative operations management techniques in order to regain their competitive edge.
  • a number of significant changes in both the production techniques and management styles used by U.S. firms.


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