A compound contains hydroxyl groups as its predominant functional group. Therefore, this compound _____.
  • 2 moles carbon, 5 moles hydrogen, 1 mole nitrogen, and 2 moles oxygen
  • the chemical versatility of carbon atoms
  • should form hydrogen bonds with water
  • the presence or absence of functional groupsFunctional groups are the most common participants in chemical reactions.
  • Which of these groups is characteristic of thiols?
  • Which of these is a hydroxyl group?
  • Which of these is a carboxyl group?
  • Which of these is a carbonyl group?
What is the maximum number of moles of methionine that could be made in the flask if no other molecules were made?
  • 1 mole of glycineAll of the carbon and nitrogen will be used up to make 1 mole of glycine, leaving some hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur in the reaction flask.
  • 2/5 (0.4) of a mole of methionineEach mole of methionine requires 5 moles of carbon, but only 2 moles of carbon are present in the flask, so only 2/5 mole could be made.
  • 2/3 (0.67) of a mole of serineEach mole of serine requires 3 moles of carbon, but only 2 moles of carbon are present in the flask, so only 2/3 mole could be made.
  • They differ in their spatial arrangement around inflexible double bonds.Cis-trans isomers maintain the same covalent partnerships, but the atoms may be arranged differently.
What functional group is commonly used in cells to transfer energy from one organic molecule to another?
  • phosphateThe addition and release of phosphate groups to and from ADP and ATP is how cells store chemical energy and expend it to accomplish work.
  • 2/5 (0.4) of a mole of methionineEach mole of methionine requires 5 moles of carbon, but only 2 moles of carbon are present in the flask, so only 2/5 mole could be made.
  • carboxylThe carboxyl group can release a hydrogen ion when in solution.
  • 1 mole of glycineAll of the carbon and nitrogen will be used up to make 1 mole of glycine, leaving some hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur in the reaction flask.
What kind of effect does R-dopa have on Parkinson's disease?
  • None
  • hydrogen
  • isomers
  • carbon
e (thiols are characterized by the presence of a sulfhydryl group)
  • Which of these groups plays a major role in energy transfer?
  • Which of these is a carbonyl group?
  • Which of these groups is characteristic of thiols?
  • Which of these functional groups is characteristic of alcohol?
Cis-trans isomers (geometric isomers) are molecules that _____.
  • 1.8 × 10^-3 mole of methionine per mole of glycine
  • the presence or absence of functional groupsFunctional groups are the most common participants in chemical reactions.
  • 2 moles carbon, 5 moles hydrogen, 1 mole nitrogen, and 2 moles oxygen
  • differ in the arrangement of their atoms about a double bond
If there is 1.0 mole of glycine present in the sample, how many more molecules of alanine are present?
  • 2/5 (0.4) of a mole of methionineEach mole of methionine requires 5 moles of carbon, but only 2 moles of carbon are present in the flask, so only 2/5 mole could be made.
  • 2/3 (0.67) of a mole of serineEach mole of serine requires 3 moles of carbon, but only 2 moles of carbon are present in the flask, so only 2/3 mole could be made.
  • carbonMethionine requires 5 carbons for each nitrogen and each sulfur, but the flask only contains 2 carbons for each nitrogen and sulfur. Therefore, the carbon atoms would be used up first.
  • 6.02 x 10^22The molar ratio of alanine to glycine is 1.1. Therefore, there is 0.1 mole more alanine present in the sample. The number of molecules more = (0.1 mol) (6.02 × 1023 molecules/mol).
How many molecules of glycine are present in 1.0 mole of glycine?
  • the chemical versatility of carbon atoms
  • 1.8 × 10^-3 mole of methionine per mole of glycine
  • 6.02 × 10^23 molecules
  • 1.08 × 10^21 molecules of methionineYou can find the number of methionine molecules per mole of glycine by multiplying the molar ratio by Avogadro's number: (1.8 × 10-3 moles) (6.02 × 1023 molecules/mole) = 1.08 × 1021 molecules of methionine.
What is the maximum number of moles of glycine (C2H5NO2) that could be made in the flask if no other molecules were made?
  • methionineMethionine is the only amino acid listed that contains a sulfur atom. It could not have been produced in the earlier experiment because H2S was not added in the earlier experiment.
  • 1.8 × 10^-3 mole of methionine per mole of glycine
  • 1 mole of glycineAll of the carbon and nitrogen will be used up to make 1 mole of glycine, leaving some hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur in the reaction flask.
  • They differ in their spatial arrangement around inflexible double bonds.Cis-trans isomers maintain the same covalent partnerships, but the atoms may be arranged differently.
L-dopa is used to treat _____.
  • isomers
  • Parkinson's disease
  • 6.02 × 10^23 molecules
  • mirror images
a (NH2)
  • This pair of molecules are _____.
  • Which one of these is an amino group?
  • Which of these is a carbonyl group?
  • Which one of these is an phosphate group?
The element present in all organic molecules is _____.
  • carbon
  • mirror images
  • None
  • hydrogen
Variations in the reactive properties of different organic molecules are most closely associated with _____.
  • the presence or absence of functional groupsFunctional groups are the most common participants in chemical reactions.
