Cpr Quiz
When should the rescuer operating the AED clear the victim?
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True Water is a good conductor of electricity. If the chest is covered with some water, quickly wipe the chest before attaching the AED pads.
False If a rescuer places an AED pad directly over an implanted medical device, the implanted device may block delivery of the shock to the heart. If possible, the rescuer should avoid placing the AED pad directly over the implanted device.
The AED operator clears the victim before rhythm analysis and then clears the victim before delivering a shock.
After the AED gives the shock, rescuers should resume CPR immediately, beginning with chest compressions.
After the AED delivers a shock, what should the rescuers do next?
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Breaths should each be delivered over 1 second, with just enough force to produce visible chest rise. Rescuers should avoid excessive ventilation. Pause about 1 second between each breath. Actually seeing the chest rise with each breath is the best way to ensure that breaths are effective.
After the AED gives the shock, rescuers should resume CPR immediately, beginning with chest compressions.
True Water is a good conductor of electricity. If the chest is covered with some water, quickly wipe the chest before attaching the AED pads.
The AED operator clears the victim before rhythm analysis and then clears the victim before delivering a shock.
It is important to learn and practice the critical components of adult high-quality CPR.
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False If a rescuer places an AED pad directly over an implanted medical device, the implanted device may block delivery of the shock to the heart. If possible, the rescuer should avoid placing the AED pad directly over the implanted device.
False If the victim has a hairy chest, the AED pads may stick to the hair and not to the skin on the chest. The rescuer should shave the area where he or she will place the pads by using the razor from the AED carrying case. If you have a second set of AED pads, you can use the first set to remove the hair. Apply the pads, press them down so they stick as much as possible, and quickly pull them off. Then apply the new second set of pads.
True Water is a good conductor of electricity. If the chest is covered with some water, quickly wipe the chest before attaching the AED pads.
Remember, high-quality CPR for adults includes these critical characteristics:Push hard, push fast: Compress at a rate of 100 to 120/min, with a depth of at least 2 inches (5 cm).Allow complete chest recoil, and do not lean on the chest after compressions.Minimize interruptions in compressions to less than 10 seconds.Give effective breaths that make the chest rise and avoid excessive ventilation.
When a victim has a pacemaker, the rescuer should attach the AED pad directly over the pacemaker.
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False If the victim has a hairy chest, the AED pads may stick to the hair and not to the skin on the chest. The rescuer should shave the area where he or she will place the pads by using the razor from the AED carrying case. If you have a second set of AED pads, you can use the first set to remove the hair. Apply the pads, press them down so they stick as much as possible, and quickly pull them off. Then apply the new second set of pads.
Verify scene safety and check for responsiveness.Assess breathing and pulse.Begin CPR, starting with chest compressions.Attach AED pads to the victim's bare chest."Clear" the victim and analyze the rhythm. No shock is advised.Resume CPR.
True Water is a good conductor of electricity. If the chest is covered with some water, quickly wipe the chest before attaching the AED pads.
False If a rescuer places an AED pad directly over an implanted medical device, the implanted device may block delivery of the shock to the heart. If possible, the rescuer should avoid placing the AED pad directly over the implanted device.
A victim's chest is covered in perspiration. The rescuer would need to quickly dry the chest before applying the AED pads
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False If the victim has a hairy chest, the AED pads may stick to the hair and not to the skin on the chest. The rescuer should shave the area where he or she will place the pads by using the razor from the AED carrying case. If you have a second set of AED pads, you can use the first set to remove the hair. Apply the pads, press them down so they stick as much as possible, and quickly pull them off. Then apply the new second set of pads.
The AED operator clears the victim before rhythm analysis and then clears the victim before delivering a shock.
False If a rescuer places an AED pad directly over an implanted medical device, the implanted device may block delivery of the shock to the heart. If possible, the rescuer should avoid placing the AED pad directly over the implanted device.
