Which hardships did migrant farm workers in the United States face during the 1960s?
  • The NAACP challenged segregation by filing lawsuits in several states.
  • poor pay
  • Race riots took place all over the country.
  • took a more militant approach.
Who urged Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act as part of his vision for a "Great Society"?
  • it did not promote aggressive action.
  • World War II and the Vietnam War
  • Lyndon B. Johnson
  • It led the UFW to use only nonviolent protest to achieve its goals.
Branch Rickey was
  • a white general manager who opposed segregation in baseball.
  • it did not promote aggressive action.
  • It dealt a blow to segregation in public facilities.
  • the Supreme Court had not set a deadline for doing so.
Long after the Brown v. Board of Education decision, some states had not desegregated their schools because
  • it did not promote aggressive action.
  • It dealt a blow to segregation in public facilities.
  • the rights to equal eduecation
  • the Supreme Court had not set a deadline for doing so.
Which best describes the NAACP's strategy for ending segregation in public schools?
  • taking a more violent approach to solving problems.
  • Japanese children of Asian descent went to school with white children.
  • Race riots took place all over the country.
  • The NAACP challenged segregation by filing lawsuits in several states.
Which conflicts led to increased discrimination against Asian Americans?
  • Lyndon B. Johnson
  • World War II and the Vietnam War
  • It led the UFW to use only nonviolent protest to achieve its goals.
  • a white general manager who opposed segregation in baseball.
How did the leadership of Cesar Chavez affect the United Farm Workers Union in the 1960s?
  • It led the UFW to use only nonviolent protest to achieve its goals.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson
  • a white general manager who opposed segregation in baseball.
  • World War II and the Vietnam War
Which best describes the reaction in the South to Brown v. Board of Education?
  • taking a more violent approach to solving problems.
  • Race riots took place all over the country.
  • The South resisted integration for years by staging protests and fighting desegregation in court.
  • The NAACP challenged segregation by filing lawsuits in several states.
The formation of the Black Panther Party signified that some African Americans were
  • took a more militant approach.
  • Race riots took place all over the country.
  • The NAACP challenged segregation by filing lawsuits in several states.
  • taking a more violent approach to solving problems.
Which statement best supports the idea that significant anger over racism existed in the US during the 1960s?
  • taking a more violent approach to solving problems.
  • The NAACP challenged segregation by filing lawsuits in several states.
  • Race riots took place all over the country.
  • poor pay


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