Bradstreet's poem praises love between a husband and wife, while Wheatley's poem praises love for a king.
  • Which statement best describes one main idea of Of Plymouth Plantation?
  • Which sentence must be revised to eliminate a split infinitive?
  • Which best describes the conclusion of the Declaration of Independence?
  • Which statement best describes the thematic difference between "To My Dear Loving Husband" and "To the King's Most Excellent Majesty"?
The colonies are no longer loyal to Britain's tyrannical rule.
  • Which best describes the conclusion of the Declaration of Independence?
  • Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
  • Which statement best describes one main idea of Of Plymouth Plantation?
  • Which sentence must be revised to eliminate a split infinitive?
The journey to Cape Cod was long and difficult for the colonists.
  • Which best describes the conclusion of the Declaration of Independence?
  • Which sentence must be revised to eliminate a split infinitive?
  • Which statement best describes the thematic difference between "To My Dear Loving Husband" and "To the King's Most Excellent Majesty"?
  • Which statement best describes one main idea of Of Plymouth Plantation?
  • A writer sometimes chooses to end a sentence with a preposition because doing so makes the sentence more .
  • Read the excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."There will be no end to this exquisite horrible misery.In this excerpt, what does "exquisite" mean?
  • Which slogan best describes the overriding cultural belief expressed in the Declaration of Independence?
  • When a writer does not know who performed the action in a sentence, the writer can still write a grammatically correct sentence by
their, there
  • Read the statement.The government of England is subjecting the American colonists to laws that take away their unalienable rights.This statement is the Declaration of Independence's
  • Read the sentence.Trayvon, Julie, and Caleb who are members of the drama club, are auditioning for the school musical on Wednesday.Where should a comma be placed in this sentence?
  • Read the sentence.Kari and Misha, who have known each other since first grade are both yearbook editors and photographers.Where should a comma be placed in this sentence?
  • Fill in the blanks in order.Janelle and Marcus and _______ group went to the library to prepare for the presentation, but the specific book they needed wasn't _______.
fear about being sent to hell.
  • Throughout "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," Edwards uses imagery in an attempt to make readers feel
  • When a writer does not know who performed the action in a sentence, the writer can still write a grammatically correct sentence by
  • Which slogan best describes the overriding cultural belief expressed in the Declaration of Independence?
  • A writer sometimes chooses to end a sentence with a preposition because doing so makes the sentence more .
nonrestrictive modifiers
  • When a writer does not know who performed the action in a sentence, the writer can still write a grammatically correct sentence by
  • Which slogan best describes the overriding cultural belief expressed in the Declaration of Independence?
  • Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
  • Commas should always be placed around .
Our democratic-republican government is based on the idea of the natural right of every individual member thereof to . . . a vote in making and executing the laws.
  • Read the excerpt from "Votes for Women," a speech by Mark Twain from 1901.I should like to see the time come when women shall help to make the laws. I should like to see that whiplash, the ballot, in the hands of women.Which quotation correctly uses an ellipsis to shorten Twain's words without changing their meaning?
  • Read the excerpt from "Votes for Women," a speech by Mark Twain from 1901.As for this city's government, I don't want to say much, except that it is a shame - a shame; but if I should live twenty-five years longer - and there is no reason why I shouldn't - I think I'll see women handle the ballot.Which quotation correctly uses ellipsis to shorten Twain's words?
  • Read the excerpt from "The Gettysburg Address," Abraham Lincoln's famous speech.Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war.Which quotation correctly uses ellipsis to shorten Lincoln's words?
  • Read the excerpt from "On Women's Right to Vote," an 1873 speech by Susan B. Anthony.Our democratic-republican government is based on the idea of the natural right of every individual member thereof to a voice and a vote in making and executing the laws.Which quotation correctly uses ellipsis to shorten Anthony's words?
Malia noted, "My class traveled to Barcelona to study architecture."
  • Which sentence is written correctly?
  • Read the sentence.Noah who draws comic books in his free time wants to write a graphic novel.Which version of the sentence has correctly placed commas?
  • Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
  • Which sentence contains a correctly punctuated nonrestrictive modifier?
  • Read the excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."There will be no end to this exquisite horrible misery.In this excerpt, what does "exquisite" mean?
  • Read the statement.The government of England is subjecting the American colonists to laws that take away their unalienable rights.This statement is the Declaration of Independence's
  • Read the sentence.Trayvon, Julie, and Caleb who are members of the drama club, are auditioning for the school musical on Wednesday.Where should a comma be placed in this sentence?
