The blood sample(s) from which of the following displayed polycythemia?
  • a healthy male living in Denver
  • a healthy female living in Denver a healthy male living in Denver
  • the alcohol wipe, the lancet, and the cholesterol strip
  • The shape of the red blood cells prevented them from settling.
Which of the following individuals had the highest hemoglobin level?
  • the female with iron-deficiency anemia
  • the female Olympic athlete
  • antigen and agglutinogen
  • The shape of the red blood cells prevented them from settling.
The oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is evaluated using
  • agglutination with anti-A antibodies
  • hematocrit and hemoglobin measurements
  • the individual suffering a myocardial infarction
  • a healthy male living in Denver
The hematocrit for the female with iron-deficiency anemia was
  • antigen and agglutinogen
  • a healthy male living in Denver
  • below normal
  • hematocrit and hemoglobin measurements
Which of the following would indicate a worsening of the disease?
  • the female with iron-deficiency anemia
  • the female Olympic athlete
  • increased ESR with rheumatoid arthritis
  • the individual suffering a myocardial infarction
In comparing the sedimentation rate for the individual with angina pectoris with that of the healthy individual, which of the following statements is true?
  • The shape of the red blood cells prevented them from settling.
  • the individual suffering a myocardial infarction
  • the female with iron-deficiency anemia
  • The sedimentation rates were the same for both individuals.
The blood sample from which of the following had the highest hematocrit?
  • a healthy male living in Denver
  • a healthy female living in Denver a healthy male living in Denver
  • hematocrit and hemoglobin measurements
  • the female with iron-deficiency anemia
Which of the samples are from patients that suffer from a condition in which insufficient oxygen is transported to the body's cells?
  • sickle cell anemia
  • antigen and agglutinogen
  • samples 5 and 6
  • the female Olympic athlete
Which sample did NOT settle at all in one hour?
  • the alcohol wipe, the lancet, and the cholesterol strip
  • the female with iron-deficiency anemia
  • the female Olympic athlete
  • the individual with sickle cell anemia
A person with A+ blood has
  • the alcohol wipe, the lancet, and the cholesterol strip
  • the individual suffering a myocardial infarction
  • an iron atom located on the heme portion of hemoglobin
  • the A antigen on the surface of the red blood cellsRh antigen on the surface of the red blood cellsanti-B antibodies
Which of the following terms can be used interchangeably?
  • the female Olympic athlete
  • antigen and agglutinogen
  • the individual suffering a myocardial infarction
  • increased ESR with rheumatoid arthritis
Blood type A- would give which of the following results?
  • increased ESR with rheumatoid arthritis
  • hematocrit and hemoglobin measurements
  • agglutination with anti-A antibodies
  • a healthy male living in Denver
The cholesterol determination is
  • antigen and agglutinogen
  • enzymatic and colorimetric
  • low levels of serotonin
  • hematocrit and hemoglobin measurements
A person with type O blood has
  • the A antigen on the surface of the red blood cellsRh antigen on the surface of the red blood cellsanti-B antibodies
  • neither A nor B agglutinogens
  • enzymatic and colorimetric
  • low levels of serotonin
Which of the following blood samples did NOT have a normal ratio of PCV to Hb?
  • the alcohol wipe, the lancet, and the cholesterol strip
  • Her hemoglobin level and her hematocrit were above normal.
  • the female with iron-deficiency anemia
  • the female Olympic athlete
Release of which of the following hormones results in higher levels of erythrocytes?
  • testosterone and erythropoietin
  • the female with iron-deficiency anemia
  • a healthy male living in Denver
  • the female Olympic athlete
Erythrocyte sedimentation relies upon
  • A+O+
  • antigen and agglutinogen
  • gravity
  • low levels of serotonin
Recall that the normal range for the hematocrit for a female is 37 - 47%, and the normal range for the hemoglobin level for a female is 12 - 16 g/100 ml. Describe hemoglobin and hematocrit values for the female with iron-deficiency anemia.
  • The sedimentation rates were the same for both individuals.
  • Her hemoglobin level and her hematocrit were above normal.
  • The hemoglobin was below normal, and the hematocrit was normal.
  • The shape of the red blood cells prevented them from settling.
Which of the following had the fastest sedimentation rate?
  • The shape of the red blood cells prevented them from settling.
  • the female with iron-deficiency anemia
  • the individual suffering a myocardial infarction
  • the individual with sickle cell anemia
Oxygen is attached to
  • agglutination with anti-A antibodies
  • an iron atom located on the heme portion of hemoglobin
  • has oxygen attached to the iron atom
  • the individual suffering a myocardial infarction
Which of the following explains the result for the individual with sickle cell anemia?
  • The shape of the red blood cells prevented them from settling.
  • the alcohol wipe, the lancet, and the cholesterol strip
  • the female with iron-deficiency anemia
  • the female Olympic athlete
With respect to ABO and Rh blood groups, there are __________ different blood types.
  • A+O+
  • 4
  • sickle cell anemia
  • 8
Each hemoglobin molecule can carry ______________ oxygen molecule(s).
  • 8
  • 4
  • A+O+
  • AB
Which blood sample contained the universal recipient?
  • AB
  • a healthy male living in Denver
  • a healthy female living in Denver a healthy male living in Denver
  • A+O+
Which of the following describes the blood sample for the female Olympic athlete?
  • The shape of the red blood cells prevented them from settling.
  • Her hemoglobin level and her hematocrit were above normal.
  • the alcohol wipe, the lancet, and the cholesterol strip
  • the female with iron-deficiency anemia


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