Grains, seeds, nuts and root vegetables are examples of _________ carbohydrates and they take a __________ amount of time to break down, allowing one to feel full longer.
  • one handful
  • Carbohydrates
  • Complex....longer
  • Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Nutritional information in the "As Packaged" column is just that: it's a measure of the raw components in a box or processed item. However, on packages with both columns, it's usually not recommended or expected to consume without additional preparation. "As Prepared" takes into account other components that need to be added to the package in order to make it. An example of this could be a cake mix: cake usually requires eggs, butter, or milk in addition to the cake mix. The "As Prepared" column attempts to take these added nutritional sources into account. Simply, "As Packaged" refers to how the nutritional content of the food marketed, and "As Prepared" refers to the nutritional content of the food when it's ready for consumption.
A person's metabolism remains constant throughout life.
  • True
  • False
Where are the macronutrients located on a nutritional label?
  • Breast milk
  • fatty acids
  • Carbohydrates
  • on the top


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