Cost is a major factor for consumers when purchasing health products.
  • True
  • False
Identify three of the key messages used by advertisers when promoting their products.
  • The ease with which information can be published to the Internet makes it possible for anyone to publish incorrect information to the world. As more and more online sources of medical information emerge, it becomes more difficult to discern which are credible.
  • Three key messages often used are: 1. "Everyone is doing it"; 2. "It's fun to use our products"; 3. "You will be successful if you use our products."
  • athletes
  • The first step is to figure out the message the advertisement is sending. Secondly, you should decide what the commercial is trying to sell. Next, you should make a decision about how this message affects you. Finally, decide if you will act on the advertisement or not.
Support the argument that the increased accessibility to health information is a positive development.
  • The first step is to figure out the message the advertisement is sending. Secondly, you should decide what the commercial is trying to sell. Next, you should make a decision about how this message affects you. Finally, decide if you will act on the advertisement or not.
  • Three key messages often used are: 1. "Everyone is doing it"; 2. "It's fun to use our products"; 3. "You will be successful if you use our products."
  • Before the Information Age, there were only a few places to get medical information. Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists held the keys to all medical knowledge. Now, all people with Internet access have the ability to gather medical information and make informed decisions on their treatment and care.
  • The ease with which information can be published to the Internet makes it possible for anyone to publish incorrect information to the world. As more and more online sources of medical information emerge, it becomes more difficult to discern which are credible.
Discuss the growing concerns over credibility of online medical resources.
  • The ease with which information can be published to the Internet makes it possible for anyone to publish incorrect information to the world. As more and more online sources of medical information emerge, it becomes more difficult to discern which are credible.
  • The first step is to figure out the message the advertisement is sending. Secondly, you should decide what the commercial is trying to sell. Next, you should make a decision about how this message affects you. Finally, decide if you will act on the advertisement or not.
  • Before the Information Age, there were only a few places to get medical information. Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists held the keys to all medical knowledge. Now, all people with Internet access have the ability to gather medical information and make informed decisions on their treatment and care.
  • Three key messages often used are: 1. "Everyone is doing it"; 2. "It's fun to use our products"; 3. "You will be successful if you use our products."
What information do you need to share with your doctor to avoid a possible bad reaction to medication?
  • The first step is to figure out the message the advertisement is sending. Secondly, you should decide what the commercial is trying to sell. Next, you should make a decision about how this message affects you. Finally, decide if you will act on the advertisement or not.
  • A doctor needs to know whether any other medications are being taken by the patient or if the patient is planning on taking any other medications in the near future. The doctor also needs to know whether the the patient has experienced any allergies to previous medications or even to types of food.
  • Before the Information Age, there were only a few places to get medical information. Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists held the keys to all medical knowledge. Now, all people with Internet access have the ability to gather medical information and make informed decisions on their treatment and care.
  • The ease with which information can be published to the Internet makes it possible for anyone to publish incorrect information to the world. As more and more online sources of medical information emerge, it becomes more difficult to discern which are credible.
Most fast-food advertisements focus on the high levels of salt and fat contained in the food.
  • True
  • False


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