10% of americas african americans
  • How many blacks lived north until 1910
  • De Jure Segregation
  • What was Plessy vs. Ferguson
  • Who is W.E.B. DuBois
a case that was brought to supreme court by black lawsuits to challenge the legality of segregation. The court ruled that segregation was legal as long as it was "equal"
  • Why were white northeners angry
  • What were pull factors
  • What was Plessy vs. Ferguson
  • Who is W.E.B. DuBois
labor organizations which blacks couldn't be a part of because of racism
  • What were the push factors
  • What is the Great Migration
  • How did the Great Migration end
  • What got the whites jobs again
segregation that is imposed by law (south)
  • Disenfranchised
  • What is the Great Migration
  • De Facto Segregation
  • De Jure Segregation
the black historian who founded NAACP and editor of NAACP magazine, the crisis. he protested against segregation.
  • How many blacks lived north until 1910
  • What is the Great Migration
  • Who is W.E.B. DuBois
  • What was Plessy vs. Ferguson
the Penn. rail road company. they inspired the black men to go north.
  • What was the average of men that went north in between 1916-1918
  • What is the Great Migration
  • What was one of the first companies that attracted southern black men
  • How did the boll weevil contribute
the song jump jim crow that was sung in minstrel shows throughout America startingit came from a man whose slave is the subject of the show in 1850
  • Where does "Jim Crow" come from
  • How did the boll weevil contribute
  • How were migrants treated North
  • Why were white northeners angry
mining, clothing factories, and steel mills
  • What was the average of men that went north in between 1916-1918
  • What were the common jobs of the foreign born
  • What were the push factors
  • What is the name of the most famous black newspaper
many african americans were eager to work for low wages because it was still better then south wages. this made white people angry because they were being undercut.
  • Why were white northeners angry
  • How were migrants treated North
  • Where does "Jim Crow" come from
  • How did the Great Migration end
because of wwi there were less factory workers north, labor agents offered train tickets to strong men, black newspapers showed wages in north, success stories about migrants, and letters from family with $ in them, and migration clubs
  • Why were white northeners angry
  • What were pull factors
  • What were the push factors
  • How were migrants treated North
Great depression, blacks were being laid off, later when WWII came they would come back to the factories.
  • How did the boll weevil contribute
  • How did the Great Migration end
  • What got the whites jobs again
  • What is the Great Migration
  • What was one of the first companies that attracted southern black men
  • What fraction of the AA population moved north during GM
  • What was the average of men that went north in between 1916-1918
  • What is the name of the most famous black newspaper
because there was now low wages and deteriorating factory conditions. the african americans were taking all the jobs so many were now un employed.
  • How were migrants treated North
  • What were pull factors
  • Why were white northeners angry
  • What were the push factors
deprived of the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote (south) unlike north who can vote
  • De Facto Segregation
  • Disenfranchised
  • Why were white northeners angry
  • What were pull factors
400,000 men 500 a day
  • What is the name of the most famous black newspaper
  • What was the average of men that went north in between 1916-1918
  • What were the common jobs of the foreign born
  • What was one of the first companies that attracted southern black men
  • What were the common jobs of the foreign born
  • What fraction of the AA population moved north during GM
  • What year did the Great Migration begin
  • What were the push factors


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