Read the sentence.When she arrived at the concert hall, the singer walked through a crowd of cheering fans.Which word is a preposition?
  • The writer wants to conceal the identity of the person who broke the jar.
  • at
  • the name of the singer is unknown.
  • the statue.
Read the sentence.The famous artist and sculptor Michelangelo sculpted the statue David in Italy in the early 1500s.The best reason for the writer to revise this sentence to be in the passive voice is to emphasize
  • by choosing to end the sentence in a preposition
  • the name of the singer is unknown.
  • The booster club provided a tray of fresh watermelon slices.
  • the statue.
Which sentence must be revised to eliminate the preposition at the end?
  • Where are Katelyn and Ella walking to?
  • Young drivers must remember to always turn off cell phones before getting behind the wheel.
  • Which bench will you be sitting on?
  • You will have to really watch the children at the beach because the current is very strong.
Read the sentence.Jameson dropped and broke the cookie jar while his parents were on vacation.What is the best explanation for why the writer would revise this sentence to use passive voice?
  • the name of the singer is unknown.
  • The booster club provided a tray of fresh watermelon slices.
  • at
  • The writer wants to conceal the identity of the person who broke the jar.
Read the sentence.Someone sang a solo during the holiday concert.The best reason to revise this sentence using the passive voice is that
  • The booster club provided a tray of fresh watermelon slices.
  • the statue.
  • the name of the singer is unknown.
  • by choosing to end the sentence in a preposition
Read the sentence.Mr. Richardson is shopping for the perfect shelf on which to display his bowling trophy.How could a writer best revise this sentence to avoid overly formal language?
  • the name of the singer is unknown.
  • by choosing to end the sentence in a preposition
  • The booster club provided a tray of fresh watermelon slices.
  • the statue.
Check all that apply.Writers should avoid splitting an infinitive when
  • the sentence is already sounds awkward to split the infinitive.too much information is inserted between the two parts of the infinitive.
  • Where are Katelyn and Ella walking to?
  • Young drivers must remember to always turn off cell phones before getting behind the wheel.
  • You will have to really watch the children at the beach because the current is very strong.
Which sentence contains a split infinitive?
  • Which bench will you be sitting on?
  • Young children seem to thoroughly enjoy playing with soap bubbles and shaving cream.
  • Young drivers must remember to always turn off cell phones before getting behind the wheel.
  • You will have to really watch the children at the beach because the current is very strong.
Which sentence requires no revision?
  • Young drivers must remember to always turn off cell phones before getting behind the wheel.
  • Young children seem to thoroughly enjoy playing with soap bubbles and shaving cream.
  • Where are Katelyn and Ella walking to?
  • Which bench will you be sitting on?


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