A person's energy efficiency can be partially determined by heredity.
  • T
  • power
  • F
  • A blow to the head can result in a serious, but not obvious, injury.
Sandra is working hard to gain some strength for spring track. She has not done much this winter, so she has decided she will do bench presses and curls on Monday, stomach and back exercises on Wednesday, and squats and leg lifts on Friday. She has decided she will do three sets of 10 for each exercise. What change should Sandra get to make the most of her workout and meet her goals?
  • tough strong tissues that provide energy to perform physical activities
  • Sandra should give her workout more variety by either altering the exercises, intensity, or volume of work.
  • Muscular endurance describes the ability of muscles to contract repeatedly and is related to muscle strength.
  • A blow to the head can result in a serious, but not obvious, injury.
Which of the following BEST defines muscles?
  • power
  • Veins cannot prevent the backflow of blood.
  • tough strong tissues that provide energy to perform physical activities
  • Muscular endurance describes the ability of muscles to contract repeatedly and is related to muscle strength.
Consulting a doctor, choosing the correct clothes, and using appropriate protective equipment are all important steps in beginning an exercise program.
  • T
  • A blow to the head can result in a serious, but not obvious, injury.
  • F
  • power
Physiological age is the number of years a person has been alive.
  • power
  • A blow to the head can result in a serious, but not obvious, injury.
  • F
  • T
Managing body composition is important for good health because too much fat or too little fat negatively affects how the body functions.
  • F
  • power
  • too many to count
  • T
When exercising or engaging in physical activity, it's important to realize that your personal decisions have little effect on your safety.
  • F
  • T
  • power
  • too many to count
How many exercises encompass stretching in the human body?
  • Veins cannot prevent the backflow of blood.
  • too many to count
  • power
  • A blow to the head can result in a serious, but not obvious, injury.
There are only two or three team sports that affect all the dimensions of health.
  • T
  • F
  • power
  • Muscular endurance describes the ability of muscles to contract repeatedly and is related to muscle strength.
Buying a new house can increase one's stress level.
  • T
  • Veins cannot prevent the backflow of blood.
  • F
  • power
Making good lifestyle choices will result in a healthier life.
  • F
  • power
  • T
  • too many to count
Which of the following statements BEST describes muscular endurance?
  • Veins cannot prevent the backflow of blood.
  • power
  • tough strong tissues that provide energy to perform physical activities
  • Muscular endurance describes the ability of muscles to contract repeatedly and is related to muscle strength.
Which of the following BEST describes varicose veins?
  • power
  • Muscular endurance describes the ability of muscles to contract repeatedly and is related to muscle strength.
  • Veins cannot prevent the backflow of blood.
  • tough strong tissues that provide energy to perform physical activities
Rapidly increasing the intensity of workouts is the core principle of overload.
  • F
  • too many to count
  • T
  • power
There is a wide variety of positions in the health and wellness profession to meet different interests of many types of people.
  • T
  • A blow to the head can result in a serious, but not obvious, injury.
  • power
  • F
Those with health conditions should consult health professionals to determine which sports and exercise programs will best meet their needs.
  • T
  • too many to count
  • power
  • F
Why should an athlete see a doctor after taking a blow to the head?
  • A blow to the head can result in a serious, but not obvious, injury.
  • Veins cannot prevent the backflow of blood.
  • Muscular endurance describes the ability of muscles to contract repeatedly and is related to muscle strength.
  • tough strong tissues that provide energy to perform physical activities
It is nearly impossible to succeed in sports without strategies and techniques to improve skills.
  • A blow to the head can result in a serious, but not obvious, injury.
  • T
  • power
  • F


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