True Water is a good conductor of electricity. If the chest is covered with some water, quickly wipe the chest before attaching the AED pads.
Check your knowledge of 2-rescuer adult BLS by placing the steps in their proper sequence. In this scenario, assume that (1) the victim is unresponsive, is not breathing, and has no pulse; and (2) backup advanced life support teams are on their way to the incident.
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False If a rescuer places an AED pad directly over an implanted medical device, the implanted device may block delivery of the shock to the heart. If possible, the rescuer should avoid placing the AED pad directly over the implanted device.
Breaths should each be delivered over 1 second, with just enough force to produce visible chest rise. Rescuers should avoid excessive ventilation. Pause about 1 second between each breath. Actually seeing the chest rise with each breath is the best way to ensure that breaths are effective.
True Do not place the AED pads directly on top of a medication patch, because it may block the transfer of energy from the AED pad to the heart and also cause small burns to the skin. If you notice that the victim has a medication patch on the AED placement area, quickly remove the patch and wipe the area clean before attaching the AED pad. Examples of medication patches are nitroglycerin, nicotine, pain medication, and hormone replacement therapy patches.
Verify scene safety and check for responsiveness.Assess breathing and pulse.Begin CPR, starting with chest compressions.Attach AED pads to the victim's bare chest."Clear" the victim and analyze the rhythm. No shock is advised.Resume CPR.
When using a pocket mask, the rescuer would be positioned at the side of the victim.
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When giving breaths to a victim by using a pocket mask, the rescuer would deliver each breath over 2 seconds and with just enough force to make the chest rise.
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If a victim has a hairy chest, the rescuer should not spend time shaving the chest before applying the AED pads.
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True Do not place the AED pads directly on top of a medication patch, because it may block the transfer of energy from the AED pad to the heart and also cause small burns to the skin. If you notice that the victim has a medication patch on the AED placement area, quickly remove the patch and wipe the area clean before attaching the AED pad. Examples of medication patches are nitroglycerin, nicotine, pain medication, and hormone replacement therapy patches.
True Water is a good conductor of electricity. If the chest is covered with some water, quickly wipe the chest before attaching the AED pads.
False If the victim has a hairy chest, the AED pads may stick to the hair and not to the skin on the chest. The rescuer should shave the area where he or she will place the pads by using the razor from the AED carrying case. If you have a second set of AED pads, you can use the first set to remove the hair. Apply the pads, press them down so they stick as much as possible, and quickly pull them off. Then apply the new second set of pads.
False If a rescuer places an AED pad directly over an implanted medical device, the implanted device may block delivery of the shock to the heart. If possible, the rescuer should avoid placing the AED pad directly over the implanted device.
Before attaching the AED pad to a victim with a medication patch on his chest, the rescuer should quickly remove the patch and wipe the area clean first.
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True Water is a good conductor of electricity. If the chest is covered with some water, quickly wipe the chest before attaching the AED pads.
True Do not place the AED pads directly on top of a medication patch, because it may block the transfer of energy from the AED pad to the heart and also cause small burns to the skin. If you notice that the victim has a medication patch on the AED placement area, quickly remove the patch and wipe the area clean before attaching the AED pad. Examples of medication patches are nitroglycerin, nicotine, pain medication, and hormone replacement therapy patches.
Remember, high-quality CPR for adults includes these critical characteristics:Push hard, push fast: Compress at a rate of 100 to 120/min, with a depth of at least 2 inches (5 cm).Allow complete chest recoil, and do not lean on the chest after compressions.Minimize interruptions in compressions to less than 10 seconds.Give effective breaths that make the chest rise and avoid excessive ventilation.
False If the victim has a hairy chest, the AED pads may stick to the hair and not to the skin on the chest. The rescuer should shave the area where he or she will place the pads by using the razor from the AED carrying case. If you have a second set of AED pads, you can use the first set to remove the hair. Apply the pads, press them down so they stick as much as possible, and quickly pull them off. Then apply the new second set of pads.
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