  • Read the sentence.Kari and Misha, who have known each other since first grade are both yearbook editors and photographers.Where should a comma be placed in this sentence?
Ming and her sister, who is home from college for spring break, organized a bake sale to benefit the victims of the fire.
  • Read the sentence.Ming and her sister who is home from college for spring break organized a bake sale to benefit the victims of the fire.Which version of the sentence has correctly placed commas?
  • Which sentence contains a correctly punctuated nonrestrictive modifier?
  • Read the sentence.Derek Jeter notched his 3,000th hit for the New York Yankees when he was thirty-seven years old in 2011 at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx.Which is the best way to revise this complex sentence?
  • Read the sentence.Noah who draws comic books in his free time wants to write a graphic novel.Which version of the sentence has correctly placed commas?
In 2011, Derek Jeter notched his 3,000th hit for the New York Yankees at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. He was thirty-seven years old.
  • Read the sentence.Ming and her sister who is home from college for spring break organized a bake sale to benefit the victims of the fire.Which version of the sentence has correctly placed commas?
  • Which sentence contains a correctly punctuated nonrestrictive modifier?
  • Read the sentence.Noah who draws comic books in his free time wants to write a graphic novel.Which version of the sentence has correctly placed commas?
  • Read the sentence.Derek Jeter notched his 3,000th hit for the New York Yankees when he was thirty-seven years old in 2011 at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx.Which is the best way to revise this complex sentence?
who enjoys many different subjects
  • Read the sentence.Noah who draws comic books in his free time wants to write a graphic novel.Which version of the sentence has correctly placed commas?
  • Read the sentence.Marlena, who enjoys many different subjects, likes history and geography the best.Which part of the sentence is the nonrestrictive modifier?
  • Read the sentence.Ming and her sister who is home from college for spring break organized a bake sale to benefit the victims of the fire.Which version of the sentence has correctly placed commas?
  • Read the sentence.Derek Jeter notched his 3,000th hit for the New York Yankees when he was thirty-seven years old in 2011 at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx.Which is the best way to revise this complex sentence?
Government is necessary in any society to protect the rights of the citizens.
  • Based on the Declaration of Independence, which statement best describes the founding fathers' view on the role of government?
  • Which sentence contains a correctly punctuated nonrestrictive modifier?
  • Read the sentence.Noah who draws comic books in his free time wants to write a graphic novel.Which version of the sentence has correctly placed commas?
  • Read the sentence.Ming and her sister who is home from college for spring break organized a bake sale to benefit the victims of the fire.Which version of the sentence has correctly placed commas?
after "Caleb"
  • Read the statement.The government of England is subjecting the American colonists to laws that take away their unalienable rights.This statement is the Declaration of Independence's
  • Read the excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."There will be no end to this exquisite horrible misery.In this excerpt, what does "exquisite" mean?
  • Read the sentence.Kari and Misha, who have known each other since first grade are both yearbook editors and photographers.Where should a comma be placed in this sentence?
  • Read the sentence.Trayvon, Julie, and Caleb who are members of the drama club, are auditioning for the school musical on Wednesday.Where should a comma be placed in this sentence?
Zev exclaimed when he opened the door, "Welcome to my home."
  • Which sentence is written correctly?
  • Which sentence contains a correctly punctuated nonrestrictive modifier?
  • Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
  • Read the sentence.Noah who draws comic books in his free time wants to write a graphic novel.Which version of the sentence has correctly placed commas?
after "grade"
  • Read the excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."There will be no end to this exquisite horrible misery.In this excerpt, what does "exquisite" mean?
  • Read the sentence.Trayvon, Julie, and Caleb who are members of the drama club, are auditioning for the school musical on Wednesday.Where should a comma be placed in this sentence?
  • Read the sentence.Kari and Misha, who have known each other since first grade are both yearbook editors and photographers.Where should a comma be placed in this sentence?
  • Read the statement.The government of England is subjecting the American colonists to laws that take away their unalienable rights.This statement is the Declaration of Independence's
Emily loves to noisily and cheerfully make breakfast for her family each day.
  • Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
  • Which best describes the conclusion of the Declaration of Independence?
  • Which sentence must be revised to eliminate a split infinitive?
  • Which statement best describes one main idea of Of Plymouth Plantation?


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