How is a student loan different from a scholarship?
  • A student loan must be paid back, but a scholarship is not paid back.
  • An hourly wage may result in lower pay.
  • NOT A federal loan is available for any student who meets the government's lending standards. A private loan is only available for students who show a need.
  • Students have taken out higher and higher loans since 1994.
What is one benefit or drawback to an hourly wage?
  • An hourly wage may result in lower pay.
  • A student loan must be paid back, but a scholarship is not paid back.
  • are members of a certain group.
  • should receive student-specific financial aid.
Which statement best explains a grant?
  • NOTA grant is aid given to a student by an institution.
  • NOT working at an outside job to help pay for school.
  • A student loan must be paid back, but a scholarship is not paid back.
  • An hourly wage may result in lower pay.
Student-specific scholarships are awarded to students who
  • A student loan must be paid back, but a scholarship is not paid back.
  • are members of a certain group.
  • should receive student-specific financial aid.
  • An hourly wage may result in lower pay.
How is a federal loan different from a private loan for an education?
  • many students might choose an alternative living situation over paying room and board at a four year institution.
  • Job B has a lower salary than job A, but the benefits make job B a more attractive pay package.
  • NOT A federal loan is available for any student who meets the government's lending standards. A private loan is only available for students who show a need.
  • A student loan must be paid back, but a scholarship is not paid back.
Work-study is a program that includes
  • should receive student-specific financial aid.
  • NOTA grant is aid given to a student by an institution.
  • A student loan must be paid back, but a scholarship is not paid back.
  • NOT working at an outside job to help pay for school.
This graph compares the cost of an education at different institutions in Texas.This graph demonstrates that
  • many students might choose an alternative living situation over paying room and board at a four year institution.
  • private universities can cost three times as much to attend as public universities.
  • four-year universities greatly varies.
  • jobs in San Francisco may have higher salaries to offset the cost of living.
At an educational institution, the cost of room and board includes
  • should receive student-specific financial aid.
  • are members of a certain group.
  • housing and meals.
  • An hourly wage may result in lower pay.
These lists provide information about two jobs.Which statement best compares the two jobs?
  • jobs in San Francisco may have higher salaries to offset the cost of living.
  • Students have taken out higher and higher loans since 1994.
  • Job B has a lower salary than job A, but the benefits make job B a more attractive pay package.
  • private universities can cost three times as much to attend as public universities.
Completing the FAFSA could help decide whether a student
  • An hourly wage may result in lower pay.
  • should receive student-specific financial aid.
  • NOT working at an outside job to help pay for school.
  • are members of a certain group.
This graph shows student loan debt in the United States from 1994 to 2009.What trend does the graph demonstrate?
  • Students have taken out higher and higher loans since 1994.
  • many students might choose an alternative living situation over paying room and board at a four year institution.
  • four-year universities greatly varies.
  • private universities can cost three times as much to attend as public universities.


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