North Atlantic Deep Water
  • Bottom-trawling.Involves dragging weighted nests across the ocean floor, catching fish that live in the benthic region.
  • 120 years. Wastewater treatment plants have been around since the late 1800s.
  • Is a specific type of thermohaline circulation that moves warmer surface water in the Gulf to the Atlantic and to Europe.
  • Tend to increase species diversity. Marine reserves have been documented to increase species diversity by 23% and in just 1-2 years after their establishment.
What type of farming has led to the destruction of mangroves?
  • Clarifier
  • Bar Screen. Bar screens are designed to remove large items from waste water as it enters the plant. This is the most likely place your cell phone will be found.
  • Shrimp Farming
  • Chlorine
What percentage of Earth's water is available for drinking and irrigation?
  • Chlorine
  • 2.5%
  • irrigation70% of our annual fresh water is used in agriculture in order to irrigate crops.
  • Clarifier
Maria wakes up in the morning and takes a shower, drinks a glass of water, washes her clothes in the laundry machine, and then goes to work. Which of the following describes Maria's water use appropriately?
  • Tend to increase species diversity. Marine reserves have been documented to increase species diversity by 23% and in just 1-2 years after their establishment.
  • Maria's water use is consumptive. When humans use water in a way that does not return the water to the environment without treatment, it is considered consumptive.
  • Bottom-trawling.Involves dragging weighted nests across the ocean floor, catching fish that live in the benthic region.
  • a loss of dissolved oxygen in the waterEutrophication occurs when excess nutrients cause a bloom of algal growth that then is decayed by bacteria, which use up all of the oxygen, creating anoxic conditions
Which of the following fishing methods would be most appropriate if a fisherman wants to catch benthic fish?
  • Biosolids, they contain valuable materials plants need.
  • cholera
  • Bottom-trawling.Involves dragging weighted nests across the ocean floor, catching fish that live in the benthic region.
  • a loss of dissolved oxygen in the waterEutrophication occurs when excess nutrients cause a bloom of algal growth that then is decayed by bacteria, which use up all of the oxygen, creating anoxic conditions
What is our primary consumptive (as opposed to nonconsumptive) use of water?
  • a loss of dissolved oxygen in the waterEutrophication occurs when excess nutrients cause a bloom of algal growth that then is decayed by bacteria, which use up all of the oxygen, creating anoxic conditions
  • 120 years. Wastewater treatment plants have been around since the late 1800s.
  • irrigation70% of our annual fresh water is used in agriculture in order to irrigate crops.
  • uppermost layer of the ocean called the photic zone
Ocean currents can affect climate. One major downwelling specifically responsible for keeping Europe warmer than it would otherwise be is known as ___.
  • Biosolids, they contain valuable materials plants need.
  • Bottom-trawling.Involves dragging weighted nests across the ocean floor, catching fish that live in the benthic region.
  • North Atlantic Deep Water
  • Non-point Sources
What does the Kanapaha Wastewater Treatment Facility use to disinfect the treated water?
  • Clarifier
  • cholera
  • a loss of dissolved oxygen in the waterEutrophication occurs when excess nutrients cause a bloom of algal growth that then is decayed by bacteria, which use up all of the oxygen, creating anoxic conditions
  • Chlorine
You accidentally flush your cell phone. Where will it most likely be found at a wastewater treatment facility?
  • Bottom-trawling.Involves dragging weighted nests across the ocean floor, catching fish that live in the benthic region.
  • Shrimp Farming
  • Maria's water use is consumptive. When humans use water in a way that does not return the water to the environment without treatment, it is considered consumptive.
  • Bar Screen. Bar screens are designed to remove large items from waste water as it enters the plant. This is the most likely place your cell phone will be found.
Which of the following products of a wastewater treatment facility is often put on farm fields as a fertilizer?
  • Bottom-trawling.Involves dragging weighted nests across the ocean floor, catching fish that live in the benthic region.
  • cholera
  • Biosolids, they contain valuable materials plants need.
  • uppermost layer of the ocean called the photic zone
If oil accumulates in a body of water in small amounts over time as a result of leaks from boats and runoff from land, then this oil pollution is from ___.
  • Non-point Sources
  • Chlorine
  • North Atlantic Deep Water
  • cholera
Which is true regarding marine reserves?
  • Tend to increase species diversity. Marine reserves have been documented to increase species diversity by 23% and in just 1-2 years after their establishment.
  • irrigation70% of our annual fresh water is used in agriculture in order to irrigate crops.
  • a loss of dissolved oxygen in the waterEutrophication occurs when excess nutrients cause a bloom of algal growth that then is decayed by bacteria, which use up all of the oxygen, creating anoxic conditions
  • Bottom-trawling.Involves dragging weighted nests across the ocean floor, catching fish that live in the benthic region.


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