to produce goods more efficiently than other countries
  • The United States is said to have an absolute advantage in producing food compared with Japan. What does that mean?
  • What role does competition play in international trade?
  • Which situation might cause a country to specialize?
  • Why would a country want to establish absolute advantage?
The world is becoming more globalized and connected.
  • Which is the best example of opportunity cost?
  • Which statement best describes how globalization is affecting the world?
  • Which is the best example of a country that is dependent on other countries?
  • Which situation might cause a country to specialize?
Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Which situation might cause a country to specialize?
  • Which is the best example of opportunity cost?
  • Which region specializes in diamonds?
  • In regard to trade, the United States
if John mowed the lawn and Dan cleaned their room
  • It takes brothers John and Dan the same amount of time each to clean the room they share, but John can mow the lawn faster than Dan. Which action would give them a comparative advantage?
  • The United States is said to have an absolute advantage in producing food compared with Japan. What does that mean?
  • Which is the best example of a country that is dependent on other countries?
  • Which is an example of a country that is overly dependent on another country for critical goods and services?
a country that imports all its oil
  • How does international trade best benefit specialization?
  • Which is an example of a country that is overly dependent on another country for critical goods and services?
  • Which is the best example of opportunity cost?
  • Which is the best example of a country that is dependent on other countries?
because it does not produce enough oil
  • What role does competition play in international trade?
  • Which is the best example of a country that is dependent on other countries?
  • Which is the best example of opportunity cost?
  • Why does the US import oil?
  • Which statement best describes how globalization is affecting the world?
  • The Middle East is best associated with which internationally traded product?
  • A company in Maine sends lobsters to France. What is this an example of?
  • Which is the best example of a country that is dependent on other countries?
NOT A country that chooses to invest in manufacturing and agriculture.
  • How does international trade best benefit specialization?
  • Which is the best example of opportunity cost?
  • Which situation might cause a country to specialize?
  • Which is the best example of a country that is dependent on other countries?
wheat production in a region with fertile soil
  • Which is the best example of opportunity cost?
  • Why would a country want to establish absolute advantage?
  • Which situation might cause a country to specialize?
  • Which statement best describes how globalization is affecting the world?
It produces food more efficiently than Japan.
  • The United States is said to have an absolute advantage in producing food compared with Japan. What does that mean?
  • A country that makes a product more inexpensively and efficiently than another country has
  • Why would a country want to establish absolute advantage?
  • Which is an example of a country that is overly dependent on another country for critical goods and services?
an absolute advantage.
  • A country that makes a product more inexpensively and efficiently than another country has
  • A company in Maine sends lobsters to France. What is this an example of?
  • Which is the best example of a country that is dependent on other countries?
  • The United States is said to have an absolute advantage in producing food compared with Japan. What does that mean?
  • A company in Maine sends lobsters to France. What is this an example of?
  • A country that makes a product more inexpensively and efficiently than another country has
  • The Middle East is best associated with which internationally traded product?
  • Which statement best describes how globalization is affecting the world?


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