  • 2/5 (0.4) of a mole of methionineEach mole of methionine requires 5 moles of carbon, but only 2 moles of carbon are present in the flask, so only 2/5 mole could be made.
  • 2/3 (0.67) of a mole of serineEach mole of serine requires 3 moles of carbon, but only 2 moles of carbon are present in the flask, so only 2/3 mole could be made.
  • alanineYou know that alanine was present in higher amounts then glycine because its molar ratio is greater than 1.
Which amino acid is present in higher amounts than glycine in the samples?
  • alanineYou know that alanine was present in higher amounts then glycine because its molar ratio is greater than 1.
  • carbonSerine requires 3 carbons for each nitrogen, but the flask only contains 2 carbons for each nitrogen. Therefore, the carbon would be used up first.
  • They differ in their spatial arrangement around inflexible double bonds.Cis-trans isomers maintain the same covalent partnerships, but the atoms may be arranged differently.
  • the presence or absence of functional groupsFunctional groups are the most common participants in chemical reactions.
Most organic compounds contain carbon and _____.
  • isomers
  • None
  • hydrogen
  • mirror images
Molecules that have the same chemical formula (same numbers of each atom) but different three-dimensional shapes are called _____.
  • Parkinson's disease
  • hydrogen
  • isomers
  • carbon
Citric acid makes lemons taste sour. Which of the following is a functional group that would cause a molecule such as citric acid to be acidic?
  • differ in the arrangement of their atoms about a double bond
  • hydrogen- 120carbon- 2oxygen- 58nitrogen- 1sulfur- 1
  • 2 moles carbon, 5 moles hydrogen, 1 mole nitrogen, and 2 moles oxygen
  • carboxylThe carboxyl group can release a hydrogen ion when in solution.
If only methionine (C5H11NO2S) was made, which element would be used up first?
  • carbonMethionine requires 5 carbons for each nitrogen and each sulfur, but the flask only contains 2 carbons for each nitrogen and sulfur. Therefore, the carbon atoms would be used up first.
  • 1.08 × 10^21 molecules of methionineYou can find the number of methionine molecules per mole of glycine by multiplying the molar ratio by Avogadro's number: (1.8 × 10-3 moles) (6.02 × 1023 molecules/mole) = 1.08 × 1021 molecules of methionine.
  • 2/5 (0.4) of a mole of methionineEach mole of methionine requires 5 moles of carbon, but only 2 moles of carbon are present in the flask, so only 2/5 mole could be made.
  • They differ in their spatial arrangement around inflexible double bonds.Cis-trans isomers maintain the same covalent partnerships, but the atoms may be arranged differently.
a (the electronegativity of nitrogen means that amino groups tend to pick up hydrogen ions)
  • Which of these groups plays a major role in energy transfer?
  • Which of these groups is characteristic of thiols?
  • Which of the functional groups behaves as a base?
  • Which of these functional groups is characteristic of alcohol?
Enantiomers are molecules that _____.
  • carbon
  • hydrogen
  • mirror images
  • Parkinson's disease
f (by donating hydrogen ions, carboxyl groups act as an acid)
  • Which of these groups plays a major role in energy transfer?
  • Which of these groups is characteristic of thiols?
  • Which of functional groups listed below behaves as an acid?
  • Which of the functional groups behaves as a base?
Glycine's molecular formula is C2H5NOHow many moles of each element would be needed to make 1.0 mole of glycine?
  • 1 mole of glycineAll of the carbon and nitrogen will be used up to make 1 mole of glycine, leaving some hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur in the reaction flask.
  • hydrogen- 120carbon- 2oxygen- 58nitrogen- 1sulfur- 1
  • 2 moles carbon, 5 moles hydrogen, 1 mole nitrogen, and 2 moles oxygen
  • differ in the arrangement of their atoms about a double bond
Which of the following best describes cis-trans isomers?
  • 2/5 (0.4) of a mole of methionineEach mole of methionine requires 5 moles of carbon, but only 2 moles of carbon are present in the flask, so only 2/5 mole could be made.
  • methionineMethionine is the only amino acid listed that contains a sulfur atom. It could not have been produced in the earlier experiment because H2S was not added in the earlier experiment.
  • They differ in their spatial arrangement around inflexible double bonds.Cis-trans isomers maintain the same covalent partnerships, but the atoms may be arranged differently.
  • 2/3 (0.67) of a mole of serineEach mole of serine requires 3 moles of carbon, but only 2 moles of carbon are present in the flask, so only 2/3 mole could be made.
d (hydroxyl groups)
  • Which of these functional groups is characteristic of alcohol?
  • Which of functional groups listed below behaves as an acid?
  • Which of these groups is characteristic of thiols?
  • Which of these groups plays a major role in energy transfer?
What is the molar ratio of methionine to glycine in the samples?
  • 1.08 × 10^21 molecules of methionineYou can find the number of methionine molecules per mole of glycine by multiplying the molar ratio by Avogadro's number: (1.8 × 10-3 moles) (6.02 × 1023 molecules/mole) = 1.08 × 1021 molecules of methionine.
  • 1 mole of glycineAll of the carbon and nitrogen will be used up to make 1 mole of glycine, leaving some hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur in the reaction flask.
  • 1.8 × 10^-3 mole of methionine per mole of glycine
  • 6.02 × 10^23 molecules


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